Arc 2 : A Suicidal Brainiac

UDs will now be set every Friday!

Love lots~


Xiu Lin staggered as unexpected numbers and different types of ideas appeared in his head, different 98% probability and other incomprehensible codes that he--surprisingly--could understand.

It's as if he saw the world at the back of his head, although it was vague but he knew it as if it was engraved to his mind and could never be forgotten.

This is another world. And this body was another him.

He understood it as if he's predicted it from the beginning.

Xiu Lin soon felt that his pain subsided--no, it wasn't pain, it was merely a knowledge overflow that strained his ability to think for several seconds.

He opened his eyes and saw himself in a room filled with different laboratory equipment. He was standing in front of an apparatus, watching as the thick dark purple fluid inside produces bubbles every two seconds.

In his hand, he was holding a clipboard with different writings on them. He understood immediately that it was an observation log on that liquid that he already knew because he knew it just from sight.

'System, what the fuck is this? My head literally knows a lot of scientific terms. It makes me sick.' Xiu Lin called out through the system with a hateful heart.

[Welcome to the future world host! Xiu Lin of this era is a well known scientist! Genius for the invention of different miraculous agents no one has ever known! He had won different kind of novel prices, trophies, medals and any award your memories might have had in mind.

Anyway, the original is just too smart, scary smart that he is insensitive. He doesn't care how he spoke because he thinks that making up a lie is so troublesome. Because of this, host garners many enemies in the department.

A lot of people wants to sabotage his work and blacken his already questionable reputation. In the end, everyone succeeded on destroying the original's works and even driven him out of the lab with nothing on him.

Since the original had lost his assets and is unable to get a job, he decided to just leave the country. However, he was kidnapped by the 'Alliance' and locked, forced to make the blueprint of a very strong weapon that can destroy a country before he was killed. His tongue was cut and his brain was taken into study.]


[Main task 1 : Prevent the blackening of the original's reputation.

Main task 2 : Avoid creating harmful experiments

Main task 3 : Have a lover.]

Xiu Lin calmed himself. Still cursing the system with eloquence and spraying him in his mind of proper pronunciations of the poisons that he knew the scientific names of.

Just let me quit! What's so hard about it?

If I calculate the probability of my stay in every world and the years I have to spend on my dying days if I don't die today would he another annoying additional years that would become a troublesome bother! Do you have any idea how normal it is that people should die everyday so that the population could be balanced and our resources would not weigh higher than how much we already consumed on a daily basis?!

If the average human life is 70-90(this is an au) years, and everyday and there are 3 elders who dies out of 10 babies that is born(once again, this is an au) then what will become of our country?! So as to contribute, I shall see myself out of this world!

Xiu Lin hated his random thoughts and rants. He calmly closed his eyes, put down his paper, placed his fountain pen on his pocket and got out of the stuffy room. The scent of something pleasantly unpleasant was harassing his nose as he got out of his lab. He removed his goggles and gloves, he also removed his labgown only leaving a mocha turtle neck sweatshirt, white jeans and his black leather shoes.

The scent changed into the smell of antiseptic as if he was in a hospital instead of a research institute.

He continued to follow the direction until he reached the lobby, on his way, he met another doctor who stopped and greeted him.

"Professor Xiu, where will you be going?" He asked with a smile on his face.

Xiu Lin continued his strides but gave a reply. "To contribute on the fresh air of the population. Return back my body as the protein of nature." He said.

The man followed the boy with his gaze confused. Nature what? Which nature would accept his protein when there's not even a soil in this era?

It's probably because Xiu Lin lacked communication so his jokes are lame. So he turned around and didn't took what the seventeen year old said seriously.

When Xiu Lin reached the near entrance, a few yards away, his all seeing graded eyeglassed noticed a car with an open window. The driver was speaking to someone and his focus was divided as he drove forward with about 50 kilometers per hour.

Xiu Lin's mind began to calculate the speed, his distance from the roadway, impact of the collision and all the numerical fact of distance, speed, force and angle. He had also added the psychological reaction of the driver, his mood and all that could be thought about. But all in all, he had one conclusion, IT. CAN. KILL.

His calculating eyes then got out of the entrance door, play pretending to pick up his phone at the same time, deliberately throwing his fountain pen to make it look like an accident. The trajectory was exactly as he wanted as he ran towards the road and picked up his pen, but before he could 'notice' it, the car had hit him.

A messy hit but his neat calculations paid off!

It's quite painful tho. His body literally screamed at him like a bitch.

The last thing he heard was a shout before he lost all consciousness.


There was pain.

Pain that Xiu Lin can already tell that he failed to die.

Added with 1204's [Congratulations host! You survived! Your survival probability of 50% remains amazingly untouchable!]

'1204, you are evil.'

The system gasped. Almost as if he was wronged.

Xiu Lin ignored him and opened his eyes awake blankly. 'Do you feel it, 1204?'

[Feel what host?]

'The sensation of my intellectual sorrow due to the failure of calculations.'

[I do not understand, host.]

'Because our brains function differently.'

System: [...] what the heck did he do?

With the system's silence, Xiu Lin used the opportunity with observing his current situation. The young man was lying on a hospital bed, his right arm had a cast, his head was bandaged up and...

'Hey system... I think I just lost the original body's data memory. Aside from the all knowing facts that Koala pee can transmit STI when in human contact and the planet earth is now part of intergalactic racial nation, I think I lost all the memory of other people I was supposed to know as well.' He said.

[I'll check your diagnosis, host.] The system made a few strange robotic sounds, it came out again. [Host, you are suffering amnesia.]


The system covered his ears as he listened to multiple curses given by its host.

In the end, Xiu Lin could only grunt in frustration. 'This is unscientific. I guaranteed that human reaction are usually late and the speed was just right. I should have at least gotten the right time.'

[Host, I wish to tell you...] 1204 spoke slowly. [His driver is a professional space track racer. His reaction time on stepping on brakes and slowing the car impact are quite faster than average.]

'Damn. I did not think that through.'

[But your calculations are very accurate, host. You're really as smart as computer.] 1204 kowtowed in acknowledgement. [You're a walking amnesiac encyclopedia.]

'Ayo, you're being sarcastic again.'

The hospital room opened. Xiu Lin looked at the door and watched the incoming stranger entering his room. Handsome and tall with an aura emanating that of the military power. He said that because this guy's posture was really that of a soldier.

"How are you feeling?" The man asked, his deep attractive voice hit Xiu Lin with a pot of envy.

"Good." Xiu Lin slowly sat up but the man was quick to gently push him hack down to lay on the bed.

"You should rest more. Your fracture isn't good yet." He explained.

"Oh... okay." Xiu Lin settled himself down. "My pen..." he said.


"My fountain pen." That I sacrificed just to be hit. Where is it?

"Is it really that important?" The man asked.

"Yes... I guess it is very important. I remember picking that up. But I don't see it anywhere" Because he failed his suicide, he needs an alibi not to get convicted with vandalism for damaging a car or something y'know.

"I see, we'll have it retrieve right away Professor Xiu." The man said.

"Excuse me, who?" Xiu Lin frowned. 'Who's Professor Xiu?'

1204 couldn't fathom if he should laugh or not. His host forgot his own name...

"Are you not Xiu Lin of the Rio Research Institute?" The man asked.

"Oh... sorry, I think I forgot my name." He said, holding his chin as he thought deeply. "Huh, no wonder I'm so smart I work at a research institute..." he muttered.

His calm manner of handling himself made him look as if he was merely trying to act. But in all honesty, he was just very smart that losing memory is like a maze where he just got lost from.

"Is there something wrong Professor Xiu?" He asked.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I think I just lost some memories. Well technically since I still know quite a lot of things." Xiu Lin explained.

The man stared at him. Feeling unsure for a moment before opening his mouth. "I see. We should have a few procedures to be done." He suggested. "We should make sure that we can retrieve your memories back so you wouldn't have a hard time."

"Mhm... Thank you. And you are...?" He pointed.

"Fei Yang."

'1204... tell me that I'm wrong. But why the fuck does he feel like a male lead?' He asked.

[Yes, host. Fei Yang is the male protagonist of this world. Commander Fei Yang is the one who holds the military forces in Nosden empire. A great strategist I tell you host.]

'I'm outta here.'

"I see, seeing that Mr. Fei Yang came here, you must be the one who knows me or the one who saved me?" Xiu Lin asked.

Fei Yang sat on the chair beside the bed. "First, I have to apologize. It is my car that actually hit you. I've heard of you before but we never met in person. And lastly, we were the one who took you for treatment." he explained.

"I see... okay... I guess." he said. "Thank you."

"It's my responsibility." He responded seriously.

Xiu Lin blinked a few times. "When can I go?" he asked.

"We'll discuss it when you've rested enough." He replied.

"Okay. I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat, Mr. Fei?" Xiu Lin asked.

Fei Yang was quiet for a moment, then he nodded. "Wait here, I'll get the food." he said seriously before leaving the room for Xiu Lin to respond.

Once again he was left in the room without prior idea why this hospital look very luxurious and not so white. But then again, this is an intergalactic era. Everything is possible, even hospital rooms are allowed to have aesthetics.

'So... like... alien exists now?'

[Yes host. You're also one.]

'What? How in the fuckery?'

[In fact, you're the one of the last three species of your planet.]

'Oh? Sounds tragic, tell me more?'

[Xiu Lin is an alien in a planet called Astrix or planet 000509 that nurtured special geniuses. They are the most intelligent creature in the intergalactic era that was discovered three hundred years ago. They were sought after by many other planet, seeking counsel and strategic advice for war. They are the laziest in existence as well. Because they lack physical strength, all things were done by robots they invented. Astixians didn't have any established government. They simply didn't need to because they know what to do.

They are straightforward alien creatures that speaks all language which is why they understand all things. They calculate things and they could easily take over the space line--well, if they want to. But Astix are not interested in anything after learning.

Because of this, everyone thought that they were threat to the intergalactic monarchs and there was an alliance of Astix subjugation. The war ended in just half day and the alliance won.]

'What? That's unscientific.'

[When the Astix knew of the subjugation, they all killed themselves without second thought.]

'So... how am I alive again? And you said three of us are still alive. Which ones?'

[Host was just newborn when the subjugation happened. Astix are people who doesn't have any particular attachments to each other aside from their intelligence. Your mother died of childbirth and you have two siblings who were toddlers that time and still couldn't walk on their own feet alone. The surviving Astix were taken into custody by the empire's military. The three of you grew up separated so host doesn't know them but they know you.]

'I have brothers again. Dang.'

[Host doesn't need to worry since he doesn't know them.] The system responded.

'Although you are not helpful, I will take your words to heart.'

When Fei Yang returned with a tray of dishes, he saw Xiu Lin disobediently standing on the room window, staring outside. Then slowly, bright eyes turned to the man with wonder. "Where is this?" he asked.

"You're in my house." Fei Yang admitted.

"Why your house?" Xiu Lin tilted his head still in askance with a blank face.

"I promised to take responsibility, didn't I?" he responded.

...You could have just paid the hospital expenses tho... Xiu Lin didn't bother adding up questions as he himself was at fault. There's no use complaining, after all, it's just a place to stay. It didn't matter if it was a hospital or Fei Yang's mansion as long as it feeds him well then that's fine.