0.9 A No-No Date

Ariana threw her suit jacket off her body as she stepped into her office and Simaya, instilled with the perfect instincts from working here for three years, caught the clothes without a sweat.

It was like the life of her job that was hanging on such a small gesture. And her life as well.

Ariana moved to sit on her desk as she rested her elbows on the table while running her fingers through her blonde locks.

She didn't know the thought of that Jerry guy bothered her so much.

She had talked so rudely to him earlier because the remark about her parents which that guy from the cafe had said to her put her mood off, but talking rudely to someone was what she did every day, so why did Jerry bother her so much?

She knew he was simply worried about her and trying to be nice so she felt extremely guilty for the way she had talked to him outside the cafe.

Thinking about it, she didn't even have his number to call him to apologize, but then again, why does she need to apologize?! She was Ariana Jatropesh and she never does that!

"What's my schedule for today?" Ariana asked to wave off unnecessary thoughts from her head.

"Uh, I just told you in the elevator, do you need me to say it again?" Simaya frowned.

"Oh, no, forget about it then," Ariana waved her hand.

"Has the goods for the last order arrived at the warehouse?" she asked.

"No, it is stated to arrive tomorrow evening, by nine," Simaya answered after taking a look at her tablet.

"Okay, I need you to be there to check if everything is in good shape, the last order was a mess and they didn't even report back to me. I could have gone there myself but I have somewhere to be tomorrow night " Ariana said.

"Did you hear what I said?" she asked after she got no response from her secretary.

"Yes, it's just-" Simaya bit her lips as she hesitated.

"Just what?" Ariana asked as she leaned back.

"I have a date tomorrow and I really can't call it off," she let out cautiously.

Ariana's eyebrows shot up a millimeter as she stared at the nervous Simaya.

"Fine, send someone else but if I get a wrong report, you're going to find another job," Ariana threatened.

"Yes, boss," Simaya smiled with relief.

She wasn't really scared because that wouldn't be the first or second, or third time Ariana threathened her with her job but she knew it was mainly an empty threat because Ariana needed her more than anything.

Simaya was ninety-nine percent sure that her boss wouldn't be able to find another secretary like her who would be able to put up with her daily crazy tantrums and excessive rude comments every then and now and also someone who was really good at her job and playing a dumb fool in front of the boss.

After all, she was the only one who had lasted so long in the hands of Ariana Jatropesh.

"Get to work, Kinder Joy!"

"Yes, boss,"


"Here you go, sir," the waitress dropped the glass of wine on the table with a chaste smile at the handsome lad.

"Thank you," Jared let out a small smile before he brought the glass to his lips to take a little sip from it.

He sat down at the center of the restaurant in the hotel as he tapped the table severally while the last amount of his patience ran thin.

Today was the night of the stupid blind date his friend Trevor pushed him to go. After they had left the cafe yesterday, his phone could hardly get a rest because he kept on getting calls from his friend, reminding him of the day and time for the date and not to be late.

Jared, having no other choice, had to dress up in the most appropriate clothing he could come up with as he headed toward the location his friend sent him.

The date was scheduled at nine pm but the time read fifteen minutes after ten as Jared hadn't gotten a sight of who his date was.

Trevor refused to send him a picture of the lady because he claimed it would ruin the surprise so he didn't know how she looked.

He hated when anyone wasted his time like this, he knew girls usually took their time but this was a complete exaggeration!

A shrill ringtone took him out of his thoughts as his phone rang from the table. A series of curses left his mouth as he saw Trevor's name flashing.

He reached out to pick up the call.

"Hey, what's up? How's the date going?" Trevor's snarky voice came up.

"Date? What date? I am here at the table, all alone, with a bottle of wine," Jared snapped.

"What? She hasn't arrived yet?" Trevor asked.

"Haven't arrived yet, or stood me up? Whatever it is, I can't wait anymore, I'm leaving," Jared said.

"What? No, no, man, please wait. I'm sure she must be caught up with something. You know I need this date to go well or else my old man will have my neck for dinner,"

"Well, a date can only go well if there is a couple, right? Guess what, Trevor? I am all alone!" Jared hissed.

"Okay, wait, let me give her a call and see what's happening-"

"Jared Antiano?" A feminine voice came up which made Jared look up.

"Looks like the date is here," Trevor snickered before he cut the call.

Jared took one look at the lady standing in front of him and he realized that she was a complete no-no.

The lady was dressed in a black skin-tight dress that barely covered her butt. It had a spaghetti hand that came down in a v to reveal her voluminous cleavage.

The heels she wore made her already tall height tower over Jared who had stood up to greet the lady and her black hair was messy as though she hadn't brushed it since this morning.

Her make-up was a shade of smoky black eyeshadow with a dark velvet lipstick on her thin lips. Her eyes were hazy as though she had had a drink or two before her arrival.

Jared made a mental note that tonight was going to end up a disaster.

"Yes, and you are?" He brought his hand forth for a shake but the lady slapped it off before she plopped on the chair, very unladylike.

"What's with the handshake? Are we filming an old soap opera?" She rolled her eyes as she crossed her legs.

Jared gritted his teeth before he sat down across her, trying his best not to let out a weary sigh in less than a minute of meeting this lady.

"I'm Phiolet. Not with V, but PH. Phiolet," she said with a smile.

"I see, Miss Phiolet, Nice to meet you, I am Jared Antiano, I'm sure my friend Trevor jas explained everything to you?" He said with a professional tone.

"Oh, that dork? Yeah, he told me all the shit about having a girl and whatnot," she muttered as she took a toothpick to pick her teeth.

"I...see, so you are in harmony that you will tell your father he attended the date, right?" Jared continued and ignored her insolent tone.

"Whatever, I just came out to get a drink. Waiter!!" She shouted wildly and some customers turned their heads towards her.

"Get me some booze!! And turn off that darn music, haven't you heard Ed Sheeran in your life?!" She hissed loudly.

"Oh, dear God," Jared muttered before he took a sip from his wine.

Tonight was going to be a long night.