0.34 Escaping From the Hospital

The hospital was buzzing with its normal noise as patients were brought into the ER and doctors ran down corridors with nurses following right behind them to save lives.

It was just like any other evening in the big, busy hospital but today seemed to be different, especially when a patient was about to escape.

Jared followed Ariana as they walked down the hallway, dressed and disguised as doctors.

"Wait, isn't that your doctor?" Jared frowned as he saw the doctor walking down towards them with his head buried in a file.

"What? Where? Shiggz! He is the one!" Ariana hissed, not expecting to be caught so soon.

"He is looking here!" Jared hissed as the doctor frowned when he saw two unfamiliar staff coming his way.

"Quick! Move into that room!!" Ariana pushed Jared as they burst into the closest room next to them.

Jared and Ariana pressed themselves to the door as they peeked in through the window to see if he was heading this way.

It was only then Jared heard some sounds coming from the room which made him turn and what he saw in the bed nearly made him collapse from the embarrassment.

"U-Uh, Ariana," Jared mumbled as he tapped her.

"What?" Ariana turned towards him to see his flushed face as he looked at something.

When she followed his gaze, what she saw almost made her fall to the ground from laughter.

It was a patient and a male nurse on top of each other, with their half-naked bodies barely covered with the duvet.

They both had a dumbfounded look on their faces with the sudden intrusion in the middle of their...session.

"Ahem" Ariana cleared her throat loudly as the room fell into an awkward silence.

"W-We are sorry, we didn't-" Jared stuttered as his face grew red every dying minute.

He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing in this room!

"Uh, you can carry on, and don't mind us, we were just on our way out," Ariana said sheepishly.

The couple on the bed said nothing and kept on staring at them with wide eyes as they blinked rapidly.

Seeing that they weren't going to move until they were out of here, Ariana decided to leave but Jared was shocked when he saw her moving further into the room.

"W-What are you doing?!" he muttered as he followed her.

"Well, we can't risk getting caught so we will have to get out from here," Ariana said as a matter of fact as she opened the window.

"Are you crazy?! No way!" Jared yelled as he pulled her back.

"Calm down, Jerry, I didn't say we are going to jump, we are just going to move to the next room so we can get out of here safely," Ariana explained in a calm tone as she stuck her leg out If the window

"What are you doing?!!" We are going to die!!" Jared screamed with his eyes widened.

He seemed to be the only one that was minding that they were on the 'fifth' floor of the building.

Ariana flipped her wild blonde hair and gave him a dazzling wink from behind.

"And who said that's not what I want?" She snickered.

This was the moment he realized he was with one crazy rich brat.

Ariana ignored his warnings and protests as usual as she swung her legs out of the window and balanced her foot on the window still as she leaned her back to the building.

She didn't bother to look down because she didn't want to add any unnecessary nerves. She was feeling exhilarating just by being out so high.

Being stuck in a room for more than a day had made her feel suffocating so she welcomed the harsh breeze of winter as it blew her blonde strands over her face.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Jared was too scared, he had to admit, yes! He was scared!

He couldn't be the one to die while trying to escape from a hospital so he did what anyone with a perfect working brain would do.

He stepped out of the room and ignored the weird looks the couple in the bed were exchanging between him and the lady who had just gotten out through the window and he moved down the hall to the next room.

Ariana, who had surprisingly not heard anyone behind her turned to look through the window as she looked for her partner.

"Jerry?" she called but got no response apart from the slashing on the wind which flowed through her ears wildly.

"Jer-" trying to search for him made her lose her balance as her foot slipped from the window which made her whole weight tumble forward.

Startled by the sudden fall, Ariana desperately tried to grab something when she felt a pair of strong hands grabbing her wrist as she was pulled up from the other window.

Jared gritted his teeth as he pulled her weight through the window and they both stumbled back into the room with Ariana falling on top of him as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

Ariana looked up slightly as her blonde locks fell over her face while she passed her hazel orbs over the male underneath her.

Jared raised his hands, about to push her hair from her face when noises coming from the room made them both jump up from their slight daze.

"Wow, what a heroic move you pulled there, doc," they heard a snarky voice which made them both look up in surprise.

Behind the door, they saw two young teens, in the patient's dress, as they looked at them from head to toe.

Jared hissed under his breath as he had had enough of sneaking into people's rooms.