0.33 Another Adventure In Mind

"Ooh, nice flowers," Jared mused as he stepped into the room.

There were different bouquets on the nightstand filled with different varieties and colours.

"Did someone stop by?" he asked as he moved into the room.

"Yeah, my fiance," Ariana replied as she kept her attention on the laptop in front of her.

After Derek had left the room, he had sent her almost half a dozen of bouquets to apologize for not being able to stay with her, and as usual, Ariana rolled her eyes at his sickly sweet gesture and resisted the urge to throw all the flowers away.

According to Shimaya, she shouldn't punish the poor flowers because they were innocent.

So Ariana had no other choice but to put up with the flowers living with her.

"Oh, I see," Jared muttered silently as he sat next to her on the stool provided.

He didn't know she had a fiance until he saw the guy at the restaurant and it was only till later he realized that he was actually the son of the Lowells group, Derek Lowell.

He also didn't know how to feel knowing that the young lady before him has been betrothed and was in a relationship.

It made him feel…conflicted.

"You see? What's with that face? Are you jealous?" Ariana poked as she snickered.

"W-What? Of course not," Jared was flustered at her question.

"Did you just stutter? Oh, my, Jerry," Ariana moved closer to him until their faces were just mere inches apart.

"Are you really feeling jealous, Jared Antiano?" Ariana tilted her head as she bored her hazel eyes into his face.

Jared shut his lips tightly as his breath was cut off by the close proximity between them. He could feel her warm breath fanning on his face and her sweet scent filled his nose.

He didn't even realize that he had been staring at her with his widened honey-brown eyes as his cheeks reddened slightly.

All of sudden, Ariana burst out laughing which made Jared even more confused than he already was. Ariana's chuckles filled the air as she tilted her head backwards in amusement.

"Calm down, Jerry mouse, I was just joking!" she hit his arm playfully.

"O-Oh, huh," Jared was forced to laugh with her.

"Gosh, one can't even joke with you," Ariana shook her head as she giggled.

"Y-Yeah," he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Why are you here by this time? Are you finished with work already?" she asked as she returned her eyes to her laptop.

"Y-Yeah, um, I didn't have much to do anyway," he murmured as he cleared his throat.

That was a lie. Jared had a ton of work to do in the office, especially as he was absent yesterday but he just couldn't concentrate on any of the files he read because all he could think of was the way Ariana had nearly collapsed in his arms yesterday.

Though he tried not to show it but Jared was actually terrified after the incident because he had never had anyone so sick in his arms before, and it made him more horrified because it was the same lady who was so full of life.

He couldn't get off the thought of what if something much terrible had happened yesterday? What if she had died in his arms? What if? What would he have done then?

Even though she had assured him that she was fine countless times, he couldn't still help but be worried about her health and whether she would go back to the way she was yesterday.

"Oh, really? Looks like the Antianos are slowing down in sales, huh?" she snickered as she typed on her keyboard.

"No, that's not it, we weren't just busy today, that's all. What are you doing?" he asked as he leaned in to see what she was doing.

"Uh , uh, this is my company's confdential information, steer off," she pushed his face away.

"Well, aren't you going to treat your guest? You can't be working when I'm here," Jared pouted.

"Speaking of which, I do have another adventure in mind," Ariana turned to him with a smirk filled with mischief.

And Jared gulped.


"This is crazy!" Jared hissed as they walked down the hall with the face mask covering their faces up to their nose.

"Isn't that the whole point?" Ariana snickered, clearly excited by the adventure they were about to take.

When Ariana said she had an idea about another adventure, Jared knew he had to be nervous because all the adventures so far had been 'insane'.

And when she finally told him what it was, he confirmed that this lady was indeed insane, because a normal person would never do what she had in mind.

The new adventure was to escape from the hospital. Literally, escape from the hospital!

Ariana had said that she had an urgent meeting with her team this evening as they were about to launch a new product in her cosmetics brand and she was needed there.

There was no way she was going to call the whole team to the hospital and the doctor won't discharge her until tomorrow morning, so Ariana Jatrospesh could think of only one thing.

To escape!

What made Jared even more baffled was that she had already planned everything out.

She had found a nurse who had a similar shade of blonde hair as her who would pose as her for the three hours she was gone.

The nurse had even helped them with the staff's uniforms so that they would be able to escape unhinged.

And she wasn't taking a no for an answer.

So, they were strolling down the corridor of the busy hospital with masks covering their faces as they looked for a way to escape the hospital.

And Jared knowing Ariana, knew it would be a miracle if they got out through a door tonight.

"Now, Jerry mouse, let me teach you a way to escape from a hospital," Ariana rubbed her hands excitedly.