0.24 A Crazy Adventure

"Why did you have to punch me?!" Jared hissed gently as they walked behind the policeman.

"I don't know why, Jerry, but it certainly didn't have to do with the fact that you're a billionaire's son while I'm the face of my companies!!" Ariana hissed back at him.

"Oh," Jared nodded with a look of understanding.

If he had truly revealed who he was, the policeman might have recognized and it would definitely bring a lot of questions.

For a start, what were two crazily rich youths doing in a closed store in the middle of the night?

That sounded like a hot topic for the headlines in the daily newspaper.

"There, arrest that lady. Sh-She assaulted me!" the thief who was stoned by the canned corn cried out when he saw Ariana.

"Shut up, dimwit!" she spat back at his face as the other policemen pushed them into the car.

"You will have to head with us to the station," Roderick said and then exchanged wary glances.

"Um, is there really a need for that? Haven't you already caught the criminals?" Jared muttered.

"Yes, it's merely formality and paperwork but we need your statements to get a better grasp on the case, and also an award is waiting for you both for catching our long pursued customers," Roderick said.

"Uh, what my little brother was trying to say here was that we are very tired after the whole...thing so we really need to head home now or else our parents are going to be worried, right?" Ariana gritted her teeth at Jared who nodded almost too quickly.

"And as for the award, we truly don't need such celebrations. We only did it for the welfare of the citizens of the city," Ariana held her chest as she dropped her head down.


"We were just walking down innocently and we saw the thieves and called you immediately. That's all there is to it, officer," Ariana added.

"I know, but-"

"Thank you for your good work as always, now...bye!" she pulled Jared's hand as they speed-walked down the pavement.

"I think he is coming behind us," Jared whispered.

"Don't look back and keep walking!" Ariana gritted as they walked away.

The policeman stood as he watched the odd duo walk away hurriedly before they disappeared down the streets.

A small smile was planted on his lips as he shook his head at the oddity they displayed in front of him.

They weren't suspicious, just funny.

"Huh!! I think we are safe now," Ariana let go of Jared's wrist as she rested her back on a wall while breathing heavily.

"Do you think he recognized us?" Jared asked as he looked down the street warily.

"Stop being a scarcedy-cat, if he did, do you think he would have let us off that way?!" Ariana pulled him by his shirt back.

"Yeah, by the way, how's your injury? Are you sure you don't need to see the doctor?" Jared looked up at her head worriedly.

"Forget about that, Jerry, do you know what we just did?!" Ariana grabbed his hands as her eyes shined with excitement.

"What-What did we just do?" Jared asked nervously as he unconsciously noticed how soft her hands felt on his.

"We just caught criminals single-handedly. Wait, double-handedly in this case but, we just caught the and guys!!" Ariana jumped.

"Did we?" Jared frowned.

It was more of trying not to get bashed by the baseball bat for him.

"Yes!! We were so brave!! I mean, did you see the way I threw the can at his head?! It landed perfectly and symmetrically!" she shrieked.

"And the way you jumped on his back? That was so thrilling but so cool at the same time," Jared said.

"Really?! I know right! And you did a good job by calling the cops, Jerry mouse," she patted his head.

"Jump with me!!" Ariana bounced off the floor excitedly and Jared felt obliged to join her as they laughed out loud at their success.

"Well, well, not so bad for your first adventure, Jerry mouse. Tell me, how was it?" Ariana asked as she took off her cap to let her blonde locks free to cascade down her shoulders and they walked down the pavement.

"It was..." Jared paused as he tried to find the right word.

"It was what?" she pressed.

"Crazy," he finally let out with a wide smile which Ariana couldn't help but reciprocate.


'How is your injury? I hope you didn't wake up with a terrible headache?'

Ariana smiled as she saw the text from Jared just as she stepped into her floor.

Jerry could be so dramatic. It was just a small scratch, how would she get a headache from that? She did wake up with a few parts of her body in pain but it was nothing a hot bath and yoga couldn't fix.

'And what if I did? Are you going to cure the headache?'

She kept her head on her phone as she walked down the carpeted hallway to her office.

"Good morning, boss, I-"

"Morning, Kinder Joy," Ariana waved her hands nonchalantly at her head secretary.

"Boss, there-"

"Later, Kinder Joy," she murmured as she ignored Simaya to walk down to her office.

"No, boss, I wanted-" Simaya followed as Ariana opened the door to her office.

"What is it, Kinder Joy? Can't you see I'm busy?", Ariana let out in irritation.

" Hello, darling," the sound of a male's voice made her look up to see the guest she got so early in the morning.

"-to tell you that your fiance was here," Simaya completed her statement under her breath before she closed the door behind her.