0.76 News Drop In The Launch

"Are you sure everything is okay over there?" Ariana asked one last time to ensure there were no mistakes. 

The man nodded his head at her before she moved off to another corner to make sure the decorations were in place.

The DJ was playing a light tune in the background to put a cosy feeling to the air without affecting anyone's work and she really admired that about him.

She texted a few of the staff on her phone as she moved down the aisle with her heels crunching down the tiles.

"Um, ma'am, do you want me to be at the entrance when the guests step in or should Shimaya do that?" Clara came forward to ask and Ariana looked up.

She had made sure Clara's lack of sense of fashion wouldn't be a hinder today by sending a stylist to dress her up and do her makeup as well.