0.28 Cabbage Of A Face

"I said I don't want to go!" Ariana hissed.

"You must go! There is no arguing here!" Jared insisted.

"I said no!!!" Ariana yelled.

After they had gotten to the hospital, Ariana refused to get out of the car because she claimed she was feeling much better already and she only needed to sleep it off.

Jared, on the other hand, wasn't ready to hear any of it. He insisted she must go and stay for some check ups so that he will make sure she was safe.

And Fred had to sit and watch the childish bicker between the grown ups as he had no say in their fight.

"It's my body! I know it more than anyone else!" Ariana argued.

"Yes, but the doctors are more experienced in knowing your body than anyone else!" Jared shot back.

"I don't wanna go!" Ariana spat.

"You are going!!" Jared yelled back.

"Um..." Fred raised his hand slightly.

"What?!!" they both turned towards him.

"Why don't you just go and get some tests ma'am? He isn't trying to say you are sick, he is just trying to make sure this wouldn't happen another time," Fred said slowly, slightly afraid that the feisty lady might grab his neck for meddling into her business.

To his surprise, Ariana didn't say anything but turned her face away in understanding.

"Yes, just do that, Ariana. Who knows? We wouldn't even spend five hours there," Jared said.

"Okay, okay! I'll go!" Ariana scowled.

"Finally!" Jared rolled his eyes.

"Lead the way, baboon!" Ariana scoffed.

"Why would you call me a baboon out of all things?" Jared shook his head as he stepped out of the car to open the door for Ariana.

She stepped out of the car but her legs were unable to balance properly so Jared caught her in his arms.

"Easy there, Princess," he murmured as he looked down at her.

"So much for 'I'm fine, Jerry!'" Jared mimicked her voice and got a punch in the stomach for it.

"I can't believe you listened to my assistant without arguing and you were so stubborn with me," Jared shook his head as they walked into the hospital with Fred carrying her things behind them.

"Well, he said it more politely and he had more a sweet face than your cabbage of a countenance!" Ariana spat sweetly and Fred laughed silently from behind.

He wasn't sure if this was the same lady who was nearly on the floor from pain just a few minutes ago.

"And get me a mask, don't you know I'm famous?!"


"I am so going to kill you, Jerry," Ariana hissed as she was placed in a hospital bed by a nurse.

After she had seen the doctor, he had advised that she stayed in the hospital for a night or two to ensure she doesn't get another season of difficulty in breathing.

Which made Ariana not happy. At all.

"I'm not the doctor," Jared laughed silently from besides her.

"You said we won't take even five hours here! Guess what?! I'm staying for five days!" she hissed as the nurse connected her IV to her arm.

"Don't exaggerate, Miss Jatropesh. It's just to make sure you are fine again," the doctor chucked as he checked her vitals.

"I am fine, doctor sir! I can move my legs, my fingers, and I can even dance acrobatics if you ask me to!" Ariana exclaimed.

"Hush there, you can barely even balance on your legs. Can't you see how you creased my shirt trying to hang onto me?" Jared snickered.

"Nurse, please get me a scalpel. I might want to be a plastic surgeon to dig a knife into his face!" Ariana hissed and everyone in the room chuckled at her harsh words.

"Miss Jatropesh, please relax, he is only doing it for your good," the doctor said and Ariana huffed.


"I'll leave you two to be. The nurse will be checking in on you frequently. If you are feeling breathless again or just out of ordinary, press the button to alert us immediately," the doctor took one last look at her.

"Okay, doctor. Thank you very much," Jared shook hands with the doctor and closed the door behind him.

"Don't you know I am the CEO of two companies?! I have so many things to take care of, but no! Nobody wants to understand. I thought you will at least be by my side, dear Fred, but no! You took his side and tied me up here!" Ariana pointed an accusing finger at Fred who had a guilty look ok his face.

"Fred, please send an appropriate apology to the clients and schedule another meeting with them next week. And inform the office I won't be back till much later," Jared ordered Fred.

"Yes, sir" he said and went out of the room.

"And you, beautiful damsel, should be asleep," he said as he drew the duvet up to her chin.

"You left an important meeting because of me?" Ariana asked as she looked up at him with her bright hazel eyes.

"Yeah, wasn't really that important," Jared shrugged as he sat down next to her.

"But still...for you to attend it, it must have been super crucial," Ariana mused.

"Do you want me to admit that I just left a very important meeting because of you so that you can feel special? Then yes, I did," Jared nodded.

"Feel free to feel special, Miss Ariana, because you are," Jared leaned forward to whisper.

Ariana blinked severally before she turned her face away to hide the red blush on her cheeks.

"I feel sleepy," she murmured before she buried her head underneath the duvet and missed the ghost of a smile on Jared's face.