0.134 A Dance In The Party

"Good evening, dear Antianos," Ariana greeted with a pleasant smile on her face as she stopped before the surprised family.

Then she turned to look up at Jared's stunned face. He seemed to be shocked to see her standing in front of him as she greeted his family. 

But he was going to be even more astonished by her next request.

"Want to have this dance with me?" She brought her hand forth and placed it in the air.

Jared stared at her like she was an alien who just offered him an egg to take care of. The expression he had on his face was so funny that Ariana found it hard to hold in her laughter.

Seconds which felt like hours passed as she waited for a reply from Jared. He was frozen to the spot and at this point, she wasn't even sure he heard her correctly.

She could feel the media starting to turn their cameras to the spectacle which made Ariana smile inwardly.