0.27 An Unexpected Saviour

"J-Jerry?" Ariana stuttered out with blurry eyes.

His concerned honey-brown eyes were on her face as his captivating sculpted face was a few inches away from her.

"Miss Ariana? Are you alright?" Jared frowned.

Who was he kidding?! She definitely didn't look alright!

Jared had been in the same restaurant to attend a lunch meeting with their prospective clients when he saw a similar blonde head whom he realized was Ariana.

He got worried when he saw her wobbling out of the restaurant which was why he had followed her out after taking excuses from the clients.

He was even more perplexed when he saw her entering the men's bathroom instead of the women's which was by the left and just adjacent to the men's cubicle.

Which was why he followed her in only to meet her on the floor with a very pale face.

"I-I-" Ariana struggled to speak.

"What's wrong? Is it your illness? What do you want me to do?" he asked gently as he laid his palms on her shoulders.

"G-Get me o-out of here...my bag...my pills..." she muttered as her body went slumped to the side but Jared caught her on time.

"Ariana!" he quickly rested her head on his shoulder as he pulled her up.

"Okay, okay, let's head back to the restaurant to get your back and then we head to the hospital," Jared said before he took off his suit jacket to drape over her shoulders as they walked out of the bathroom.

"Sir? What is-" Jared's assistant who was waiting for him outside frowned when he saw his boss with a very pale looking lady.

He didn't know what was more surprising. That his boss was with a lady or that they both just got out of the men's bathroom.

"Get the car, we're leaving!" Jared ordered.

"What?! B-But, sir, the clients-" the assistant panicked.

"Forget the clients! She needs to get to the hospital!" Jared snapped as he pushed past his assistant to move to the restaurant.

"Where is your bag?" he asked Ariana who was clinging to him like he was her lifeline.

"T-Table twelve," she murmured as her blonde hair was matted to her forehead from her sweat.

"Okay," Jared moved into the restaurant as he searched for the table.

"Sir, do you need any help?" one of the waiters came and asked as he saw the distressed lady.

"Yes, where is table twelve?" Jared asked.

"This way, sir," the waiter gestured as he walked into the restaurant.

"Hang on, Miss Ariana," Jared whispered to her as he held her tightly by his shoulder.

"This is the table," the waiter said.

"Ariana?!" Jared heard another man's voice which made him look up to see a young lad getting from the chair as his eyes kept on wandering between the sick Ariana and him.

"What's wrong with you, honey?" Derek asked as he moved to her side.

Ariana turned her face away and buried her face into Jared's shoulder. She had totally forgotten about Derek, she could have just left her bag and gone to the hospital.

Now, she would have to deal with his numerous questions and investigations.

"Talk to me, baby, what's wrong? What did this man do to you?" Derek asked as he glared at Jared.

"I did nothing to her. Can't you see how weak she is? She needs to go to the hospital," Jared said as he moved forward to take her bag and her things from the table.

"What? Why?"

"She has an upset stomach, maybe the food in the restaurant wasn't up to her taste," Jared lied effectively to avoid more questioning.

He could see that Ariana hadn't this guy, whoever he was, about her condition, and judging from the way she avoided him, he wasn't one to trust with such delicate issues.

Derek held Jared's wrist to stop him from moving.

"Hand her over to me, she is my responsibility," Derek said as he attempted to grab Ariana but Jared blocked his effort.

"I found her in this state, and I will make sure she is alright," Jared said as he pushed Derek's hand off him.

"She is my fiancee! And only I can take care of her!" Derek yelled.

Jared was shocked by what he just revealed but he was professional enough to hide it from his face.

"Whatever, if you were truly responsible, you wouldn't have let her get like this," Jared said coldly as he turned away.

"I said hand her to me!" Derek yelled and grabbed Jared again.

"Derek, please," Ariana let out slowly as her pain intensified.

Derek turned his face to her as he took his hand off Jared slowly. Jared threw one last look at Derek before he moved out of the restaurant as quickly as he could.

He stepped out of the building and walked towards his car as his assistant opened the door for him.

Jared placed Ariana gently on the seat and dropped her things next to her before he moved to the other side to sit beside her.

"Get us to the hospital," he ordered and his assistant got into the car to move out of the restaurant.

"M-My pills..." Ariana murmured as she pointed toward her bag.

"You have pills in here?" Jared asked and she nodded.

He opened the bag and searched inside before he took out a white bottle of pills which was hidden in the inner pocket of the bag.

"Fred, hand me a bottle of water," Jared said and Fred moved towards the compartment in the car to get water.

"How many?" he asked and Ariana put two of her fingers out.

Jared took out two tablets and handed the water bottle to Ariana with the pills.

"Here you go,"

He helped her with the water as she gulped down the pills.

"It might help if she lies down a bit," Fred suggested discreetly as he took a look at his boss from the mirror.

Jared took a look at Ariana who was still squeezing her face in pain before he brought her down to his thighs gently as he brushed her hair away from her face.

"You need to rest," he murmured as he stroked her hair gently.

"I'm not usually weak like this. It's just a bad day," Ariana muttered as her pain began to subside a bit.

"I know, aren't you the character in Wonder Woman?" Jared snickered and earned a small smile from Ariana.