0.11 Jerry And His Girlfriend

Ariana adjusted her arms as she pushed the carriage out of the room after delivering the food to the hotel room.

She started tonight's shift with a bang and she was feeling very energetic this evening which made her job a little easier.

As she had lost her job at the cafe, she didn't waste another day working in one of her parents' greatest hotels, La Belle Dame, and she was thankful to the staff who maintained their professionalism and treated her right.

The elevator pinged as a couple who seemed drunk stepped out of the door while staggering down the corridor.

She saw as the lady grabbed the man's cheeks, pulling him in for a kiss and she was quick to divert her eyes away from the scene as she tried to pass without getting noticed, only for her to hear her name being called.

"Miss Ariana?" she heard.

Who is that? She frowned but didn't make a move to turn.

"Miss Ariana," the voice got closer as she heard footsteps coming her way.

It was then she looked up to meet eyes with the gentleman she didn't wish to meet in such circumstances.

Mr. Jerry. With his girlfriend.

She watched as the lady literally crawled towards him before she latched herself on his body as though they were inseparable.

A bitter taste settled on Ariana's tongue as she saw them together but as usual, she kept a standoffish expression as she looked at him.

"You," She breathed out.

"Yes, but-" Jared took a long look at her apron which was on top of the cleaner's dress as her blonde locks were placed in a low bun.

Was she working here? He frowned.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"As you can see, I'm working. Now, if you'll excuse me," she was about to move her carriage when he held her back.

"Wait," he said.

"I'm in love with the shape of you!!" Miss Phiolet belted out from his side.

"I, um-" Jared couldn't remember what he wanted to tell her.

"Why don't you take care of your girlfriend first? She does look like she needs you," Ariana said as she threw a glance at the awful-looking lady before she pushed him off slightly to make her way.

"Miss Ariana, wait!" Jared called as he was about to hold her back when he was pulled back.

All of a sudden, he felt something warm pour on his suit as Miss Phiolet lifted her head with a very unguilty smile.

Jared didn't have the courage to look down to see the disaster she had spilled on his suit so he stood rigidly as he stared right in front of him.

Out of nowhere, he heard a burst of shrill laughter fill the air and when he turned back, he saw Ariana laughing as she clutched her stomach.

"Y-You think this is funny?" Jared gritted out as his shirt soaked wet with warm puke.

"Well, it ain't me so, yes!!" Ariana chuckled as she threw her head back.

Jared couldn't help but break a little smile at her joyful face. She seemed much better than yesterday when she had talked to him so rudely.

"Good luck, Jerry," Ariana snickered before she turned to leave.

"Wait, you have to help me please!" Jared yelled as Miss Phiolet granted his collar with her hazy eyes.

"Please, you still owe me for the ride!" Jared let out and Ariana stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"That wasn't free?" she turned to ask with a look of disbelief.

"Free? That ride costs a fortune by this season, and might I remind you that we had closed for the day but you were too stubborn to let it go so I had to open the place just for you, and you say it's free? Come on, don't be so cheap for a Jatropesh" Jared said to irk her.

"Well, you never told me it wasn't!" Ariana rolled her eyes.

"Somethings are left unsaid, only those with brains would know whether to repay such a huge favor or not," Jared let out.

"Fine, send me your account number and I will wire you twice the amount," Ariana hissed as she turned to take her carriage.

"Oh, yeah? Walk off, you hear? Leave it to a Jatropesh to repay all favors with money!" Jared snorted.

Ariana stomped her feet on the floor before she turned and she marched toward him with an annoyed look.

"You little-" she paused mid-sentence, with her mouth wide open as she felt something warm climb down her chest.

"Oops, s-sorry," Miss Phiolet looked up with a trail of milky puke on the side of her lips.

Ariana couldn't believe what this lady had just done!! She just puked!!! On her!!!

It was Jared's turn to laugh now as the tables had been turned.

"How do you feel, Miss Ariana?!" he laughed as he hit his knee.

"Grab this wretched thing!" Ariana hissed as she grabbed Miss Phiolet by her arm.

Jared sobered up as he moved to carry her from the other side. Both of them pulled the lanky lady as they walked down the hall.

"Which room is it?" Ariana asked as she huffed out.

This lady kept on leaning towards her, not minding whether she weighed a ton or more!!

"504," Jared answered as he looked at the doors to check for the numbers.

"Wait a minute," he paused when he realized something.

"What?" Ariana gritted as she balanced on her leg.

"This is room 549, I think the room is that way," Jared pointed in the other direction warily.

He turned towards Ariana hesitantly and he met a glare shooting at him with the full power of a hot laser.

"Sorry," he muttered.

Ariana lay a series of curses under her breath as they moved around to go down the other side of the corridor.

After they had successfully gotten into the room and dropped the lady on the bed, both of them fell on either side of the bed as they breathed out heavily.

"What does your girlfriend do for a living?! She looks like a toothpick but has the weight of an elephant!" Ariana snapped as she took her hair out of the messy bun.

"She's not my-"

Jared was cut off when two consecutive sturdy knocks rapped on the door.

Both of them stilled as they stared at each other silently.

"Police!! Open up!!"