0.12 Jumping Down A Building

"Police!! Open up!!"

Jared and Ariana froze on the bed as they stared at each other with widened eyes.

"The police?!" Jared shrieked but kept his voice down.

"What are the police doing here?!" Ariana snapped while keeping her voice low.

"How am I supposed to know?!" Jared hissed as he got up from the bed.

"Open up! We have a report of the intake of illegal substances in this room," the hoarse voice came from the door.

"Illegal substances?! What illegal-" Ariana gaped as she stared at the snoring lady on the bed.

"Your girlfriend did drugs?!" she yelled but Jared quickly cover her mouth with his hand.

"Stop yelling! And she's not my girlfriend, I don't even know her last name for crying out loud!" Jared defended.

"She did drugs?!" Ariana pushed his hand away as she glared.

"How am I supposed to know? I thought maybe she had too much to drink or-"

"Being drunk and being high are too different things! How didn't you realize that before you brought her into my hotel?!" Ariana snapped.

"Your-You know what? Now is not the time for this, we have visitors, what do we do?! I can't be caught with a drug-induced lady, my father will kill me when he finds out. The headlines would be all over the place!" Jared muttered.

"Well, you might be the son of a CEO, but I am the CEO of my company!! Who has more to lose?!" Ariana snapped back.

"We need to do something, what do we do? What do we do?!" Jared asked as he paced around the room.

"Go move that cabinet to the door," Ariana said.

"What?" Jared frowned.

"Just do as I say if you want to get out of here alive," Ariana said.

"Fine," he moved towards the door before he drew the cabinet and rested it on the door.

Ariana took some extra blankets from the closet as she began to tie huge knots on them.

"What are you doing?" Jared asked as he went back into the room.

"Getting us out of here," Ariana mumbled as she continued tying several knots on the blanket.

"We're coming in now!!" the police rang before the door clicked open.

Ariana moved fast as she hung the blanket on a rail close to the window before she threw it down.

"What-" Jared moved forward to see the blanket reaching down to the emergency staircase by the building.

"Are we going to-"

"Climb it down? Yes," Ariana answered.

"Now go," she motioned for him to go first.

Jared made a silent prayer under his breath before he moved out of the window as he clutched the blanket tightly.

"I'm in love with the shape of you," Miss Phiolet murmured on the bed.

"Shut up!!" Ariana snapped as she threw a pillow at the young lady.

Just as the cabinet fell over, Ariana climbed down the knot she tied, when she got to the end of the blanket, she had to jump before she could get to the stairs so she let go of the blanket with a deep breath.

She was surprised when a pair of arms caught her before he placed her on the stairs safely.

"Thank you," she smiled as the cold wind blew her hair.

"Anytime," Jared smiled.

Ariana reached up and she grabbed the end of the blanket while tugging it down.

"What are you doing?" Jared asked.

"Getting rid of the evidence," she muttered and with one last tug, the blanket came down from the room.

"Let's go!" she yelled as she grabbed the blanket as they ran down the stairs.

As they got down the three floors, they ran down the street as Ariana held the huge blanket in her arms.

"Ariana!!" Jared yelled as he motioned for her to throw it and when she did, he caught it before he threw it inside a nearby trash bin.

"Let's go," they continued running until they were about some distance away from the hotel.

All of a sudden, Ariana began to laugh as they ran. Jared looked over to see a huge smile on her face.

"Woohoo!!!" she yelled and spread her arms out as the wind blew her blonde locks behind her.

Seeing the sight, Jared couldn't help but imitate as a wide smile of his broke out as well.

Ariana stopped running abruptly which made him stop as well when they got to a park by the side of the road.

"Oh, my God," Ariana laughed as she walked towards a nearby bench.

She kept on laughing as Jared stared at her without saying anything. He wanted her to laugh all she wanted before he would ask any questions.

He sat next to her on the bench as he stared at the people walking down the other end or hanging around the place.

Ariana's laughter died down and she cleared her throat.

"We just jumped down a building," she said.

"And ran like two idiots," Jared added.

"While soaked in puke," Ariana completed the sentence as she turned to look at him to see him already staring at her.

Again, they burst out laughing.