A Suicidal Second Generation Young master 02

For the duration of the ship party, Xiu Lin stayed on his room to play games while leisurely eating high class foods.

He lazily stayed while planning his suicide attempt later on. His shark feed operation didn't succeed so he'll find another painless death.

Overdose? Will that do?

He got up and swaggered towards the bathroom door to check on the medicine cabinet. He blankly stared at the empty containers and closed it back with a sigh on his beautiful and delicate face.

Guess, not today...

[Host, why don't you just enjoy the bliss of being the young master?]

The system asked with this tone of anticipation in his part. Almost as of he was a salesman looking at his possible costumer.

'Yeah, like enjoy the bliss of being a soon to be bankrupt young master, right?'

The system is quiet.

The system is internally crying.

Xiu Lin chuckled as he collapsed back on the soft cushion of his bed. But in the middle of his thoughts, a knock disturbed his lonesome.

He shuffled out of his bed and made his way towards the door. "Who is it?" He asked.

Xiu Lin was left with no response while he held the knob unmoving.

'System, is someone about to kill me?' he asked.

The system hesitated. [...yes.]

'Great! Let's welcome them with open arms!' Xiu Lin's smile was bright as he opened the door pleased.

Before he could even fully opened the door, a big hand had landed on his mouth and pushed him back inside the room harshly. There was a gun on his other hand, pointed to the young man's temples.

"Mrph!" Pull the trigger already!

System: [*cr-un-ch*]

There were careful chewing sounds of something crunchy coming from Xiu Lin's head as if being sneaky on eating junkfoods in class. He was calm, but he was a bit annoyed.

'Can you mute the chewing. I'm suddenly craving for some nachos. At least give me some.' He complained.

[Host, as much as I wish to share my crisps, I will not.]

You cruel system. And what the heck is this guy waiting for? Can't he kill me already? I'm already like a main dish here waiting to be eaten.

Said killer stared at those dead and fearless pair of eyes. He hesitated to pull the trigger. In fact, he felt as if this youth's bored eyes can see through his soul and he is a mere ant who doesn't know he's facing a god.

His insides trembled with doubt. Had he planned something from the very start?

His hand went down to the boy's neck so he could ask for his last words before getting the job done but, he was not expecting the boy's words.

"Are you done? What are you waiting for, kill already." Xiu Lin coldly provoked him.

Did he set up a trap? What if he got caught? The amateur killer looked around. Honestly, this was his first job and of all targets, why did he land to this kid who looked like he's got everything under control at the back of his hand?!

"Still hesitating? Are you a killer or not? Shoot already you piece of shit!"

The killer flinched. His eyes turned red in rage. This brat is testing his professionalism!

He pressed the tip of the gun on the young man's temple. He must kill this brat! Must kill him!

But why isn't this kid even phased? Did he miss something? Not passing by another minute, Xiu Lin spoke again.

"Bruh, the gun is on safety. You can't even do a simple thing. Oh god, please send me an actual killer."

The assassin was silent. He stared at the kid for a while before running away with embarrassment.

Xiu Lin: "..."

System: [...]

'He ran away...'


"Fuck, even killers?! Even killers?!" Xiu Lin shouted in frustration as he punched his pillow. He was complaining at the point of crying and laughing.

[You survived an assassination attempt host! Congratulations. Your vigour had rose up to 60%!] Once again, the sarcastic system spoke heartless words.

This time, Xiu Lin did cry.

At the same time, his room door suddenly slammed open. A man in a sophisticated suit together with a number of bodyguards behind him barged into his room only to see a young man in the comfort of his own pillow, shedding beautiful tears.

He looked very pitiful, there were even hand print bruise on his slim delicate pale neck as if it nearly snapped. Like a wounded little kitten.

The man approached him carefully as not to scare him. Surveillance said that an unknown person entered the premise and it just so happened that the suspicious person went to this room. He did not expect to see the same young man who tried to commit suicide last night to be the target himself.

He reached out one hand to touch his head. "Are you okay?" He asked

"No!" With trembling voice, Xiu Lin spat angrily.

Even a killer! Even a killer doesn't want to kill me! Wuwuwuwu

"It's okay." The man suddenly hugged him, soothing his back gently.

"It's not okay." He sobbed. "I want to die." He weakly complained.

Poor kid. To see him depressed like this.

So with the man's unnatural gentleness, he patted the boy's head. "We caught the person, don't worry. I'll take responsibility with the investigation." He said seriously. As the owner of this cruise, I will help this young man.

Xiu Lin cried even more.

It took a while until father Xiu heard the assassination attempt towards his son. When the elegant mother Xiu, who was beside him heard of this, she forgot all etiquette and rushed towards her son with hysteria. His husband soon followed until they were in the room, seeing their eighteen year old son asleep on the bed.

The side of his eyes were red and his brows were beautifully knitted.

"Lin! Lin, darling!" Mother reached the side of the bed and checked onto her sleeping son. There were traces of tears and worry in her eyes.

"He passed out crying." The man, who had comforted the teen stood up to meet Xiu Lin's parents.

Old Xiu turned to the rather handsome young man. His eyes observed for a while and immediately sparked up a sight of recognition. "Mr. Lu." He acknowledged.

Lu Jian nodded as he approached the respected Xiu. "I swear to that I'll help out with the investigation any way I can. As the owner of the cruise, I'll take full responsibility for my negligence." He said.

"Is our son hurt anywhere?" Father Xiu asked.

"There had been signs of strangling on his neck." Lu Jian explained. "We don't know where else he was hurt. But rest assured that the doctor is coming now."

Father Xiu sighed as he held the back of his neck. He then looked at his youngest son whom everyone had spoiled since young sleeping right there with a bruise on his neck and a tired look in his expression.

"Dad, what happened?" Xiu Wan, his oldest son finally arrived in the room with inquiring gaze. He had just gone to a short meeting with his other business acquaintances, but when he heard his little brother was nearly assassinated, he rushed down to meet his parents.

His eyes scanned the crowded room and saw his younger brother lying there with an obvious bruising on his neck. His eyes couldn't help but redden with anger. Who would hurt his brother like this?!

"We already caught the suspect. All we're investigating as of now was the person responsible." Lu Jian explained with a superior look in his brooding aura.

"Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Lu." Xiu Wan gratefully bowed to him with sincerity.

As the people inside spoke, Lu Jian's assistant came back rushing. He held a paper in hand and spoke. "Mr. Lu, I've received the report regarding the thing you asked me to check." Perfect assistant Su Rong spoke, fixing his glassed and stood a good distance for his boss to hear. As soon as the person heard that, he quickly strides out and his assistant followed to have them speak of it in private.

As soon as they were in the corridor a few meters away, the assistant Su Rong spoke.

"The drink was dosed with hallucinogenic agents. It was quite strong. There were also some remnants of sleeping pills."

"Did you find out who did this?" Lu Jian asked.

"As of now, we are conducting investigation of who might want to implicate the young master Xiu."

"Good, investigate thoroughly. Even the past business or anything that can be based on this incident." Lu Jian gave his orders.

"Right away boss." The assistant who was internally crying because of overtime, replied with vigour.

Meanwhile, sleeping Xiu Lin was inside his consciousness and sighed. 'System, where are the chips?' He asked.

[Host, I will not give you some.] 1204 replied.

'You're a selfish system.'

[Host, please place a hand in your heart.] 1204 spoke calmly.

Xiu Lin did so and felt the beating of his chest. 'So... what now?' He asked.

[Host, close your eyes and think of this poor system who will be sent to janitorial duty if you fail all tasks once the 100 world is gone. All you have to do is persist and have a lovelife. So easy!]

'Fuck!' Xiu Lin cursed the system in his heart. 'Let me be! I quit! Love life your sister!'

The young man sulked in his space and ignored the sarcastic system with all his heart. He really lost all hope after what those guys did to him in the previous three worlds. The fact that he was prevented of getting himself a wife over and over in hundreds of tries. It's as if he even earned a phobia of dating women because of it.

Everytime he thought about those days... god forgive him, but he wanted to butcher the protagonists!

When he woke up the next day, Xiu Lin felt his neck a bit stiff. His immediate reaction was to touch it and felt the texture of cloth covering the skin of his neck. It was bandaged secured as if his head was reattached to his body, there was also tube in his hand connected to the water bag beside his bed as if he was a patient. He was still in his room in the cruise so he relaxed a bit.

'1204, what happened while I was asleep?'

[Body scanning...] 1204 spoke robotically. [Host, the remains of drug on you body is being sifted out. Don't need to worry host, it seems that you're getting medical attention.]

'I know that. But what happened while I was asleep?' He asked again.

[I don't have a data, host. If you are unconscious, I will also follow you in the sea of consciousness.] The system explained.

Xiu Lin sighed. 'Alright.' He said. 'System, you have system search right? It has the highest probability rate, right?'

[Yes host! My information are top notch!] 1204 proudly replied his main specs.

Xiu Lin smiled and hummed. 'Then search for ways to suicide, with the highest probability of me dying.'

System: [...]

System was frustrated.

System is crying tears of hopelessness.

[Host X... I want to say I hate you.] Anyways, he already said it.

Xiu Lin brushed him off and snorted. "Come on, will I die drinking pesticide?" He asked.

Behind the door, Xiu Lin didn't notice the person standing. Lu Jian who heard his plan again paused from fully opening the door.

He's planning to commit suicide again... he thought as he took out his phone and made a short call... to a psychiatrist.