A Suicidal Mafia Heir 13

The next morning, Xiu Lin's expected soreness indeed came like a hurricane. Even the extra soft mattress proved quite useless as he couldn't lift a hand from the previous rigorous activities.

The bed beside him had long been cold and empty, unknown to where the culprit for his aching body went. But upon analysis, Xiu Lin realized that he was cleaned up but still naked. The young man decided to bury himself back in the comfort of the thick quilt for warmth, hearing the bedroom door open again.

Xiu Lin poke half his head out to find Mo Xunian coming in with a bowl of what he could only assume was porridge. Meeting the adorable eyes peeking and glaring at him, the man smiled, sat on the bedside, touched the soft light hair, leaned down, and kissed the white forehead. "Good morning."

"Not good..." The boy murmured. His ass was in pain. His body was sore. Forced to experience deformations to different shapes he could have never thought his body could actually do. His mentality was ruined as he remembered how he begged for mercy, then begged to be bullied. What the hell!

Overall, his mind and body was a mess.

"Hungry?" Mo Xunian picked him up with the quilt, placing the boy in his lap, and leaned his head to his strong chest. The quilt in his head slowly slid down showing a teasing gleam to his shoulders that were occupied by kisses. The young man also looked very passive, but because of his half-lidded and unaware look, it was so hard to abstain when the prey is here, ready to be eaten. Staring at his masterpiece, Mo Xunian felt a big lump stuck in his throat, swallowing hard as he tried to stop himself from breaking the bowl of porridge.

Xiu Lin was half awake. His body still felt unbearable, but he was too lazy to address it, leaning his side still to his lover's body.

Seeing the young man's appearance, Mo Xunian's heart trembled. He fed the porridge slowly, making sure of the temperature and patiently waiting for him to open his mouth. He really regretted not paying attention to his little lover before. If he did, he would have treated him with such warmth earlier.

"Are you so poor?" Xiu Lin suddenly asked, making the man stop scooping a spoonful of porridge.

"Of course not." He replied a bit flabbergasted by the young man's sudden question.

"Every time I'm in your care, I'd end up eating the same meal. Porridge." He complained.

"Oh..." Mo Xunian reviewed his memories and did notice it. When the intelligence locked Xiu Lin, in order to cater to the boy's wound, he was served with light and unflavored porridge.

Xiu Lin didn't like it and escaped.

"Let's eat wherever you want. Whether it's the most expensive or farthest." he reflected and tried to improve his impression.

Xiu Lin hummed and continued eating. It doesn't really matter what the price is. As long as it's delicious he wouldn't really complain.

Meanwhile, Mo Xunian also felt the same. As long as his baby was happy, spending lavishly wouldn't matter.

After the meal, the two sat together on the sofa, watching some movies. "Baby, as much as I want to stay with you everyday, this month is going to be a bit busy." He said, stroking the young man's hair.


"New recruits are coming, I have to be there."


"I'll miss you."

"..." Xiu Lin sighed and rubbed his hair to the older's shoulder. "Me too."




And so, the next few weeks had been busy again. The lovers separated for a while and did their own jobs.

One, in search for a good meal and the other busy with his company and secret intelligence.

Xiu Lin had to baby sit the morphed 1204 who kept blabbering too many nonsense about wanting to have his salary raised and his vacation paid. He complained so much his partner's ears almost bled as the two walked through the pavement after finishing their lunch.

The two were making their way back in the office, unappeased by the person who was tailing behind.

Xiu Lin had speculations as well but didn't ponder much on it.

The intelligence was under Mo Xunian. But it doesn't mean that he can control his people. There are also those underground dogs whose been eyeing his position lately, sending out some people to test the waters.

Which is to say, this young man has a lot of enemy to think of. 1204 also monitored the person whose following, deciding to finally spill the beans.

[Host, the female lead is following us.]

"Is that a bad thing?" Xiu Lin inquired.

The female lead he encountered never really posted any threats. Either they are kind sisters or dead in the act, no intersection with him personally.

The female lead of this world is called Yue Miao. Her background was a heartless mercenary who came back from overseas also, Mo Xunian's childhood friend who disappeared years ago. Seeing her incredible talent in combat, The intelligence under one of the major branch recruited her to join.

By that timeline, Xiu Lin had long been dead and the memories of him was long buried.

Yue Miao was indeed a strong and efficient member of the intelligence. Finally having her fate intersected with the male protagonist Mo Xunian in one of their missions and recognized each other. That was the start of their love affairs. Blooming like the new sight of spring.

"So, why is she following me?" Xiu Lin asked the shorter boy beside him.

1204 shrugged. [I can't read human minds.] He responded telepathically.

'Then, did she and Mo Xunian met already?'


Xiu Lin paused. His heart suddenly stirred, feeling restless. 'Anything unusual? How did Mo Xunian react?'

[Quite elated? They were old friends after all.] 1204 replied. [Hurry host, before someone steals your old wine.]

'Don't we trust our lover?' Xiu Lin replied. Although it was a confident statement, he still felt a bit doubtful. This was a new world, his lover also have no memories of him which can shake his trust. After all, they had fates in this lifetime. Mo Xunian didn't care about Xiu Lin once, it's not impossible that he would do so once again and look at his original partner in life.

The young man blink as soon as his thoughts went to 'original'. Wouldn't that mean that he was the one who stole?

Overthinking things, the person behind finally revealed herself. Quick steps approached and as soon as soon as he turned, he blocked the knife that nearly stabbed him at the back. The woman didn't stop there and showed he incredible unorthodox fighting style. Her body moved with both expertise and nimbleness as more weapons were prepared.

Xiu Lin wasn't backing down. As someone who was trained for survival, he was just as powerful. Add in the IQ he garnered the passed worlds, it could be said that he is superior in combat. Except, his physical prowess is still lacking.

1204 stayed to the side, making sure that he wasn't disturbing a good fight.

The two exchanged blocks and punches from time to time, until Xiu Lin decided to end it. A strong kick in the abdomen sent the woman flying off the alley. Her body collapsing on the sidewalk as she held her stomach.

"Yue Miao!" A familiar voice was heard.

In just a second Mo Xunian appeared in sight, gun already aimed to Xiu Lin and did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

The young man barely dodge. The aim was just too accurate on the head that if he didn't tilt his head on time, he would have died. But more than anything, he was stiff frozen from shock. Looking at the person whose back was turned to him, checking out his 'woman's' current condition.

Slowly feeling that his cheek stung, Xiu Lin couldn't even pay mind to the pain that he hated. More than that, he was more disappointed.

"Are you okay?" Ling Si approached his host cautiously. Determining the problem.

Hearing the voice behind, Mo Xunian's senses rose again and gripped his gun as he turned.

1204 immediately blocked to protect his host. However, the shock on Mo Xunian's eyes were clear now. His senses seemed to have sobered up and realized something.

"She tried to kill me." Xiu Lin said with a calm straight tone. His eyes on his lover, but there is no hint of emotions on them. The graze on his cheek also bled, creating a crimson color in contrast with the white skin. "I'm only trying to defend my life too."

Mo Xunian froze in place. The gun in his hand had long slipped off and fell on the ground. His anger subsided but now it changed into panic and his heart felt like it was squeezed.

"Lin... I..." his voice trembled.

"What?" Xiu Lin asked.

Mo Xunian stood and went closer. Xiu Lin stood there, not moving as he closed the gap. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"To think you can kill for someone like this without knowing what happened. I think there's no need to explain who's more important now." Xiu Lin didn't know which hurt more anymore.

"That's not true, let me explain."

Xiu Lin finally had the strength to move. Pushing the other person away with all his strength. But the other seem to have maintained good footing that it was Xiu Lin who fell on his butt.

He looked up and smiled ridiculous towards the other. Pointing to his bleeding cheek that was grazed by the bullet. "If you got my head, how are you gonna explain that to my corpse? That 'I was so mad, I lost my reasoning and killed you because you hurt her?' Huh?" Xiu Lin stood up. He turned around and started walking away. "Go check on your woman."

Ling Si naturally followed, reluctantly turning his head to Mo Xunian as he ran.

"Host, are you sure about this?"

"I need to calm down." Xiu Lin replied. His eyes were already going red from holding back tears.

Ling Si quietly walked with him. This was his host's first heartache after all.

He did feel bad too... knowing that the male and female lead had interaction in the past days that his host and Mo Xunian were separated. Yet did not even say anything about it.

Maybe he should have said something to stop things to get to this point as a friend and not as a system.