A Suicidal Brainiac 09

No one knew when Xiu Lin was born except his brothers, his private birth registry and himself. Not a single soul celebrated it except himself who rewarded himself with a good night's sleep.

It was like that. Xiu Lin likes things simply uncomplicated such as organizing party or eating outside. His ideal gift is peace of mind. And if you ask him what else he wants as a gift? His lovely answer would be: "Your silence for the duration of my birthday. Or indefinitely unless it's important to waste time with." in short, 'Shut up.'

But today, Xiu Lin was on edge despite his indifferent attitude.

Fei Yang left work early today and said he'll be back like he normally does. So Xiu Lin thought that Fei Yang had no idea. For the first time, an absolute Astixian is doubting his decision in life. The absolute alien creature who can decide without thinking twice is now in a state of hesitance as he sat there, pondering how many channels in the intergalactic cable had passed by.

So he closed the hologram and slept the entire afternoon.

The sleep consisted of nightmares after nightmares. All about a terrorizing image of Fei Yang being an evil tyrant enslaving him. Then to another sleep, an evil Fei Yang torturing him to death, laughing heartily.

There were a lot of shits that happened in his dreams he almost died from nightmares but before anymore intensified dream haunts him, he was woken up.

"Lin, it's dinner." Fei Yang called out softly, already carrying the young man in his arms.

Xiu Lin jumped in fright. He turned his head to Fei Yang and pinch the man's ears angrily.

This evil monster! He's a villain! Not a male protagonist!

"What made my Lin mad?" Fei Yang, instead of feeling pain, smiled pleasantly. He leaned closer and dipped his lips to the younger's soft ones. "If you're mad, make sure not to do this to anyone else but me." He warned, filling the younger's face with butterfly kisses.

Xiu Lin became even gloomier and pushed his face away. "I'm hungry." He said.

Fei Yang quickly realized the reason he woke Xiu Lin up and carried him towards the dining area. Like a fragile item, he placed the delicate boy on the chair with the prepared food on the table.

There were a lot of dishes that he liked and was surprised to see a custard cake on the table beside a strawberry cake.

"Happy birthday." Fei Yang whispered to his ears giving him an intimate kiss on the curve of his jaw.

Looking to all his favorite things to eat, Xiu Lin forgave him this once and waited to be served. The man didn't disappoint so the boy was in a better mood and his favorability towards this dog man raised up in a decent amount where he can give him the privilege to be stripped personally.

And since he's already in the legal age. The so called adult in people's perspective, he didn't miss the opportunity to drink wine. Fei Yang also didn't miss the opportunity to get him drunk. Well, for various reasons that Xiu Lin could guess already. But he didn't mind. He's planning to give it to him now anyways but he was just plagued with the idea of the intercourse being a painful process.

With Fei Yang's anticipation, Xiu Lin didn't fail his expectations. In just three sips, his cheeks turned red and eyes became alluringly misty. His head was lazily hung to his head but he still continued to drink carelessly.

"Lin, I think that's enough baby." He whispered. Although he wanted him drunk, he didn't want him to pass out yet.

The boy obediently stopped and looked up at him with a frown. Then he faced his food and continued eating again. He chose to eat two slices of custard cake and a slice of strawberry cake.

Fei Yang also noticed how he enjoyed the custard cake. The sweet flavors mixed on top of the soft fluffy cake made him shamelessly imagine Xiu Lin's soft body itself. The way how it felt when he pinched his soft and smooth body and the sweet taste of pastry enticed him to have a bite and try every part of him.

Xiu Lin noticed Fei Yang's scorching gaze on his cake and felt bad. The young Astixian looked at his custard cake and strawberry cake. He took the plate of strawberry cake and offered it to him. "You want some?" He asked.

Fei Yang looked back at him and hummed, stealing a kiss on the side of his lips. "There's an icing." He said.

Due to Xiu Lin's incredible brain, he can tell the eager expression on Fei Yang's face. Yet he couldn't actually guess what he was thinking.

But looking at the handsome man right now, Xiu Lin was thinking that it wasn't a loss at all. Even if he dated a man, this could be his set of standard. The very face of masculinity. The actual body type that he greatly liked and admired in the past worlds... because it was his dream body... the body he wanted to have when he thought about transmigrating to the next worlds but unfortunately failed to get no matter what. But after years being pushed to worlds, he realized he will never get it.

But he never really thought that this type of body will be the one who will take away his years of virgin self.

Sighing in his heart, he cursed and accepted it. After all, he will not accept such a thing if in these passed days of so called 'dating', he didn't feel anything.

Xiu Lin was actually aware of his own feelings over this person despite saying nothing. Only after he knew that there will be benefit to it did he finally accepted his own awareness.

'System, did you notice?'

[What is it, host?]

'In the past five worlds, the male leads who fell in love with me have a lot in common. Although there are clear differences in their temperaments due to their different lifestyles, the way they treated me is always the same.'

[Oh, how do you say so, host?]

'They always treat me... in a way that I'm advantageous. They were always holding their bottom line and they act as if I'm their younger sister.' Although 'younger sister' is something that is not quite right in Xiu Lin's heart, he couldn't deny that it's how he felt.

[Do you want me to run a comparison check on the souls you've encountered, host?]


Xiu Lin was silent as 1204 ran his data through the young man's head. It didn't actually took long. About five minutes, Xiu Lin got his answer.

[Positive, host! Fei Yang and the four other male leads in the other tasks have the same data souls. How did the host know?!] 1204 was genuinely surprised. Astixians really are scary creatures.

But upon hearing this, the idea didn't ease Xiu Lin's mind. His eyes softened and turned his head to Fei Yang who was watching him.

"What's wrong, Lin?" The man asked in distress, seeing the quiet boy suddenly showed an uneasy expression.

Xiu Lin felt guilty.

It took five worlds to actually be aware. Four worlds which many things were ruled into a sad misunderstanding. Only did he became an extreme genius made him realize how much he didn't even bat an eye on him.

He slowly reached out to the young general and kissed his lips. Fei Yang also retaliated, slipping his tongue to percieve the sweet and rich taste of Xiu Lin's little mouth while the young man reached his arms around his shoulder and clung to him.

"Lin..." Fei Yang softly called out.

Xiu Lin opened his eyes and stopped kissing. His small breath had the stench of wine making even Fei Yang drunk with desire. "I'm all yours." He said, almost a seductive whisper.

Fei Yang's heart twitched. Wide eyed, he looked at his wife with an incredible gaze. And slowly, a smile crept up his lips as he placed his firm arms around the slim delicate waist.

"I heard you loud and clear Lin." He whispered and kissed him deep and gently. "You're mine."

It was slow, but intense, making Xiu Lin feel sensitive. Every touch on his body that's been going around felt scorching hot and every part of his skin feels ticklish. Busy with matching Fei Yang's phase, Xiu Lin only realized that he was already in bed when their kiss departed. His shirt was raised up to his collarbone showing his flat white stomach. Fei Yang watched the young man's red face then all the way down to his delicate body feeling very much aroused. His little junior already standing inside his pants.

Xiu Lin watched his darkening expression and wanted to advise him to be gentle. But before he could even say a word, his mouth had been conquered once again. He would flinch and tremble, moan and complain whenever Fei Yang's scorching hands slid through every part of his soft skin. His reactions had become more honest due to intoxication but he never stopped anything that Fei Yang wanted to do no matter which part of his body he will touch next or how embarrassing it is.

Fei Yang felt very emotional. He can tell how Xiu Lin had finally fully accepted him and despite going on and on to his restricted areas, the young man stayed still obediently but had looked at him in complaints. It was very adorable. He really made sure that Xiu Lin would feel good but with his self control, everyone doubts his sweetheart would feel so.

Because of this, on a normal night in a normal date, a pair of lovers were immersed in the taste of pleasure. Two naked bodies collided and made love. Blood and semen became one.

Xiu Lin was really afraid of experiencing the pain again but the fire in Fei Yang's eyes were still intense. So he decided to let him lead another round yet did not expect that the look of passion remained. This time, he really didn't want it anymore and wanted to escape. Xiu Lin weakly tried to crawl away but he was pulled back by his ankle and had his legs spread wide for the man to see and was once again penetrated.

He tried to beg but the begging stimulated the other even more, making his shaft bigger and hotter inside the younger's body. He could only shed tears and endure because the beast won't listen.

Due to Xiu Lin's weak constitution, he really passed out after a few minutes. Fei Yang, who said he would stop after the third release, told himself that the third one will be the last of it. But came back for the fourth, and fifth only stopping himself at three in the morning but still felt dissatisfied.

Xiu Lin's body was so addicting, he couldn't help but want to do it more and more after tasting how amazing it felt to be inside and feeding his seed to his lovely lover. He watched the young man sleep tiredly in his arms with unfading passion. He touched his closed eyes and wiped the remnants of tears and kissed his sweaty forehead.

"Thank you, for coming into my life. Happy birthday." He whispered and continued to watch the young man with loving eyes.

In the morning, Xiu Lin felt that he couldn't stand up anymore. His legs were sore and his previously white porcelain skin is now filled with love marks and his inner thighs were bruised and bitten. He couldn't even see any part where no red dot is peeking as he helplessly sighed. He accepted this, he should not complain.

He could only glare at the energetic dog beside him who seemed to have brightened even more when he saw the young man opened his eyes. "Good morning." He kissed his lips, again and again.

Only when Xiu Lin growled and pushed his face away did he stopped. "I'm hungry." he said.

"Of course, I'll make you something light right now." He leaned down and kissed his forehead before jumping out of bed and put his pants on before going out bare chested.

The young man could only bury his face on the soft pillow and groaned. The pain... oh the pain. He wanted to cry.

[Congratulations host! The closet door has finally been kicked open! Welcome to the brand new world!] 1204 happily cried making confetti sounds and celebratory whistles around his head. [So, how do you feel, host?]

'I think I'm going to split in half.' he said in his mind. 'It really hurts. It's so big. I feel like my hole expanded to no return. Did you see my blood? Oh, I think you did.'

[Host, I didn't watch! For the host's privacy, the system will automatically close sensory until you're done making love!] 1204 defended.

'Wow, I'm quite flattered with this system's privacy feature.' the young Astixian rolled his eyes. 'I hope you felt what I felt while I was being tortured with that big biological weapon and forced in an awkwardly shameful position.'

[Do not worry host, I don't feel your pain. You don't have to worry.]

'You bastard.'

After speaking with the system, Fei Yang was back with a bowl of porridge. He dug the young man out of his covers and carried him to his lap to feed him. Xiu Lin wanted to refuse, but his arms couldn't even function which is why he could only sigh and let him do what he want. Fei Yang was happy serving his little wife after their rigorous activity and Xiu Lin was satisfied since he didn't have to lift a hand.

Observing this, the system thought... They're quite a match.