0.133 Her Daring Move


"Thank you," Ariana smiled at the kind lady who looked happy for her.

"Oh, boss, I am so glad that you got this award. I hope you keep on getting more," Shimaya smiled as she held the golden object in her hands.

Ariana glanced down at the award with Shimaya as a sad look came onto her face.

The wish Shimaya had might not come true because this would be the last award she would receive in her career.

It wouldn't be too long before cancer consumed her entire body and knock out her breath. It wouldn't be long before she was gone.

Strangely, the more she thought about it these days, the more she realised that she was actually more scared than she was at the beginning.

When she first found out that she had little time to live, Ariana was numb and indifferent. She accepted it right away without much qualms which were why she proceeded to tick off the items from her death list.