A Suicidal Brainiac 08

Who's that certain someone that said that they were willing to wait?

Oh, it's just a talk of the breeze, passing by and forgotten.

He was kissed every now and then, seized to a tight embrace from behind while being lightly bitten on his nape, licked and kissed as if it was a normal thing.

He could only freeze in place and accept the fact that nobody can say no. Even his brothers didn't mind because they were too lazy to do so. This is damn torture!

So while he was being taken advantaged of, he was also taking advantage of the time to curse the system who forcefully opened the closet for him to see the brand new world of rainbows. Whenever he's awake, he would try to punch Fei Yang to take revenge which only tickled the older.

In fact, he liked how Xiu Lin would childishly go after him when his eyes were close and obedient when he's awake. He finds his action cute every time it happened. So after being punched, he would retaliate and pin him on the bed with a rain of kisses until he was out of breath, panting and red from embarrassment.

(a/n: He just can't fight back, okay?).

The little wild bunny, Xiu Lin, stayed tamely at home without prior notice about Fei Yang's thoughts. Xiu Lin was too tired to escape for now so he lazily lie down on the soft bed, buried in the sheets and pillows as if he was sleeping in clouds. Honestly, this was his dream bed, but it's Fei Yang's bed so he didn't like it as well.

It's like a rabbit cozying up to a trap created by the big bad wolf. Once he lost all sense of security, the wolf will immediately eat him flesh and bones.

Fei Yang came out of the bathroom door after a short shower. His body was bare only wearing a piece of pants to show his strong muscles and battle scars. While wiping his wet hair, he found his little bunny almost one with the sheets and couldn't help but let out a proud smile to himself. As if congratulating himself for obtaining such a cute treasure. This person is his'. No one can stop him.

Now it's time to educate him about life little by little.

The older sat beside the young man's bedside and reached out for his fluffy hair. His cold palm made the young one shiver. "Lin, do you know the negative effect of your death?" he asked.

Xiu Lin rubbed his eyes and peeked at Fei Yang who was looking at him with a soft gaze. "What? Enlighten me." he said.

"If you die, I'd lost my mind. I don't even know how many will die because of it." his hand reached the soft and tender cheek, caressing it carefully.

"You can just go die with me, asshole." Xiu Lin lazily invited.

"I would. But wouldn't it be better if we spend our everydays together? Maybe then you'll find a reason of your life's importance."

Xiu Lin buried his head back on the covers of the soft blanket. He really didn't know how to respond to that. Even five lifetimes had passed but he was still a single dog who couldn't even date when he wants to. Now a man says he likes him and is now regarded him as lover? How will you react to that?

He felt like his liver is about to burst from stress.


[Yes host?]

'If I actually complete a mission, what will I get out of it?' he asked.

[Thank you for asking host! There's actually a lot of benefits in completing a mission! First of all, you'll earn points! This points could be used to buy tools to your advantage. If you also earned enough points, the total of 100 world will be subtracted and...]

'Wait, wait, wait. How many world will be subtracted?' Xiu Lin's ears really perked up when he heard that.

[Per 100, 000 points the host earns, ten world will be voided! When he reaches 10, 000, 000 points, he can choose to return to a previous world he went through.]

'So, how many world do I need to complete in order to have that point?'

[In approximation, 100, 000 points will be equivalent to 4-6 worlds completed.]

'Why did I only know this now?' Xiu Lin frowned. He wanted to glare at the system but unable to do so.

If every four to six world can be used to do so, then wouldn't that mean that he can finish this thing quickly?! Let's say in every five world, he can subtract ten. If you think about it, he can finish it in about thirty tries more or less!

[Because most host prefer not to ask and they do their jobs properly. Unlike you, so naturally, the system does not bring it up as well.]

Xiu Lin laughed in his heart, mentally raising up a middle finger towards the system. 'For the first time, you actually made sense!'

The young man, whose head was buried in quilt slowly popped his face out to looked at Fei Yang who was sitting on the bedside. He slowly stood up as if he was a sloth and then crawled on fours towards the older with a lazy frown on his face.

Looking at this, Fei Yang felt his heart struck with cuteness and temptation. With him crawling to his hand and knees, his clothes were pulled loosely to fully shape those slim shoulder, back, waist and ass. The closer he got, the more the general's heart was struck. Xiu Lin climbed on Fei Yang's lap and sat there staring at him.

"Lin?" Fei Yang swallowed nervously.

"Okay," He stated.


"let's try dating."

Saying this he grabbed his head and guided him to lean and reach his height, reaching for his warm lips. Fei Yang, who have been waiting for this acceptance didn't let go of the opportunity and savored his lover's sweet lips that voluntarily kissed him. Slowly, Xiu Lin was being settled on the bed while he was busy understanding how to kiss. Fei Yang's hand had travelled everywhere, pinching the tender parts he could access, especially those round full ass but not without the young man slapping his shoulder when he did so.

Let's do our best and fall in love. Complete this mission and yeet the heck out of these reincarnations!

After a long passionate kiss and leaving a few bites and marks on his delicate neck, Xiu Lin stopped him further. The host's body is still young. He is still seventeen and will soon be eighteen in two months. He should wait until this fruit matures enough to handle a cup of wine.

Also, dating will boost their affection and it will lessen Xiu Lin's feeling of awkwardness and try to learn what it's like having a love life. The time will also give him time to see that if he could or couldn't do it with a guy(Intercourse). Especially someone as enviously perfect body as Fei Yang.

The young man didn't know whether he regrets his decision or not... As days and weeks passed through this dating idea, Xiu Lin felt like his lazy ass is always on edge.

Because of Xiu Lin's acquiescence, Fei Yang became bolder and bolder and Xiu Lin became more used to it but doesn't mean he was already comfortable. He was kissed and cuddled all the time whenever Fei Yang came back for work. The older also take home some tasty foods and pastry to coax him and not kick him out of the bed whenever his actions became more ambiguous to the point that Xiu Lin was already naked under him.

Unfortunately, he couldn't shoot a score. He's still a virgin but god knows how many times he's turned hard because of Xiu Lin. When Xiu Lin finds him already dangerous, he would kick him off the bed and cover himself with the thick blanket, rolling until he became a rolled burrito making Fei Yang laugh in both amusement and frustration. Xiu Lin is cute whenever he rejected the advances, but Fei Yang's physiology was aggrieved whenever their love making was canceled out.

Although Xiu Lin was fine with doing the deed, he still felt like his body needs a bit more time. He even felt himself stimulated, always turning red after a few deep kiss and touch but held himself. He was nervous since it's obvious that between them, he's going to be the catcher. And according to research, being the one on the receiving is actually painful.

Xiu Lin didn't like pain. So as much as possible, it should be delayed. But someone here is being too impatient for his own good.

Can't he wait for another week?

Xiu Lin's birthday will be a week from now so the more he declined sex from Fei Yang every day, the more he was scared when he tells him he is ready for the exercise. A sexually frustrated man is scary...

[Host, after checking you physiology, I can guarantee that you will only last for twelve minutes.] 1204 told him this one time.

Because if that, Xiu Lin had a looming psychological shadow following him. If you can't stand a man for at least 12 minutes, what the hell is your type of body? Is it kidney deficiency? An easy to snap twig? Damn.

He could already tell that 1204 was getting his vengeance by scaring him like this. And even if he would last for more than twelve minutes, pretty sure he wouldn't be able to handle the pain. They say it's a good pain but Xiu Lin will never believe it. What is sex? Massage? Good type of pain my foot!