0.141 Her Decision

"J-Jared, did you just hear what you said?" Ariana asked with a shaky voice.

She didn't know how to accept what he had just said. It was shocking and it left her frozen on her spot.

Her head began to ring with his words and she felt an impending headache coming which made her hold her head with her hands.

As stunned as she was, there was a smaller part of her which was unusually excited by his declaration. It made her confused.

Did she like Jared as well? Was that the reason for her joy albeit the feeling of turmoil in her head?

Ariana tentatively glanced up at Jared and she saw he had a relieved facial expression like he had been aching to reveal that to ger for so long and was only able to do so now.

"Of course, I did. I am madly in love with you, Ariana and I can't keep punishing myself by staying close to you but with a clear distance as well. I feel hurt when I see you with Derek because I want to be in his position," Jared let out.