0.125 A Dinner With The Count 2

Ariana looked up at the man sitting directly across her as he ate his food delicately. 

He looked like a very gentle personality from his soft looks but she didn't want to be a judge just from his looks.

Count Redrol glanced up and caught her staring but she didn't back down from his gaze, not wanting him to feel superior.

"So, Count, why did you ask to meet me tonight?* Ariana asked as she took a sip from the glass of wine.

Shimaya, who was right next to her, perked up as well but pretended to be engrossed in the food.

"As I have told you before, I am interested in knowing you much better, Miss Jatropesh," he muttered as his blue eyes remained on her.

"I think you should be wanting to know how I got into the cosmetics business and the pros and cons in the industry, Count Redrol. After all, that is why you contacted me in the first place, right?" Ariana said while keeping the eye contact.

"Of course, that as well," he shrugged.