0.71 An Early Morning Talk

A delicate smile was placed on Jared's face as he pictured Ariana's pristine face smiling down at him. His hands weren't moving but he could his fingers slip through her blonde hair strands. 

The breeze was cool and gentle on his skin, she had this unnatural warmth oozing from her that he couldn't help but inch closer, and closer, and...

"Jared," he heard someone call his name but it wasn't her. Jared frowned. Who was calling him?

"Jared," the voice came in again, this time much sterner and deeper.

He looked up. Ariana's smiling face was still looking up at him, as though she were expecting something from him. He couldn't figure out what.

Suddenly, her face was fading away, he tried to reach out for her but he couldn't, he was only touching thin air after all.


Jared snapped his eyes open to see his father's outraged brown eyes staring down at him. So that was the voice calling him.