Arc 1 : A Suicidal Second Generation Young Master

A/N: What you will hear in the story is basically suicide attempts of the MC for the purpose of the plot. Please do not copy our MC, I beg of you do not take this seriously!!!

Dazai is Dazai, but not all are Dazai.




Arc 1 : A Suicidal Second Generation young master

(-Xiu Lin, the precious third master is traumatized and depressed, he wants to die.)

"I quit!"

In a white space stood a young man fuming with anger as he swayed his hand harshly.

The place was a vast nothingness and only the boy with colors stood out in the blank canvas like a lone ant.

This ant was Xiu Lin. A new employee bounded to the system for a while now and has gone through three worlds and failed them miserably in the end. He did what he can but the problem is, he was a single dog who didn't know how to spark up romance.

In the first world, his tasks were to become a school god from his nerdy tops. As someone who knew a little about beauty guru, he struggled his way from haircut to skincare and exercises through video tutorials. Since he was a top student, it was also a plus!

In a matter of months, his image of a nerd became the god of textbooks.

His love life meter has yet to be filled. He tried to court the school flower, but the school bully interfered. He tried to date someone else, but student council president interfered until he graduated. He tried to date--which failed before it could even start because of other men.

Can you imagine how annoying it is? Xiu Lin remained single until he died at thirty five. When he left his body, the ones who prepared his funeral were those guys who stopped his journey to love life.

-probably to laugh at him for keeping up the forever single life.

On the second world, he became a scholar. Seeing as he was a rare heralded genius of the century, he was then promoted as a royal tutor.

Task one succeeded.

On the peak of spring where flowers blooms and matures and so is he who was ready to harvest the flower he will take home to marry...

A decree from the emperor came to his front door, banning the royal tutor Xiu Lin to be wedded as it will cloud his loyalty to the royal family!

Xiu Lin: "..."


So he died a single dog.

Upon leaving this world's body, the emperor held a grand funeral for him and bestowed him a title: "The Loyal and the Pure"

My ass.

On the third world, he became a ghost hunter who have exorcise top tier ghost and earned a name for himself completing task one.


When he tried to date someone, they ended up being haunted by the ghost king.

Half way through the story, Xiu Lin gave up and was killed by a malicious ghost. Leaving his body, he noticed the ghost staring at the lifeless body crazily.

So he tried..

Three fucking times. Now look at the result. His love life is always zero. Zero to the point that it hurts the eyes.

[Host, don't worry. You still have ninety seven chances!] System 1204 encouraged Xiu Lin with his mechanical child like voice.

"Ninety seven! I thought you guys are supposed to kill hosts who fails the mission? Is there even logic to 100 worlds?" He spat angrily. He just wanted to rest in peace now.

[Host's spiritual shards are scattered in 100 worlds. Unless you completely lived all 100 worlds will host be ejected by the higher beings for being a failure.] 1204 explained. [So host needs to relive 97 more worlds before he is fired]

Xiu Lin's face became sour and sour. He gritted his teeth as he looked at the empty space. "Fine then! Shot me to the fourth world! I'm committing suicide!" He shouted.

The system was quiet for a while then it sighed. [Host will be taken to the next world in 3... 2... 1--]

A white light flashed through the boy's eyes as he found himself in daze.

Xiu Lin opened his and noticed the crowd of people in front of him. He was a bit nauseous too but in his hand, he was holding a glass of wine.

Around him seems to be people of high status speaking with each other, laughing and the like while he stood at the corner like an invisible tree.

[Main Task 1 : Become a multi-billion dollar son.

Main Task 2 : Avoid being drugged and ruined reputation during the party.

Main Task 3 : Get a loving companion.]

[Goodluck on your journey, host!] 1204 happily flew away like a ghost that doesn't exist.

Xiu Lin's eyes stung at the words. The wine was drugged so it means someone's after him.

It's drugged... sigh.

The boy walked out of the party hall and got out into the deck. He was in a luxurious ship actually. It was so big he didn't know how many steps it took before he got onto the edge of the giant machine.

It was also evening and the moon was quite bright and whole. His white tux warmed him up in the contrast of the salty air. His soft silver hair waved to his back and his light grey purple eyes stared into the black sea while holding the wine in hand.

They were probably ten kilometers away from land seeing as the lights had turned into mini stars on land. He drank on the drugged wine and threw it in the deck empty after. The sound of glass shattering couldn't be heard inside because it was quite far and the sound of waves ate the echoes of glass. He then climbed on the railing until he was balancing on top of it allowing more and more breeze wave his clothes and hair.

He waited for the effect of the drug while posing there with elegance.

[Host... are you sure, you want to do this?] The system asked a bit concerned.

Xiu Lin smiled. "Sure. It's not like someone has good intentions for me here anyway." He spread his arms wide as if savoring his last moment with a calm smile. "It's even to the point that I was given drugs to be done maliciously with." He sighed.

Drowning won't hurt. Well, my body slamming in the water would. But that's it.

Xiu Lin continued to think how he'll die under the sea. Will he be eaten by sharks or something? Would his meat be healthy for sharks? Well, perhaps. He is a young master after all, his body should have had enough nutrients.

After making up his mind to become a healthy shark feed, the drug began to take effect. Somehow, he felt drowsy, the surroundings became a hazy image and his body slowly lost its strength.

Then his body lost its function and fell forward only to be grabbed back on his waist and was pulled into the deck, both individuals rolling through the floor deck.

"Seriously." The man sighed as he held a youth in his arms seeing his eyes completely closed. "Trying to die in my cruise? That would be bad for my reputation." He sighed.

Dark hair and obsidian eyes stared at Xiu Lin's sleeping self. He couldn't help but frown at this beautiful boy who was about to commit suicide earlier. The way he calmly spoke with a hint of tiredness in them.

Sure. It's not like someone has good intentions for me here anyway.

It's even to the point that I was given drugs to be done maliciously with.

Drugs... in his property?

The man turned to the shards of glass as he raised his hand to call his assistant in.

Said assistant came closer, fixing his glasses as he looked at his boss and towards the little master in his arms. "Take a sample from that glass and have the liquor inside checked." He pointed. "Tell me immediately if it's drugged."

"Right away, sir." The assistant brought out his handkerchief and took some remnants of the liquor. He placed it in a zip lock that he miraculously have in his pocket and looked at his boss. "Do you want assistance with that young man?" He pointed to the sleeping Xiu Lin.

The little bun was now snuggling into the stranger's chest.

The man watched it with blank eyes before speaking. "No need. I'll take him inside." He said.

The assistant nodded and decided to to intervene anymore and left.

[Inserting Data... ]

[Background memory installing... 1%... 7%... 50%... 100%... complete. Host and world body completely synchronized.]

[Host, you are now in the body of a second generation young master. Your family own one of the richest company in the world. Host is also the third young master of the Xiu family. He is Xiu family's most precious son and little brother, he was spoiled and cherished since young so he always gets what he wants. He is arrogant to others except his family. He is eighteen today and this is his second time attending a business party so he didn't have much thought about it. Unfortunately, there is an old man who took fancy on him when he was a child until now had orchestrated a scheme to make him unable to fight when he gets taken advantage of. The person succeeded and humiliated the original until he was satisfied. But this is only the beginning, the original experienced torturous moments before he finally passed away.]

I want to kick that old man's d***.

'By the way, my task 1 says that I must become a multi billionaire. But we're already rich...'

[Host, soon your family will become bankrupt.] 1204 explained. [Either host prevents the ruin of your family or rebuild a business.]

'Ain't I already dead? Why do I need to--'

[Host, you survived the attempted death. Congratulations! Your survival ability rose to 20%!]

Xiu Lin wanted to punch the sarcastic system right now. Is my suicide a joke to you?!

But before he could utter bad words, he was pulled awake to reality. His light greyish purple eyes opened as the ceiling chandelier welcomed his sight, a soft bed to his back, and a warm blanket to his body.

He blinked twice and slowly sat up, trying to feel if anything was wrong with his body or if the drug was still in effect. However, he found none. He felt fine and okay but it doesn't mean that he was relieved.

"Fuck I'm still alive..." he said in annoyance as he pulled up a strand from his bangs with a grunt. "Whoever saved me, fuck you dude!" He raised an imaginary middle finger in ever corner of the room with irritation. He sat down on the bedside while still feeling groggy as his eyesight began to clear in the room.

First of all, this is quite luxurious. The design were quite minimalistic, simple but the details were intricate that you can tell how rich the person who stays here is. He frowned and though about it, he'll earn millions for this room alone.

Ignoring his ideas, he looked down on the floor and searched for his leather shoes. He was only wearing his socks and even his blazer was gone.

Xiu Lin couldn't help but sigh. He stood up and decided to walk out of the room bare-socks. Who cares about shoes, he can just go back to his room and continue sleep there. At least safer and less extravaganza of expensive items.

He yawned a few times and dragged himself to the ship's corridors in search for his room number.

Meanwhile inside that room, the same man sat on the sofa the teen was facing back earlier. A smile appeared on his face when he heard Xiu Lin cursed at him for saving him. The amusement he was feeling wasn't high but his obsidian gaze was full of interest towards the boy who did not even noticed him in the same room.

In his hand, he held the boy's school ID that he happened to find in his wallet. The picture of the boy looking back at the camera with a serious façade. "Xiu Lin, huh?" He said.