0.124 A Dinner With The Count 1

Ariana stepped into the building as the bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses opened the door for her. 

She took a wary glance at Shimaya who seemed simple impressed by manner in which the body guards filled up each corner as though they were in a dangerous zone.

When her secretary had informed her yesterday that Count Vincent Redrol requested to meet her again, she was utterly surprised.

She had totally forgotten about him after the first meeting, not that he wasn't an admirable personality but she had been too busy to put much into her head.

She still remembered the slightly eerie way he stared at her throughout the entire meeting and it still sent goosebumps all over her skin.

He has a confusing ambience that she didn't know whether to deem him dangerous or simply awkward in interacting.

The only reason she agreed to this dinner is that she wanted to give him a second chance to impress her and steer off her doubts.