0.23 Thieves Catching Thieves

"Arianaaaa!!" Jared yelled as he blocked another violent attack and saved his head from getting bashed by the wooden baseball bat.

"You little-" the thief hissed under his breath as he advanced towards Jared.

"N-No, stay back!" Jared looked around for something to save himself.

"Stop right there!!" Ariana screamed from the other side of the store as she ran after the other thief who kept throwing objects in her way.

Tired of running round in circles, Ariana gritted her teeth as she added more grease to her knees before she bounced off her feet to land on the back of the chubby thief.

"Gat ya!" she hissed as she grabbed his neck with both of her arms and he hopped from one place to another to get her off his back.

"Let me go!!" he cried out as he tried to push her off him.

"You're not going anywhere, you thief!!!" she yelled as she brought her hands up to his eyes to obstruct his view.

"Let go of me, you crazy woman!!" he yelled as he slapped her hands off him while she tightened her legs around his thick waist.

The thief threw his weight hard and as a result, Ariana went flying down the ground as a stack of cans fell on top of her.

"Ariana!!!" Jared yelled as he came running towards her and the thieves took the opportunity to run out of the store.

"Are you alright?" Jared asked in concern.

"Don't care about me, the thieves are getting away!!!" Ariana pushed off the ground and she ran out of the store immediately after she took a few cans in her hands.

"Come on, Jerry!!" she screamed and Jared cursed under his breath before he got up to follow her.

"Hey!!! Hey!!!" Ariana yelled as she ran down the pavement to pursue the thieves.

"Wait up!" Jared ran after her.

Ariana swung one of the cans in her hands towards but it missed its target which made her hiss out in annoyance.

"Ariana, I called the police already," Jared told her as he ran behind her.

"They're getting away!!" she hissed under her breath.

She took another can in her right hand and set her target straight before she swung it in the air and this time, it met one of the thieves' legs.

Ariana wasn't able to slow down on time before her weight came tumbling down on the cemented pavement as her head hit the ground.

"Aw!!" she winced as she dropped to the floor.

"Ariana!" Jared moved to her side quickly to pick her up as he looked at the damage on the head.

"Leave me, Jerry, the thieves," she hissed as pain shot up her head.

"Forget about the damn thieves, look at you! You've hurt yourself," he held her face in his hands to take a better look at the small gash in her forehead.


"Shut up for once," he gritted as he pulled her face closer.

With the proximity, Ariana could see his immaculate face scrunched up as he seemed worried about her.

His eyes were settled on her wound so he missed the look on her face as she stared up at him while she gulped down nervously.

His scent filled her nose gently and it took everything within her not to drag his collar towards her so she could bury her nose in his neck to savour the manly scent he harboured.

"Jared, the thieves..." she muttered.

"The thieves have been caught already," A voice came in as a man dressed in a police uniform walked down towards them.

They both turned to put a face to the voice that spoke.

"Thanks to your help, of course," the policeman smiled.

"Let's get you up," Jared said as he pulled Ariana up with his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm fine, I hurt my head, not my legs," she huffed as she turned toward the policeman.

"Well, you wouldn't have been hurt if you weren't so adamant in catching the thieves," Jared shot back with a roll of his eyes.

"Well, thanks to your stubbornness, young lady, we were able to catch the serial robbers who have been robbing the shops around here for the past month now," the policeman said.

"You see?" Ariana nudged Jared with her elbow.

"Do you need to see the doctor, ma'am?" the policeman gestured to the cut on her head.



Ariana and Jared said at the same time before they both looked at each other.

"It's just a small cut, I don't need to go through surgery for this," Ariana rolled her eyes.

"But you fell earlier, who knows if you broke a bone or something?" Jared shot back.

"Hahaha. Hi, I'm Ariana and I'm so weak that I fell into a coma just because of a little fall," Ariana said sarcastically.

"Why-" Jared hissed before he calmed himself down in front of amused policeman.

"Well, nice to meet you brave citizens, my name is Roderick Gaurez and I am the head of the team in the police station just down the street," He brought his hand forth for a handshake and Jared took it readily.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ja-" Jared coughed out when the young lady in front of him landed a fine slice of punch in his stomach.

She may be close to death, but surely her fists were made of iron!

"Jerry, he's Jerry and I'm Annie," Ariana took the policeman's hand as she shook it eagerly with a wide smile.

"I...see. We would need to get your statements as witnesses, would you mind walking to the car?" he said as he turned to leave and they followed behind slowly.