0.98 Late Night Snacks

"So, what made you choose to leave?" Ariana asked silently as she listened to Jared's story. 

She felt so bad after listening to what he had to go through. He must have felt lost and confused which made him take those wrong decisions.

She only blamed his father who had forced onto a young boy too much burden that he couldn't handle.

"Those activities we did got to a point where I became addicted to smoking. I could smoke more than three packs of cigarettes in a day and I would still be craving more. I wasn't myself anymore and I could feel how much it was affecting my body," Jared muttered, his head still resting on the sofa.

"Wait, are you saying you got cancer due to that?" Ariana asked the dreadful question.

"Yes, the doctor said it was a huge possibility because I spent more than a year smoking like it was the air I breathed through. It was too late when I found that out," he shrugged casually.