0.45 His Secret

Jared felt the consciousness slip into his mind before he vaguely felt his limbs. His head found it hard to discern his surroundings and peeling his eyes open proved to be a hard task with the blinding lights. 

He raised his arm with much difficulty to block off the radiance coming from the ceiling as he looked around his environment and noticed he was in a hospital room.

And he wasn't alone.

He moved his gaze to the side when he felt someone else's presence in the room and he met a young lady sitting next to him on a stool. The first thing he noticed was her red-rimmed eyes and puffy eyes which told him she had just been crying.

He gulped, knowing that she had found out everything.

Ariana looked up at him as her hazel eyes held what seemed like accusation before it morphed into slight relief for seeing him up again.

"Ariana," he let out hoarsely, his throat dried up from dehydration.