A Suicidal Second Generation Young Master 05

After cursing the system several times, Xiu Lin wen back to his senses when he was sitting on the sofa.

"Your knees are bleeding." Lu Jian said calmly.

Xiu Lin followed his sight towards that jeans which was stained red already and remained blank.

So? What am I suppose to say?

"Change in this bathrobe first so we can patch the injuries." Lu Jian handed him said navy blue robe. So the young man fished it out of his hand and walked towards what he assumed to be the bathroom and his intuition seems right.

'Male leads are so... sigh. Everywhere smells like a man.'

[Host is lucky too. You have a golden finger!]

'What golden finger? I never heard you say that before.'

[Of course host! All hosts bounded by the system have unique golden fingers and you are no exception!]

'So, what is my golden finger?'

[Host will become very lovable whatever he does!] The proud system explained.

Xiu Lin choked. His heart felt heavy it couldn't be lifted by a single hand anymore. 'Lovable? Lovable?! What am I, a pet?! A baby?!' He angrily cursed while punching the air.

He removed his pants leaving his shirt and wore the bathrobe around his body, tying it with the cloth on its waist before coming out with the same lazed look.

[Host, you don't understand. You can conquer the world by being lovely.] The system explained.

Xiu Lin pouted in dissatisfaction as he listened to the System blabbers about how loveliness can be dangerous.

[I mean, host. You should watch secret life of pets. There's a white little bunny there named Snowball. He's a dangerous cute white little bunny. Or puss in boots, host. Have you seen those goo goo eyes that can melt the heart?] 1204 was enjoying his story telling so much while Xiu Lin on the other hand is dying inside. [Host can try it on the male lead! System will guarantee that he will be very nice!]

Sitting back on the sofa, Xiu Lin saw Lu Jian came out with his medicine kit. He knelt in front of the young man and checked his knee. There were scrapes and bruise too. Did his knees hit the ground too much?

Lu Jian was worried it might even scar.

"Jian ge." There was a small soft voice that called him. Lu Jian looked up to see the young man in front of him showing him his palms which had a bit of bloody scratch. He looked pitiful while doing that making Lu Jian's heart melt.

"Does it hurt?" His voice became gentler while holding the slim porcelain hands in his calloused palms. The cold hands contrast to his hot hands made a sudden sense of comfort.

"Ge..." his voice became even smaller and his expression became even more pitiful like a wounded kitten.

Meanwhile, in Xiu Lin's mind, he could hear the loud cheering of 1204.

[Host, great host! Did you see that?! It worked like a charm!] The system bragged, his nose becoming higher and higher if he has physical body.

'Yes, I see it.' Xiu Lin replied nonchalantly while still maintaining a pained look. It really does work.

Lu Jian sat beside him while holding one of Xiu Lin's hand. He opened the kit and rummaged through the kit as he took out some cotton and alcohol.

Xiu Lin watched this with a very pitiful look. The alcohol will really be painful. Lu Jian put some amount of alcohol on the cotton and carefully dabbled it on the scratches.

He then raised the cold shaking palm and blew it to ward of the stinging pain caused by the alcohol.

The young man, who was about to retract his hand away froze.

The demon in his head began to rejoice. [Did you see that! Did you see that host! He became gentle! Your golden finger works!] He shouted almost as if he was speaking to someone far away.

'Shut up.' Xiu Lin was still stunned and frozen like a rock.

My god. What devil. What devil?! What am I, a child?!

After getting himself back to reality, Xiu Lin was angry for being treated like a vase. He wanted to kick Lu Jian away but held himself back. He could only stare with shock as he was being handled so carefully.

"I-I'll do it now, Jian ge..." Xiu Lin said after his palms were done being tended.

But there is probably no room to process this as the man hand knelt in front of him again. Lu Jian took one of his smooth jade leg and let it stay atop the man's leg, giving him a proper looked at Xiu Lin's injury.

With his lightly tanned long and slender hand, he held the back of the young man's leg to have the long smooth leg accessible. He then once again carefully dabs the cotton with alcohol and blew into it after.

In Xiu Lin's perspective, it even looked as if Lu Jian was kissing it instead of blowing on it.

Honestly, Lu Jian himself was quite surprised by his actions. Why go too far as to this? But the smooth flesh indeed felt good in his touch, especially when it was lightly flinching whenever he applied alcohol in it.

What are they feeding him exactly? Why is this skin even smoother than women's?

He carefully caressed the smaller leg down to its calf and placed it down on the floor. After that, he took the next leg. The same smooth silky texture touched his palm, it became even warmer.

Lu Jian looked up and noticed the young man's eyes closed.

That's right, the treatment was so slow and so gentle, Xiu Lin fell asleep. Honestly, the condominium felt nice and cozy, the light was quite dim and everything about it is so manly that it made the young man tired. Add in the fact that his system had been talking nonstop.

Seeing him like so, Lu Jian didn't know what to do. He first dabbled the injury and it was still flinching unconsciously but didn't move unnecessarily like an obedient kitten.

It was so cute. He wanted to press him down--

Woah there buddy. Lu Jian Jr., sit. Don't stand.

Lu Jian face turned red when he thought of that. What was that sudden urge of domination?

He swallowed a big lump, feeling that his heart beat began to increase unnaturally as he looked at the entirety of this boy. His burning palm still holding the young man's soft calf that he had already squeezed lightly.

In fact, he wanted to rub the leg he was holding right now, but in order not to disturb the young man, he just decided to keep holding the calf that was already in his palm.

"Lin, are you okay?" Lu Jian called out, trying to confirm if the young man was indeed asleep.

He waited a couple of minutes of observation, Lu Jian sighed and stood up, leaning forward to carry the boy in his arms and carried him towards his room so he can lay on the bed comfortably.

On the process of carrying him and tucking him on the bed, Xiu Lin had not moved and was only busy moving around for a comfortable position until he was satisfied with his stomach lying on the cushion of the soft bed and snuggled the pillow with hate...

With hate?

Xiu Lin indeed had this frown of dissatisfaction in his expression. Because he could smell the scent of the adult 'man'. Can you imagine how envious he was because of this?

This was only Xiu Lin's complain, but aside from this, the bed and pillow is cozy. He had innocently but greedily occupied the blanket and rolled like a cocoon, while compressed like a cute cinnamon roll.

He just went on like that, not really knowing the thought of the person who watched him turn and twist until he found himself so warm and comfy there.

Because that man, Lu Jian, who was the master of the city, the richest man, the tyrant as everyone called him is already had his heart melting from this cute kitten who was like a curious bun being entangled in the ball of yarn he had played.

His emotions right now was very mixed. He wants to pamper him like a dad, take good care of him like a brother but then press him down like a lover.

He looked at the wrapped up young master on the blanket with complicated yet longing eyes.

All he felt was something odd in his system. Odd in a way that he wanted to keep this young man here, waiting for him obediently on the bed.

But for now, he really should fix this person's suicidal tendencies and assassination attempts against his life. Knowing that he might intentionally or unintentionally die, he needed to further make investigations not only for compensating him from before, but also for their possible future.