Dont mind if I do!

Terrance was still a little shameless with his selection. There was a giant black SUV in the showroom. The hood was angular as were the body lines. The wheels were large and also polished black. The windows were tinted out. The triangular emblem of a raging bull was on the hood. He opened the driver door, sat in the hand stitched quilted leather bucket seats, wrapped his hands around the lamb skin with ebony wood inlay steering wheel. With a large grin he yelled out "I got dis one!".

Rudy simply nodded and a salesmen ran off to grab the keys and paperwork. Trent was still holding the phone showing everything going on. He had noticed the numbers on the stream. What he did not know yet, was that having had two explosively viral streams back to back had caught some major attention with the streaming services.

This was some drama for later though.

Trent looked at Akane and smiled "You pick one too" he says and then pats her head on the stream. Akane blushed and shook her head. "I cant, I am not old enough to drive yet.... I do not even have my learners Master...."

This one comment also started another fire that would quickly approach. But we will also save that for later.

Rudy chuckled, "That is still fine miss, you can still pick one and we will have it delivered to your home, and you can save it for when you can drive"

Trent was taken a back. He looked at Rudy, and his opinion of this distinguished looking old man went up a few more notches. From the very moment this man had swooped in on his helicopter, he had taken Trents back without even knowing he really was a broke person who just happened to get lucky.

Akane however was not good at making choices. Seeing as she could pick any car, and she was still a young girl, the glint of pink paint in the distance caught her eye. She tugged on Trents sleeve, he leaned down and she whispered into his ear. Trent looked up, stood on his tip toes, and looked toward the pink glint in the distance. As there was only one, Trent pointed for her and said "She wants the pink one"

Rudy looked, Nodded, and then pointed and another salesman ran off to handle everything.

Trent smiled and was about to turn around when Rudy stopped him "You must also pick another car!" Trent blinked a bit. "Really?" he asked. Rudy simply nodded and replied. "I did say all of you"

Trent was shocked, There was already more cars than they had drivers. "There are already more than I can drive home" he says and Rudy simply shakes his head "Dont worry about it, I will have them all delivered to your house by truck if I have to!"

His sincerity was something else. Trent had an idea how he had been able to create such a large business now. "Well if you insist! Dont mind if I do!" he says and then looks around the lot. However he was looking for a very specific car, he had seen it an ad for this dealer featuring it before. He grins seeing a car inside a glass box in the back of the dealership. "Any car in the dealership?" he asks to confirm. He was planning to be a bit shameless himself.

"ANY car" Rudy says and then glares at Derrick, anything they lost, he would make Derrick pay for.

Trent smiled and then pointed "I want that one" he says and points. He holds the phone up showing the car more fully inside the the glass case. It was a bright red, almost candy colored. There were two white stripes that started at the tip of the angular nose, and traveled back over the hood, and then the roof, towards the angled bonnet in the rear.The doors were open, raising from the corners like wings. The small emblem of a prancing horse in a yellow rectangle could be seen on the hood, and the words "FXX" in bright white letters going down the side.

Rudy saw the car, his breath caught, and his mood dimmed. But he did not hesitate. "Go bring it out at once!" he commands another salesman who promptly runs off. Rudy looked sad, but he did not voice a single bit of complaint. This car was a very special car, it was a limited version of a limited edition made specifically for racing on the track. He had pulled a lot of strings for the manufacturer to even allow him to display his own car at this dealership, as they are supposed to be kept in the stable at the manufacturing plant in Italy.

The salesman soon returned with a full keychain, and began unlocking the locks holding the class case sealed. Seventeen locks were undone, each with its own key.

Finally the front glass doors were swung open. He walked inside and went to climb into the drivers seat. Rudy shouted out "Wait".

Trent thought, "ahhh, he probably cant let this beauty go, he will more than likely ask me to chose something else. I do not blame him, I was being a bit greedy"

Rudy then said turning to Trent "if you chose this car, you know what it is, You should be the one to drive it out."

Trent looked at Rudy again, His opinion pretty rock solid of his firm nature, and then at Derrick, who was deeply rooted in his mind as a complete shit and worthless piece of human garbage. "May I ask you a couple of questions Sir?"

Rudy nodded "Shoot" he says in response.

"First, are you Sure? I am really going to leave with it....." He would give him every opportunity to change his mind. He was ok if he did not get this car, It was a pipe dream for Trent to ever think about owning one of these before.

Rudy nodded, without saying a word.

"Second, How did you, produce that....." Trent said motioning at Derrick.

Rudy seemed to understand immediately what he was saying. "He takes after his mother" and then frowned again. Derrick was from Rudys very first marriage. From when He was young, dumb, and full of spunk. He married a hot girl and had a kid. He had made a little bit of money selling cars, which she promptly took in the divorce.

Trent got the idea, and made sure to not marry the first hot girl to show interest in him. He then looked over at Akane, and smiled to himself, thinking "With my history, I do not think I will ever find a normal girl again...." He walked toward Akane and smiled at her, which she blushed as the attitude of his smile seemed a bit more soft and contemplative. He handed her the phone, keeping the stream going and Then he leaned in and whispered into her ear "When I drive the car out, say good bye to the stream, wave, and then end the stream when I say so, ok?".

Akane nods at him. She takes the phone smiling as she shows him back in the frame again, and then follows him as he walks toward the giant glass case.

When the audience can finally see the full profile of the car, they loose their shit, most of them commenting how this must be staged.

Trent walks into the giant glass room, and walks over to the drivers door. The salesman holds out the key to him and says politely "Your key Sir".

To remind you, Trent is wearing faded jeans, with torn holes in them, an old stained polo. His hair was messy, and his face had stubble on it. And here he was, taking the keys to this immaculate, fine Italian automobile.

He received the keys and smiled. He grabbed the edge of the door, lowering himself down into the interior. He looked around the interior seeing the carbon fiber inside with roll bars galore and a very simplistic cockpit design. He grinned shoehorning himself into the car. He placed the fob into the key slot, and then he went through the starting procedures. He flipped the switches one at a time, main power, main fuel, main ecu, fire suppression, engine spark, Ignition.

When the ignition button was pressed, the sound of twelve beautiful high revving high output cylinders sprang to life. A symphony of noise echoed off the inside of the glass room.

Trent was grinning from ear to ear. He pressed the accelerator a couple of times letting the engine scream. He pulled the door closed, and opened the small air vent. He pushed the car from neutral to gear one with the paddle shifters on the column and with a light tap of the gas the car began to move forward.

The low hum of the engine rumbled across the dealership as Trent pulled forward releasing it from its glass confines and pulled up next to Akane. He smiled out at her through the open door "Get in" He says.

When the stream saw the FXX pull up, it went nuts. Akane then turned the camera to herself and smiled waving "Thank you all for tuning in on this experience, have a wonderful evening masters. " and then climbed into the car with the phone. When she was seated in place she held the camera out and both her and Trent waved to it before she stopped the stream.