0.44 A Possible State Of Food Poisoning

Ariana's heart jolted with a frightful terror when her eyes noticed Jared stumbling on the floor. Her legs moved faster than her brain as she ran down the small distance to get to the bench.

"Jared!!!" She let out a screech, feeling at loss of what to do.

Should I call an ambulance? Should I take him to the hospital myself?! What do I do?!

She was internally fretting and her hands had started trembling from the promise of how today was going to end up really messed up.

She didn't know if it was the food that didn't sit well with him or if he wasn't so healthy before he came here but either she felt entirely responsible for him.

"Jared!!" Her chest constricted when he collapsed to the ground with his eyes barely in place.

She dropped the water bottle as she leapt to grab his shoulders in a fruitless attempt of trying to prompt him not to shut his eyes.