A Suicidal Second Generation Young Master 06

On the following days, Xiu Lin became low key.

He stayed in his room all day, hacking this and that belonging to businesses of old Wang. Which means there would be a lot of computers to check onto and documents that needs reading which is why it took Xiu Lin quite a while before he managed to find the main computer.

Honestly, old Wang was quite meticulous in traditional documents and had easily forged them will in hard copies and soft copies... well for an old bone who knew a little bit of Microsoft. But he is someone who didn't quite had the grasp of computer security.

He was easily infiltrated by Xiu Lin's virus and saw it all in just one sitting. He copied the actual documents meanwhile forging a documents his own in order to embezzle the money.

He made sure to expose this evil man.

After taking up all information and taking back their money bank, Xiu Lin let out a sigh and closed his laptop. How he learned how to hack was beyond him.

All he knew that when he woke up, he was already in the white plains of consciousness where he met the system. He did not have memory beyond that, but he did have general knowledge as if he knew he had studied something before.

But the skill was quite useful.

The inexplicable feeling of joy hit him as he think about the old pig Wang that will be receiving his face slapped later.

After his days of hard work, Xiu Lin finally stood up and went straight to shower. It's time to put his suicidal itinerary to the test!

After that, he dried his hair and changed into a pair of clothes, red shirt and black jeans topped with another black jacket. He went out and noticed that only the housekeeper was the only one left while the entire Xiu family left for work except for him who stayed cooped in the bed, refusing to go out no matter what.

He took his car keys and left. His car speed being a bit out of the speeding limit before he decided to lower his speed when he reached the main road. He drove with boredom, channeling all interest towards the road.

'1204, where's the nearest barbecue house?' Xiu Lin asked.

[About four kilometers away, host. Are you hungry?]

'Yeah.' He replied. He didn't eat breakfast and it's already afternoon so he also missed lunch. He's quite famished.

1204 happily directed his host towards the barbeque the other had been craving to eat. As they telepathically chatted about the shortcuts, Xiu Lin heard a loud beep to the passenger side window.

He turned his head and saw a van rushing to his car. In just a matter of second, the van hit the back of Xiu Lin's car. The impact made the expensive car made a circular motion before it hit an electric pole and fully stopping.

Survivor Xiu Lin: "..."

System: [{´◕ ◡ ◕`}]

"Another failed assassination attempt." Xiu Lin said, gritting his teeth in anger and disappointment.

The impact did caused him a lot of pain. His head hit the window and steering wheel, the pole hit his door side in the driver's seat is situated and which is now misshapen and stuck on the side of his chair, on the other side, the impact from the van also deflated the shape of the car and the passenger seat that was pushed closer to him is now blocking his exit. Aside from that, he is well and alive but is in a complicated state... well unless this car explodes.

Blood dripped from his head feeling dazed. He was stuck on the driver's seat lamenting why he still survived a car accident.

People began to make inaudible noises and shouts outside.

He really wanted to cry.

And due to his disoriented and dazed state, he closed his eyes and fell unconscious in the car seat. Waiting for any hopeful explosion or something.

Lu Jian's phone rang frantically during the meeting. The other executives turned to him nervously as the man grabbed his phone and noticed that his 'watchmen' who is responsible for tailing Xiu Lin had been calling.

He excused himself and left the conference room to answer his phone, leaving a lighter atmosphere in the room.

"What happened?" He asked. The only reason his people would he calling is in the condition whether Xiu Lin is in trouble and in danger only.

"Boss! Assassination attempt! The young master had a car accident, until now, he's still stuck in the car."

Lu Jian clenched the phone in his hand. "How is he?"

"Fortunately, he's not severely injured. But both sides of his car had been folded so it's not easy to get him out." The watchman explained. "The rescuers are trying to check on him from time to time."

"Watch over him. I'm coming." Lu Jian ended the call and went back to the meeting with a very dangerous gaze. His eyes swept over everyone before coldly speaking. "The meeting is over." And left.

Everyone stared at the young entrepreneur with confusion and relief when he left. Usually, Lu Jian ends the meeting at exact two hours to intimidate them. But today, in just thirty minutes, he ended it.

Back at the scene of the accident, Xiu Lin regained back his consciousness and found that he was still inside his car. There are rescuers outside of different professions were running around with stretchers and the like.

How long has he been since he was stuck here. His head felt more dizzy than it should have been. He also felt his but numbing from the long time he's been there.

And surprisingly, he feels quite odd. '1204, how's my health?' He asked.

[Host's life rate is going down. Host! Why are you dying?! Oh no, the impact on your head must have caused internal bleeding!] The system panicked.

Dying? I'm dying?! There was glee in the young man's eyes, contrary to the system's frantic tone. Finally! Finally!

He rummaged the little space he had and found his phone still working perfectly in he pockets, searched the contacts and found Lu Jian's number.

He frowned, wondering how it came to be there, but dialed it anyways.

In just one ring, it was immediately answered. "Lin? Is that you? Are you okay?" From the phone, three consecutive questions were raised.

Xiu Lin chuckled as he weakly leaned his head on the steering wheel. "Jian ge... can you do me a favor." He said.

"Yes, tell me." The older replied on the other line.

"I have my laptop at home. Password is my date of birth. There are saved documents in there, proof of my uncle Wang's embezzlement..." his hand was shaking, feeling his health beginning to deteriorate any moment now. "Please keep my family safe... Jian ge..."

Before Lu Jian could say something, he heard a loud thud from the other line. Xiu Lin threw his phone on the floor and kept his head on top of the steering wheel, waiting for his death.

He was excited to leave but listening to his annoying system makes this departure so irritating for him.

[Host, oh host! Don't do this to me! The regeneration system is so slow. Wuwuwuw] System cried, filling up his head with rain of tears.

'I can't control my body if it wants to die, okay?' Xiu Lin replied nonchalantly.

[Host! According to my analysis, if you were not tended within three hours, you will die! Additional one hour because the regenerating system is trying to fix your missing cells.] The panicked system cried.

'Good, good!' He only have at least four hours to live.

Meanwhile on Lu Jian's side who heard the loud thud through the other line...

The man clenched his phone. "Lin, hold on okay. There are already help there, just hold on a little longer." He said.

There was no response on the other end, making his scalp turning even more numbed.

He kept the line open and coldly looked at his driver. "Drive quickly."

The frightened employee did his best to bring out the quick driving in him. In just a matter of minutes, they finally reached the scene of the crash.

His heart clenched when he saw the car whose roof had been sawed open by the rescuers. Both sides were a wreck, they said he was lucky that the hit was in the back part of the car because if it managed to hit the front seat, they didn't know what other debris might have stabbed him along the way.

Although they said the injury is minor, Lu Jian couldn't rest the fact that Xiu Lin called him as if entrusting his final means to protect his family.

...entrusting his last words.

Xiu Family were there, lamenting over the well being of the third young master. Mother Xiu had long collapsed in tears, her husband trying to coax her while the other two older siblings watched as the rescuers carefully lifted the boy out of the passenger seat with a stretcher.

His eyes were closed and there were blood oozing out of his head and nose. His shirt being soaked with the same crimson color.

Lu Jian clenched his fist and watched this young man's current state. He approached the other two Xiu sibling as they waited for the stretcher to reach them out towards the yellow tape where the ambulance was placed.

Seeing him like this, mother Xiu cried even more. The worst thing a mother could even want to see is the sight of her child hurt this much. As she cried, her body slowly lost her colour and lost consciousness.

Both mother Xiu and Xiu Lin were taken to the hospital after.

Lu Jian and the other Xiu members followed by car.

After the hours of impatient wait outside the emergency ward, a doctor came out of the door. The people who were worried about Xiu Lin looked up at him with eyes of desperation.

The doctor removed his surgical mask and spoke. "Fortunately, they were able to take him in the hospital on time. We were able to avoid the damage that his internal bleeding might have caused in his brain. The boy is out of danger now but he still need to stay under observation in the ICU." He explained.

It could be seen that there was a look of relief in everyone's eyes as they heard that he was saved.

Hearing this, Lu Jian, whose heart had been squeezed earlier slowly filled his heart with joy. Only then that he had realized that he's in love...

To lose someone important where you couldn't bare to live a day without them. That's exactly how he felt and imagined the moment Xiu Lin no longer spoke when they were talking on the phone.

He is in love with Xiu Lin.

He won't ever let him go like this.

"Mr. Xiu." Lu Jian called to the old man.

Xiu Lin's father looked up seeing a determined look on Lu Jian. "I have a proposal to make." He said.