0.100 A Huge Meal For Him 2

Jared stretched his limbs with his eyes closed as he slowly woke up from his deep sleep. 

His honey-brown eyes flickered open and he was at first shocked when he realised he was in unfamiliar surroundings.

He used his hands to pat his body and sighed in relief when he found out his clothes were still on him.

A minute later, the memories of last night flooded in like a hurricane and he squinted a bit when he felt a dull ache on his head.

Not only his head but his entire body seemed to be in pain too. It's been a long while since he used these muscles to do something else other than sit in his office so he was already sore.

Jared rose from the couch and winced with each of his movements.

Did he really sleep at Ariana's place last night? And he didn't even call home to inform them he would be out for the night, they would be worried by now.