0.22 Thieves Meeting Thieves

"Are those-" Ariana whispered.

"Thieves!!" Jared finished the sentence.

Ariana widened her eyes as she took another look at the chubby men who were eating ice cream out of the freezer.

"Oh, my, stolen ice creams are so much delicious than bought!!" one of them snickered.

"Tell me about it!" his partner laughed.

"What do we do?!" Ariana asked silently.

"How am I supposed to know?! You brought me here!" Jared shot back at her.

"Come towards me slowly and let's get out of here," he motioned for her to come.

"What?! No, we can't just leave like this. They are thieves, we need to catch them!!" Ariana shook her head.

"Hey, is it just me or can you hear something?" one of them frowned.

"What? No, it's just some rat or something, forget about it," the other said as he opened another tube of ice cream.

"Are you insane?! We were about to do the same thing!" Jared hissed.

"No, we had a justified reason and they don't! That's stealing and they must be caught!" Ariana retorted.

"Then, let's call the police after we get out of here!" Jared was nearly begging at this point.

"No, the police always get here too late. We must do something!" Ariana was adamant and Jared dropped to the floor as he facepalmed.

How on earth did he get entangled with this crazy lady?! Was she really going to fight off thieves all by herself?!

Before he knew it, Ariana had stood up but her view was still hidden by the rack and she had a pretty determined look on her face which made Jared even more anxious.

"Ariana, please!! Don't do anything!" he clamped his hands together for a last plead.

Ariana grabbed a can of canned corn and she stepped out of the shadows as she glared at the men who were oblivious to their presence in the shop.

"Hey, morons!!" she shouted and the shop was silent for a while.

Jared rested his back on the rack as his heartbeats rose each passing second. He sent another silent prayer to the heavens to have mercy on his soul.

The men by the freezer stopped dead before they turned around slowly with the ice cream tubes in their hands.

They both frowned when they saw a young lady dressed in an all black outfit as her cap blocked her face slightly.

"Stealing something?" she remarked as she tilted her head with a small smile.

The heavily beared chubby men dressed in baggy clothes looked at each other and all of a sudden, they burst out laughing.

Ariana frowned as she watched them laugh out loud and Jared raised his eyebrows when he heard chuckles.

He had no idea why they would be amused.

"Oh, yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" one of them snickered.

"Shoot us with the canned corn?!" the other one laughed as he referred to what she had in her hand.

Both of them rested their hands on their knees as they laughed at the silliness of the girl.

By this time, Jared had taken out his phone to inform the police.

"Oh, yeah, why don't we see about that?" Ariana murmured before she clenched the can in her hand.

She widened her legs and rested her weight on her ankle before she pushed her upper body back a little as she raised her knee towards her stomach before she pulled all the muscles in her arms to let the can go.

The can flew all the way in the air before it struck one of the men right in the forehead and he stood in shock for a split second before his weight went tumbling backwards.

"Yes!" Ariana jumped when the ball met its target.

"Y-You" the other standing man pointed at Ariana as he started at his partner on the floor with shock.

"Ready for your turn?" she snickered before she ran towards him and he dropped the ice cream on the floor as he ran towards the other direction and Ariana followed him without a pause.

"Jared, get the other guy!!!" She yelled as she ran after the other.

At the sound of her command, Jared got up from the ground as he ran down the aisle to get the fallen one but he halted when the fat man wobbled up on his legs.

Jared gulped in the middle of the aisle as the eyes of the man with the red forehead spelt just one word.


Jared watched as the man reached for the baseball bat which was resting by the freezer as he advanced towards him.

"S-Sir, we can talk this out," Jared placed his hand in the air as he moved back a few steps.

"There's no need for violence-" He was cut off when the man swung the bat at him but he narrowly escaped as he moved to the opposite direction.

"I'm going to kill you, then your girlfriend!" the man hissed as he moved up to swing his bat again.

"Sir, please-" Jared jumped to the other side as he dodged the hit again.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" at the other side of the store, the chubby thief screamed for help as Ariana ran after him without giving him a minute to rest.

The man in his desperation, knocked off the items on the rack to put some space between him and the crazy lady behind him but Ariana wasn't one to be fazed.

She jumped over any object he pushed to her way as she kept the steady pace behind him.

"Helpppppp!!!!!!" he yelled when he saw her getting close to him.