A Suicidal Mafia Heir 10

If there's something that Xiu Lin regrets...

It's the fact that he hadn't eaten anything yet and was flung back to his home country via private jet and was immediately taken to a private villa in a blink of an eye. There, he was taken to a big room and was pushed onto the bed without so much effort. He was pressed under the man's sturdy body and was kissed breathless.

Although he didn't struggle much, Xiu Lin was still upset about not having eaten anything. Also, add in the fact that his wrists had been bounded by the man's blood-red necktie that he couldn't move much.

He could only cry in his mind while defending himself from the big bad wolf. At the same time, trying to appease by throwing the lemonade he's come to build.

"Come on, Ling Si is just my disciple. Don't be too much."

"Master disciple relationship can be another type of romance too." Mo Xunian replied, giving the little cheater a spanking.

Xiu Lin looked at him in disbelief. "What fucking novels are you reading?! You're being unreasonable."

"If you weren't so keen on running away from me with a little mutt, would I have been this provoked?" He asked and spanked his butt again.

Xiu Lin was red mad and from embarrassment as he struggled.

"I wasn't running! Why would I be afraid of you?" The boy exclaimed. "I only came for food and you even interrupted that breakfast Ling Si reserved in the restaurant for me."

Mo Xunian still didn't believe it. But his firm hand stayed on the fleshy warm butt. His anger slowly subsided seeing as the young man was trying to appease him.

Only then did he realize... the main dish is already served in his lap. He quietly observed the thin waist that was laying before him, traced from the fitness of his white shirt going up to the slim neck that turned red, going up again towards those bounded wrists.

The man blinked twice, pinching the ass cheek he was already touching.

"Hey!" Xiu Lin exclaimed in shock, he tried to look at the bad wolf and noticed his eyes that stared at his adoring butt, pinching and groping it with curiosity.

"Lin, do you love me?" The man suddenly asked.

Xiu Lin was surprised by the unexpected question. His body went stiff but relaxed just as quickly. His mind was debating whether to say yes or no like his life depended on it. But two minutes already passed and the question remained unanswered.

"Because I love you so much I couldn't bear to see you showing such sweet smile to someone else." The man decided to continue. He carried Xiu Lin up and sat him in his lap to look at the face that was blemished with pink.

"Are you sure?" Xiu Lin asked.

"Of course. I'm more than sure."

"Then... will you tell me your name?"

"Kiss me then"

Xiu Lin was in disbelief when he heard that. He looked at Xunian with a frown, opening his mouth to say something. However, he was stopped by a drop of a kiss. The back of his neck was pulled up and a tongue slithered its way in.

The young man didn't fight back due to shock. And after getting over his surprise, his tied arms reached up to hook his man's neck, opening his mouth to accept the lingering passion which pleased his man very much.

The other free hand traveled around the body, feeling and pinching every soft part of the younger with great satisfaction.

"Mhmmm-- ah, hey--" Xiu Lin tried to speak in between kisses, but Mo Xunian always cut him off. But hearing those muffled hums was making him the enthusiasm to search every sensitive part he can find to make him make a sound again and again.

Just imagining the sound of his moans under him made him more stimulated to do him now. But he didn't prepare anything today. His baby will be hurt if they do it now.

When the kiss ended, Xiu Lin was able to gasp some air. "Do you want my real name?" Mo Xunian asked.

Xiu Lin nodded.


The eager young man looked at his old lover and waited with curiosity. His light eyes were bright and expectant that he didn't want to disappoint him anymore.

Unfortunately, when the man started to speak, Xiu Lin's stomach began to complain.

"Let's eat." Mo Xunian carried the little lover who was surprised the moment he was lifted up.

Xiu Lin was disappointed by then. The timing of his stomach is really great. Such a way to destroy the mood, he's about to say it!

"It's Ji Xian." He heard him say.

Xiu Lin looked up and was a bit surprised.

Ji Xian....

Isn't that the name of the big building where their headquarters was built? Also, JiXian became his business partner in the past months but they were only met by the vice president at that time.

"Oh... you're actually rich." Xiu Lin flatly responded. The excitement left all his body and lost interest.

Mo Xunian laughed at his baby's change of heart. "You can still call me Mo Xunian. It's the name my mother gave me." He explained.

"Who cares about your name." Xiu Lin pouted and looked away. "If I knew your name could he be so boring, I shouldn't have wasted my breath kissing you."

"What do you want to eat?"

"I was really looking forward to that place little Ling Si was telling me about before you interrupted."

"But it'll take five hours to go back. Especially with this traffic." Xunian explained. "Be good and eat local foods for a while. I'll take you to a restaurant."

Having no choice but to go, Xiu Lin simply let Mo Xunian carry him toward his car. The man removed the necktie his lover was tied with and saw the fair wrist gets some red marks.

He took Xiu Lin's hand and kissed the wrist. "Does it hurt?"

"Doesn't." Xiu Lin responded. It really doesn't hurt. It just so happens that his skin looked easily bruised. He noticed that after engaging in the underground fights every now and then. So he focused a lot on dodging punches and kicks.


Meanwhile, the unfortunate partner in crime, little Ling Si, was taken to another separate home and was being watched closely by agent Hawk. The little system sat on the very corner like a frightened rabbit.

"Hey now, don't be scared kiddo, no like I'm the devil or something." Hawk shook his soda can mildly while looking at the small black tumor in the corner of his white-painted living room.

"Hmp." The small thing in the corner shifted and turned. So hateful.

He was kidnapped here while his host is enjoying himself with his husband. What about him? An innocent system caught in the crossfire of those damned couples.

Seriously, he shouldn't have taught Xiu Lin the way of the bent and rainbows if he's the one who's going to suffer the consequences. The implication of being targeted by the son of heaven is so unlucky. Systems are not omnipotent in the small worlds when they're materialized. As long as no magic is allowed in that world, then he would stay as an ordinary small *ahem* cute *ahem* and helpless system.

Little Ling Si really wanted to go back now.

"Hey, Kid, don't cry! It hasn't even been 24 hours!" Hawk looked at the small redhead in the corner a bit frustrated, sobbing while staring into space. It was the first time he ever did babysitting and the kid happened to be so... so... cute. But unfortunately, it's a crybaby.

"Leave me alone! I'm not a kid! You're the kid! Your entire family is a kid!" I'm generations older than you! Little Ling Si waved his hand as if some air-slicing magic would accompany it.

But once again, stuck himself in the corner full of tears. The host is now eating his second bowl and he doesn't even remember that he hasn't fed the human system. Seriously, this is neglect. The host is so unfilial!