0.26 A Rambling Date

"And then, he was like he would never do that, and I-"

Ariana let out a weary sigh when she zoned back into the conversation and met Derek still rambling about what she didn't even bother to know about.

She took another long sip from her juice as she wondered when this terrible date would be over.

Another look at her watch and she realized she had to put up with his boring talks for another half an hour.

Why does time goes so slow when you need it to go fast?!

Ariana cursed inside her head as she clasped her hands together to save them from strangling Derek's throat so that he could stop talking.

It wasn't like he wasn't a good person, it was just that he wasn't 'her' type of person.

Her type of person was one who would crack jokes here and there and make her laugh and feel comfortable each second they spent together.

Her type of person was one who admired her for who she was and not what he would get from her.

It wasn't that she was searching for someone at the moment because that would be too cruel as she was close to her deathbed but still, a girl could dream.

Ariana furrowed her eyebrows when she began to remember a certain bright smile of the young lad she met not less than a week ago.

From their first conversation in the Gondola ride to the little bickers they have every then and now, she realized she had never gotten bored with him.

It was strange how he matched in her footsteps even before knowing who she was but Derek who has known her for more than a year now steps on her foot time and time again.

"And then he told me-"

Ugh!! Can't he just close his mouth for heaven's sake?!

Ariana snapped in her head.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked when he saw the off look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm-" Ariana paused when something funny started in her chest.

She scrunched her face as she held her upper belly in slight pain.

"Are you alright?" Derek asked again.

"Yes, I just seem to have an upset stomach, that's all," she frowned as the pain came in with a full force that she had to grip the table cloth.

"Are you sure? You look so pale," Derek reached out to touch her face but she pulled away from him.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Ariana said as she stood up to walk out of the luxury restaurant they were in.

A worker opened the door for her as she stepped out while walking with slight difficulty with her hand on her heart.

She walked down the hall where two doors stood adjacent to each other and she entered the one on the right.

By the time she moved to the sink, the pain had doubled up as her breath began to get short with every passing minute.

"No, no, not now," she took in a sharp breath as she tried to hold it in while gripping the sink until her knuckles grew white.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as her blonde locks began to stick to her wet skin and when she took a glance at her appearance in the mirror, she knew she didn't look well at all.

"Why did I forget to take the pills today?" she hissed as she moved to turn on the tap to splash water on her face.

She had her daily dose of pills she needed to take to reduce or curb the symptoms but she had forgotten to take them this morning before she left the house.

It was always very bad and the last time she forgot to take her pills, she had to be hospitalized for three days.

The pain in her chest intensified as Ariana stood in the bathroom with the dizziness starting to kick in.

"My bag..." she murmured lowly as she remembered she had another stash of pills she usually carries around in her bag for emergencies.

She wasn't sure if she had brought it so she had to check for it now. Her body protested when she got reminded of the journey she would have to take to get back to the table.

"Ugh," she gritted as her body fell down to the cold tiles, unable to keep up with the pain anymore.

"Not today, please," she begged silently as she didn't want to be rushed to the hospital again and then Derek would find out everything.

The last thing she needed was for her annoying fiance to find out what she had.

Her vision got blurry as Ariana tried to focus on something to keep her awake and not slip into unconsciousness.

"Please no,"

When she blinked back into reality, she saw the one she least expected to be here.
