A Suicidal Mafia Heir 12

At night, the two enjoyed a private dinner that Mo Xunian reserved. A candlelight dinner served with Xiu Lin's favorites... with the presence of his favorite custard cake, of course.

The two sat opposite each other having their movements quiet and elegant.

"Happy anniversary." Mo Xunian Suddenly greeted the young man.

Xiu Lin paused after eating his last custard cake bite and looked at his man. And waited...

The two stared at each other motionless. A few seconds had passed and the boy finally put the last bite in his mouth with satisfaction.

Mo Xunian was a bit nervous. Cold sweat made his palms moist as he stared at the beautiful and indifferent eyes staring at him. He couldn't tell what Xiu Lin was thinking. But he kept his eyes glued on the younger's face, looking at any fluctuations that might come out of his expression.

Xiu Lin on the other hand was a bit stupefied. His heart was beating quite fast as he looked back at his lover but he tried his best to be on his ground and calm himself first. Before anything else, he needs to be sure first.

After that, he put down his fork and looked at Mo Xunian again. Now with a serious look in his eyes. "So, Xunian..." the boy started. The older swallowed silently as he waited for the next words. The younger put both hands together on the table with an interviewer's aura. "Tell me about yourself." He said.

Xunian was stunned for a while. Not expecting to be questioned stopped for a bit. He looked at Xiu Lin and the young man doesn't seem to be joking at all. It seems like his sweetheart wanted to know more about him. How could he not notice this?

Reflecting on his previous interactions, Mo Xunian is indeed the listener in their relationship. And now, his lover finally wants to know about himself.

He reached out for Xiu Lin's hand that was on top of the table and started to speak. "Let's see. My birthday is in February..." Mo Xunian began to give personal information first. His birthday, his age, his real name, his other name, his birthplace, his race, his weight, height, physique, unique things in his body, his job, his business, his family, and all surfaced information he has.

Xiu Lin listened and had put it into his mind without a problem.

The next ones were questions Xiu Lin needed answers with. Such as, the intelligence, business ranges, and some sensitive information. Mo Xunian answered them all without leaving a trace.

"You know, I can sell you out." Xiu Lin said seriously.

"I don't mind. As long as it's you."

The young man sighed in his heart while the system encouraged him to ask for his lover's most embarrassing moments in his life. Xiu Lin ignored this and simply looked at Mo Xunian with a frown.

"You're stupid." Xiu Lin rolled his eyes.

Mo Xunian smile. OF course, as a lover, he'd be a fool for the person in front of him. After all, this was his second chance to hold his lover. He doesn't want to regret it again just because of their stupid titles. Xiu Lin didn't pay much attention to what he was thinking as he was busy trying to hide his embarrassment. But one could see the redness of his ears.

The boy looked away, grabbing the red wine as a distraction. Gulping through the bittersweet taste and let his throat feel the burn. He poured another one and enjoyed the taste next.

The two sat there for an hour and talked. Xiu Lin actually enjoyed the interview and finally smiled nicely. Okay, he forgives this guy for taking him away from his food adventure. But don't think that he'll give up his gourmet food journey.

When the night fell to ten in the evening, fireworks began to appear at the sight of the starry sky. Two people stared at it, one quite aware that it was the doing of the other. Xiu Lin stood at the side of the window and decided to just enjoy the show with Mo Xunian following beside him.

"Like it?" the man asked as he stared at his little lover with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Xiu Lin let out a soft hum. Turned to his lover and back to the fireworks. "I don't have a gift, sorry." he murmured.

Mo Xunian heard this and smiled helplessly. He hugged Xiu Lin from behind and kissed the top of the young man's hair. "Doesn't matter. I love you. It's enough." he replied.

"You're really stupid." Xiu Lin lightly turned his body and reached out for the man's lips. The two pairs kissed passionately under the colorful fireworks.

After their dinner date, the two spent the night in a hotel nearby, entangled with the intoxication of wine and attraction, creating the combination of lust and desperation.

At the two person sofa, Mo Xunian sat on the soft cushion, touching the person sitting on top of him. He caressed the smooth and tender waist inside his lover's shirt full of greed and possessiveness, pinching and feeling every part of him.

Xiu Lin was focused on the kiss, trying his best not to flinch too much from being touched all over his sensitive parts. His mind was quite muddled and his breath was already catching up to ask for air. The young man slowly departed a few inches, his forehead still sticking to the other while his arms hugged the man's broad shoulders.

After a few seconds, the two were entangled once again. Mo Xunian carried his little lover all the while Xiu Lin wrapped his legs around the man's waist. The directly went to the bed as he was pressed down with no chances of escape. Tonight was already a good night, the mood was good and the baby is obedient, why would Mo Xunian pass up such an opportunity that's hard to come by?

He kissed, hugged and touched his lover all the way around, made sure to full his body with his warmth as he eagerly tore off the clothes piece by piece until the treasure before him finally revealed the best part.

Xiu Lin's face was red, panting for air as his eyes were misty and his lips was moist. His fair skin illuminated through the moonlight beautifully contrasting between the milky light and shadows, showing a tempting and delicate prey. He swallowed hard, made sure that this isn't his illusion as he travelled through the path of no return. His kiss scorching and his skin burning the other. If not for Xiu Lin's tempting moan, he'd really think that this was an illusion. But the more he listened to the small and charming whimpers, the harder he became.

Losing self control, the man fully engaged to a full body clean up. He marked every part of his lover with glee, listening to the boy who sang, wept and begged pitifully under him. Mo Xunian's heart was troubled if he should stop, but the more he looked at Xiu Lin's appearance before him, he really lost it.

He gave his all.

Offered his unimaginable love.

Put all his strength into practice.

Proved his amazing endurance.

Fit his massive account into a brand new sensation.

Xiu Lin couldn't help but let out different kind of noises that he couldn't believe he could actually exclaim. Embarrassed as he endured and enjoyed some parts of the exercise. But most of the time, it hurt. He was still a virgin in this world after all and he felt like he was being ripped apart and stabbed over and over again.

The soreness is going to be unbelievable. He could only cry in his heart and let Mo Xunian do what he wanted. Although unlike the previous world, he didn't faint, but he bore witness of how he was tossed and turned into a mess until he was too sleepy to even make a sound.

Seeing the tiredness of his lover, Mo Xunian called it a night after releasing. His heart was inexplicably chaotic but happy. He hugged the young man who had fallen asleep in his arms and kissed his eyelids lovingly.

Entwined together, the loving pair finally fell asleep.