0.10 Crazy Detrimental Patient

And indeed a long night it turned out to be.

"Baby, I'm!!!!" the lady screamed in the young lad's ear and he squinted his eyes as he tried to hold her up.

"Dancing in the dark!!!" the lady belted out again.

"Miss Phiolet, please get a grip on yourself," Jared was practically begging as he kept his hand on her waist.

After Miss Phiolet had drank a drink or two, she had excused herself, saying she needed to go to the bathroom, and Jared couldn't be happier to hear the news of her little departure.

At least then, he could be able to breathe properly without having to deal with her aggressive behavior, but he was wrong to think that when Miss Phiolet staggered back into the restaurant as though she had been shot in the belly.

Jared was quick to help her to sit like the gentleman he was but things turned wrong when the lady started belting out the lyrics of a song as she attracted the attention of everyone in the building.

Jared didn't know how to handle the humiliation of being seen with this lady so he insisted they left immediately.

He didn't know what she had gone to do in the bathroom, but he suspected it was what made her high to the point she couldn't even balance on her two blessed feet.

"You between my arms!!!" Miss Phiolet yelled at the top of her lungs and Jared wished for the ground to just swallow him here and now.

"Miss Phiolet, please stop screaming. I'm going to call a taxi now," Jared sighed as he took out his phone from his pocket.

"No!!!" the phone was snatched away from him.

"I don't wanna go home!! Get me a room here," the drunk/induced lady ordered.

"What? No, we need to get you home now" Jared shook his head.

"I said book me a room!!!" the lady screamed before she ran out of his hold.

"Miss Phiolet!!!" Jared yelled as he ran after her.

When he got to the lobby of the hotel, he saw her body tumbling over the reception desk as she yelled to the receptionist who was staring back at her with horrified eyes.

Jared ran towards her quickly to avoid her from causing any more problems than she had already caused.

"Barefoot on the grass!!!" She belted out.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" the receptionist asked as she stared uncertainly.

"I'm sorry, she's a little bit drunk,"

Little bit?! That didn't look a little bit to anyone passing by.

"Miss Phiolet, we need to leave-" Jared held her shoulder but he was pushed back and nearly knocked down.

"No!!!! I said get me a room!!!!" Miss Phiolet yelled as her red-rimmed eyes glared at him.

"Okay, okay, I'll book a room for you," Jared sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.

What mess has his best friend put him in now?! He couldn't just leave this lady alone because that would be against his values.

He just decided to give her what she wants and leave immediately.

"Please, get me any vacant room now," Jared muttered to the receptionist with a wearied expression.

"Yes, sir," the receptionist took a wary look at the female belting her entire vocal cords out before she typed on her keyboard as Jared handed her his card.

"Listening to our favorite song!!!!"

Jared placed his hand to hold his buzzing head.

Where on earth did she come from?!

"Sir, here you go, this is the key to your room. Room 504, fifth floor," the receptionist handed the key to him and he grabbed it at once.

"Okay, Miss Phiolet, let's take you to your room," Jared said as he took her arm to help her move to the elevator.

The receptionist took a look at the crazy couple who passed and bit her lips because she didn't know what to do.

She knew what type of substance the lady had taken and the manager would be furious to find out she let in such a guest.

She had to do something.

"Okay, be careful," Jared said as he moved her into the elevator.

He was thankful that the elevator was empty because he didn't know how he would handle the pain of embarrassment if he were to be among some people with this detrimental patient.

The ride to the floor was painful but it was short and as soon as the elevator binged open, Jared was dragging the lanky lady with the last amount of strength left in his bones.

"I don't deserve this!!!" Miss Phiolet sang as she took Jared's face into her hands and drew it closer to her face.

"Miss Phiolet, please-" Jared was flustered by the sudden move.

"Darling, you look perfect tonight," she murmured, about to draw him closer when Jared saw a familiar person walking down the hall.

"Miss Ariana?" he frowned.