0.99 A Huge Meal For Him 1

Ariana peeled her eyes open as the consciousness knocked into her body.

She realized immediately that she was in her living room, and on the couch. Shocked, she searched her memory to find out why she was here and not in her bedroom.

The memories of last night's events rushed into her head one by one, and she had to lie still to register them all in her head.

She got kidnapped last night. By the Count Red gang. A gang which Jared had been part of when he was aboard. Jared came to her house to explain everything to her and they ended up falling asleep on the couch.

What an eventful night!

Stretching her limbs, Ariana looked up to see Jared's face by her toes as she could feel his steady breaths on her feet.

Due to his towering heights, when she turned to her right, it was only his calves that pushed out of the blanket that covered them both.

But wait, when did they get a duvet?