0.142 The Pain

Ariana fell to the floor with tears easily covering her face as she had been doused with a bucket of water.

Her sobs were silent but powerful, the need to release all the stuffed emotions being dire. 

She was exhausted and what just happened with Jared was the last straw that pulled her out of her ever-strong phase.

She had a ticking bomb in her body that would kill her off at any time, she hadn't been able to tell her favourite person about it, and she didn't know who was going to take care of her company while she was gone.

She had so many things going through her head at the moment and Jared had to come in to sway her already broken heart.

Why did he have to come in at this time? This desperate and minute period of her life?

She had lived twenty-seven good years without him and he had come in now?! Why?! She felt so wronged!