Time to count the winnings.

The salesmen all opened a path through the dealership for the red hypercar. Trent stopped just in front of Rudy and opened the door back up for a breif chat.

"Thank you very much Sir, Are you sure this is all ok?" Trent asked, giving him a last chance to save this beautiful machine for himself. Trent would not blame him one bit. There were very very few of these even on the planet, let alone in private hands. We were talking a vehicle worth millions here. Not just anyone could hand away five million dollars with a straight face.

Rudy nodded "I consider it my penance for raising and spawning such a worthless son....We have both learned our lesson today" His anger seething through his gaze as he turned towards Derrick, Derrick shivered, not daring to still get off the floor or lift his head. "Also I will need your address to have the remaining vehicles delivered too. Also my name is Rudolph Johnson Rearden, But you can call me Rudy" he smiled to Trent offering out his hand into the door.

"Trent Ferris" he said honestly, and then OHed as if remembering "You will need my address wont you? one moment" he says and then reaches into his pockets looking for the letter. When he finally finds it and pulls it out he begins to read the address to Rudy.

Rudy looked at him a little quizzically. "New address?" he asks honestly.

Trent responded honestly "It was given to me this morning....."

Rudy was a little taken aback, He had been given this address, which Rudy was actually aware of, and had been there before. He looked at Trent a little closer "You said Ferris?" he asked again to be sure.

Trent responded in kind "Yes I did, My uncle left it to me this morning after dieing...." he did not have any feelings for the man, so he did not show any towards him to others.

"I see, so you are old man ferris nephew. That makes me feel worse about the situation, but better about giving you the cars. But I now need to get back to other matters. I hope to chat again. " He then shook hands with Trent one more time, before walking back towards the helicopter.

He looked down at Derrick, "Oh and you are fired, now get in the chopper, you are coming with me"

Derrick meekly nodded , finally climbing to his feet and boarding the helicopter. It soon took off.

Trent whistled seeing him leave "Now that is an exit" he says, and closes the door and pulls out of the dealership completely. Terrance was in the SUV pulling out behind him.

His stomach growled again.

They decided to stop and grab some food on the way home. After eating and chatting a bit they finally made it back to Trents new property. Parked in the front were the other two cars. Trent smiled seeing them as he pulled up in the FXX.

The gate was open, and He with Akane, and Terrance pulled in and parked. Getting Out He walked back inside with Akane in tow.

Terrance got out and whistled looking at this place "Yo bruh, this place is kind of phat, but ummm..... kind og ghetto tooo..." he says as a shingle literally falls off the roof and smashes on the ground while he was talking. Trent looks back at that and nods "Yeah man, Come in and lets break it all down." He remembered to give the door a stiff jerk opening it and not let it hit him in the face this time.

They all walked in, Trent began pulling sheets down as he Went, Akane was collecting the sheets and laying them in a pile on the sitting sofa. Terrance was also pulling sheets up exposing the articles inside the home. Room by room they went, till all the coverings had been removed. They spent the rest of the day cleaning and organizing things.

Around dinner time, The pizza Trent ordered showed up, and they were all sitting down at the large mahogany table.

"Man it was a good day!" Trent said between bites, finally finishing his meal and sitting back. "What a crazy day.... I never would have thought in a million years This is how the day would play out."

Terrance agreed and Akane was simply cleaning the table up. Terrance looked at her "So bruh, this place came with its own maid too? thats pimp!"

Trent simply let him think that for now, He was still touchy on the subject himself. "Yeah, but If I do not show improvement on this place every month for the next three years, I will lose it all" he sighed and then continued. "And worse, the lawyer overseeing it all is a greedy twat, and I think he is trying to set me up to fail, he already tried to three separate times."

Terrance sighed , he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and looked at Trent, Trent hmmd and Akane spoke up "The old Master use to smoke in the reading room, as it is custom".

They both shrugged and Trent figured may as well continue the tradition then. Trent liked the idea of traditions. His family did not have any, and things like christmas, new years, and other celebrated holidays were his favorite.

They Walked into the reading room, Akane closed the door behind them. This was the office from before. She pulled an ash tray from a drawer and set it down. Terrance lit a cig, offered one to Trent who declined, and then went about smoking. "Does the window open?" Trent asks Akane, and she nods then goes and opens it. She was quite intuitive.

"SO lets count it up, I got this house, which while really big, is gonna need a whole lot of work. If I take into considering I can just stop paying on my apartment, I can call this house a positive thousand a month" then he continued.

"I also have one hundred k a month from the trust"

"and then there are the cars, Yours is yours, so I wont be counting that, but the other three, That is a bonus of about five million and change." he said, the change was actually the other two cars, with the five million being the fxx alone.

Then he looked at Akane. He smiled brightly. "And one priceless treasure."

Akane blushed, her previous owner would never dote on her, or tell her how much she was valued, Trent was the exact opposite and seemed to consider her feelings and wants. Not that she had any wants right now.

While they were talking, they heard the sound of a car pulling up, and looked to see headlights parking out front. As Trent had not invited anyone here, he had no idea who would be showing up at this time.

The headlights turned off, and a black SUV could be seen. All of them looked and Trent left the reading room and walked out the front door. "I think you have the wrong house" He says as Terrance walks out behind him.

The door to the SUV opens and a tall women in a business steps out. "Trent Ferris?" She asks looking at him and closing the door behind herself.

Trent arches an eyebrow "And who are you?" He says not answering the question. He knew enough you dont confirm anything to random strangers without knowing their intentions first. Especially when they come to YOUR house.

she stops and repeats herself "Are you Trent Ferris?"

Terrance steps forward this time "mah bruh asked you a question, you gonna answer it or get the fuck on out of here?"

She arched her eyebrow at this, But still refused to say anything. and then she repeated "Are you Trent Ferris?"

Trent was getting a little pissy at this time and finally answered "NO I am not, Dont know who he is, now please get off my property before I call the police and have you removed. If you step any closer to my house, then I will fear for my life and attack you, Got it?!"

She smirks a bit "Your house? But this is Trent Ferris house, so you are Trent Ferris?"

Trent ignores the frustrating woman. "This is my house, but I am not him, now please leave"

She gawfaws at the blatant lies he is spitting. Her eyebrow and lips are twitching with annoyance. She steps forward walking towards them. Trent turns around, sees the broken piece of banister and picks it up "You have not identified yourself, you are pushing for information, and you refused to back down. I am assuming you are here with ill intentions, and I will defend myself" he says to her holding the stick out towards her.

She stops and looks at the stick "Really? and what are you going to do with that?" she asks. Trent grins, he sucked at fighting, he was absolutely no good at it. But he was great at getting his way. He handed the stick to Terrance, and then Terrance began to hit him with it.

The woman stood there in awe. Trent began to shout "Lady why are you beating me? HELP!!!!" screaming at the top of his lungs. He then pulled out his phone and dialed the officers number from earlier "HELP A CRAZY WOMAN IS ASSAULTING ME!!!!!" he screams and then Terrance hits him a few more times loudly. The sound of the wood hitting his skin and body heard all over the place.