A Suicidal Mafia Heir 09

Big changes are happening underground.

Xiu Lin, being the mastermind, started cutting loose edges that will endanger him and his father in any way.

With the help of 1204 who finally materialized himself as Xiu Lin's little lackey, the process went very smoothly. None of them even suspected Xiu Lin's involvement in their misfortunes and found that suddenly, they were being pulled into a quagmire unable to return.

The young man still kept those capable ones around. At least those who were smart enough to know not to mess with the young master of the underground. It's all business after all. If one wants to ride the coattails of those who reign above them, then let them be as long as they know how to be useful to be little pawns.

Little by little, those discolored chess pieces were disposed of. Xiu Lin was able to investigate the cause of his mother's car accident following the people who (in the past) killed his father.

His father had long known about the big wipeout his son was doing and was happy to lend a hand from time to time such as destroying evidence, killing some witnesses, and giving him half the authority. The process of elimination was so sudden that no one even expected that an eighteen-year-old was behind the big event.

Only when the other party had weakened have they realized the biggest mistakes of their lives: Underestimating that only son.

The survivors couldn't help but sigh helplessly about this. At least they didn't get to the young master's bad side, huh?

Meanwhile, Xiu-the beautiful devil in disguise-Lin is currently in his office, Lying leisurely on the soft couch while eating fried chicken.

[You know, host...] 1204 whose name was changed to Ling Si (zero four), looked towards the sofa with tired bright turquoise eyes. He was at his office desk, writing the logs that should have been Xiu Lin's job. [I think it's better if you do the job on your own.]

"Oh come on Xiao Ling Si, you're my most trusted sidekick. So do your job well." Xiu Lin waved the chicken thigh in his hand passively.

[This is not my job.] 1204 replied.

"Yes, yes, I'll treat you to a good steakhouse I recently heard from that guy surnamed Mo. It tastes magnificent. Don't you want some?"

1204 put down the pen. Since half his face was hidden by his black scarf, Xiu Lin could only hear him sigh. [Why do you call him 'that guy surnamed Mo?' Isn't he your lover?]

'Like it's even his real name anyway. Who cares how I call him?'

[Host, I need a vacation.]

'I don't get one so why would I give you such privilege?'

1204 looked at him with a 'Wow, you do not have a vacation? Who am I looking at nibbling that damn chicken right now?!' look. [How about this, host. I already searched out the small world's best restaurants, fast foods, food stalls and for hire chefs and pastry chefs who make the best food for you.]

Xiu Lin's ears perked up and looked at the system like it was a god in disguise. "So?" he asked.

"So, cut me some slack and stop making me do your work." The poor Ling Si negotiated.

"Deal." Xiu Lin immediately agreed and dialed his phone. The contents of his words were asking his father to hire assistants to do paper works. Basically, bring as many loyal slaves as much as you can before ending the call with a 'Thank you' and putting his phone away. His eyes looked at the redhead system with a smirk. "Now, Xiao Si, show Lin ge where we can find the first target." he said with a smile.

"Host, I'm older than you." the system flatly replied.

"Well then, Si ge, put that headache down and let's go."

The food-hunting adventure finally began. With the data the small system had accumulated, Xiu Lin immediately flew out of the country to live the life, pulling his little assistant from left to right to the point of sharing the same food with all smiles and sunshine.

The crumpled picture burned ominously in the fireplace as a tall man stood in front of the full-length window. The building in front of him shined like fallen stars, imitating the starry sky. On his other hand, he held a glass of wine and his eyes were darker than before.

He just went back to work only to find his little boyfriend running around some random country with this softy redhead? Is this his type of guy? Short, baby-faced and dull! No sense of fashion and only acts cute?! (A/n: Boi you don't say that about an overworked system 1204)

How could Xiu Lin stoop too low? He's already cute and lovely in Xunian's eyes, so what the hell is his lover doing, looking at less-than-cute boys that don't even hold a candle to him?

"Dare threaten me not to have someone else by my side?" he had a cold smile slipping out of his lips as he looked at the fireplace where pictures burned to ashes. "Very good, I'll let you know what it feels to be threatened!" Mo Xunian really felt like this little master needs to be taught a lesson.

He threw the glass of wine, shattering to bits and pieces as the content spilled indiscriminately, staining the carpet like it was a drop of blood (A/n: Not the carpet, bish!).


Xiu Lin sneezed that night. He looked around and saw little Ling Si dead asleep on the sofa like a cat curled comfortably. Hope you don't get back ache there man.

He lay back down on the bed and fell asleep the second time to earn more strength for the next food adventure.

The next morning, Xiu Lin checked his task checklist and found that except for his love life, everything checks out to be a completed task. This left the young man frowning. He's already with that guy, why the heck is this damn love life not moving its meter?

[Probably because host is not working hard enough?] 1204 shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

The two were walking at the sidewalk since Ling Si said that the next breakfast destination is just nearby. So side by side, the two cuties were making their way following the GPS that they could only see in their heads.

"Oh, why not say that he's the one who's not working hard enough?" Xiu Lin refuted.

"It's because you're a vengeful and petty ghost." Ling Si replied without blinking.

"Wanna go to work, yeah?"

"Best host. He's the one who's lacking." 1204 said with a deadpanned expression and tone. Xiu Lin laughed, slapping the back of this small creature.

"That's right, that's how a team play." He praised.

[Goodluck.] 1204 mumbled in his mind. As if he was cursing the person beside him the best of his abilities.

Xiu Lin ignored the 'curse' but the effect seemed to be remarkably strong that before he could even have ten more steps, a car stopped right beside him and pulled him in, covering his mouth immediately to stop him from screaming.

The young man thrashed and struggled his best as the car rushed away. '1204! Hey! What the hell is going on?'

[Don't know host! I'm also kidnapped. wuwuwuwu] 1204 replied seemingly crying over his misfortunes.

"You really did it." Xiu Lin heard a familiar voice blowing near his ears. That made the young man finally stop struggling and Mo Xunian let him go.

"What the hell's wrong with you?! I'm about to have my breakfast!" The young man angrily shouted.

Breakfast? That guy's your breakfast?! Mo Xunian was angered beyond words. The aura around him became a torched coal. So dark that Xiu Lin felt shivers.


"Little master, are you playing me around?" he had a smile that isn't also a smile, plastered to his kissable thin lips.

Xiu Lin raised an eyebrow, confused. "Aren't you the one playing around? What's with you?" he asked.

The man leaned and cornered the confused little lover on his seat. Seeing how he acted very oblivious, Mo Xunian felt even angrier. "You dare cheat behind my back?"

"Cheat? With who?" What the hell? How could I cheat? Am I not busy enough with my priorities in life than have a complicated relationships?

"That redhead kid." He pointed coldly.

"120-- Ling Si? You mean that shady redhead who always wear black and bonnet even on hot weather?" Xiu Lin asked.

[Host, that's too much!] The kid on the other car screamed at him.

'Oh, you heard me?'

[We're basically living in one consciousness! How can I not know that you're stabbing me at the back!] 1204 cried. It's his first time going out to physically help out his host so it's also his first time being kidnapped, okay? Although he is a system, his body is that of an ordinary human that will get hurt and bleed. He doesn't have any titanium alloy skin or cheats. He can only either go back to the sea of consciousness or stay still and accept his fate.

'Don't be scared. It's actually Xunian who kidnapped us. Pretty sure he'll let you off once I clear your name.' Xiu Lin 'kindly' offered which scared the living system out of Ling Si. The host is never kind!

"Calm down now, yeah? Pretty sure the boss don't kill kids." beside the sulking system sat the man named Hawk who was responsible for Xiu Lin's surveillance back then.

"I'm not a kid, I'm older than you!" You baby!

"So, how old are you, cutie?"

1204 humped and looked away like a spoiled little child. Host is the only one allowed to bully me. Not like I have any choice.