0.126 Bitterness In The Cafe

"No, I am waiting for someone. We'll take the orders when she gets here," Jared said to the waiter who nodded before he left.

He sighed as he took a look outside from the window close to where he was seated.

He rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs and reached to brush his brown locks aside with his feet tapping on the floor nervously.

Jared has never been so anxious to meet Ariana Jatropesh but today, he felt like his heart was about to burst out of its position.

This was the first time he would see her properly after the little incident on the bridge where he mistakenly or purposely kissed her.

The image hasn't still left his head for the past two days. He could barely even sleep as his dreams have been filled with so many scenarios he shouldn't be thinking about with one he called a 'friend'.