0.70 Another Item Off The List

"Oh, my," Ariana breathed out as they got to the ending of the staircase. 

Jared moved in next to her and smiled as a gush of wind blew against his face. They were on a rooftop.

The stars shining down tonight were like pearls. Huge and beautiful where they stood. The hustle and bustle of the Paris streets resounded before them and the cool air only added to the serenity.

The roof wasn't something clean or neat. It had a few items that seemed discarded and it was clear they hadn't used it in a long time due to the dust and dirt accumulated at the top.

But even still, Ariana had a bright smile on her face.

"This is amazing," she smiled as she walked in, not minding her long dress dragging across the dirty floor.

Jared walked in behind her, mesmerised that she found something so simply amazing. It looked more like an abandoned rooftop to him.