A Suicidal Mafia Heir 14

"I'm not sad!"

"Really, I'm not sad!"

"I didn't ask! Why are you so defensive!"

"Because you keep looking at me like I'm a pitiful kid!"

Ling Si can feel his heightened stress levels in one go. Xiu Lin was on the couch, hugging a pillow while slurping his third cup of milk tea.

The young man did nothing productive recently. He was stuck in his room all day and night, eating and watching tv. The room was dark, depraved of all sunlight and mirrors because whenever he sees that small graze on his cheek, he would cry.

Xiu Lin really tasted heartbreak for the first time. Ling Si felt like he couldn't bear it anymore and accompanied him in the dark so he wouldn't search for a gun and kill himself because of emotional intensity.

Sighing in his heart, he tolerated Xiu Lin.

Missed calls after missed calls followed that day. The phone was filled with Mo Xunian's messages, even the apartment door was nearly kicked open if not for Ling Si trying to stop him from doing so, telling him to have a little more patience and don't scare the little guy on the other side more.

The man was really regretful and a mess just like his host. You can tell that both were having emotional breakdowns. One wish to mend things while the other was afraid to cooperate.

As if traumatized by what Mo Xunian did, Xiu Lin hid like an escaped criminal who was afraid of being caught back in prison. He didn't get out of his room at all and had Ling Si take care of everything for him.

The mission had long been completed and forgotten. Xiu Lin can leave the world anytime since all conditions were met. He changed the underground from illegal to legal open market trading. Though some are still risky in a sense, it was quite well hidden. He had a lover... but was now unsure. But still, he did have one to get the checklist done, at least.

The mission was complete.

But he knew that his heart will not be if he leaves like this.

He just needed to calm down for a while. Try to see things. Maybe he can face it again.

"Host, do you want to leave?" 1204 had asked this every time.

Xiu Lin would answer him in silence, hugging the pillow tighter. In a trance, he would ask: "What does he think about me?"

"Well, it's no doubt that he loves you."

"Then what does he thinks of her?"

"Well, it's no doubt that she's someone he used to know."

Xiu Lin gazed at the humanized system and looked even bitter.

"Host, you've lived five lifetimes. This is your sixth. Can you be a little more aware of people's moods?" The system told him.

"I don't have to care anymore, I've already died so many times, learning new things from scratch, being hurt, being alive, this won't matter. I hate moving through worlds. What's the point of understanding emotions?" He said back. "That's even better so people could get bad impressions and kill me immediately."

"You really hate it? Being with the person you love?" 1204 measured the young man's expression and saw a small fluctuation from the soul.

"It's not that I don't want to..."

1204 could already guess that his host is having another existential crisis. He, who has lived generations, contracted few unsuccessful hosts could tell people at a glance, but he wouldn't dare expose it.

He sighed in his heart. This will be the last time he'll help... probably.

"I'll open this door." He finally spoke. Xiu Lin looked up at him confused. So he continued. "Once this opens, you two will have to reconcile. If not, I'm going to forcefully take your soul back in the system space and continue to another world."

Trying to piece the information together, Xiu Lin was about to stop Ling Si from touching the knob but was too late. The door fully opened, appearing the person he wanted to see the least. He almost wanted to hide, however, his frozen state was too stunned, and he reacted very slowly.

Mo Xunian who stood behind the door looked up and to see the little lover, immediately busted through and pulled him into an embrace before he could even run away. His appearance didn't look very good either.

The matchmaker system immediately got out and closed the door, making sure it was locked before he got away.

Xiu Lin still remained frozen in place, suddenly passing up several flashbacks.

Ever since he got into different worlds, it was the first time he was nearly killed by someone he trusted. He was used to being spoiled and treated with care and he could equally act spoiled when he wants. Although he had different lives, he himself knew that he was only a Juvenile in the system space, around fifteen or sixteen. He can tell his own childish nature and he easily lost interest in what he was set to do because of this.

The system understands his point of view but could only sigh in his heart and try to indulge this host.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Xiu Lin already started crying and punching. He didn't couldn't even control himself from struggling but the embrace was so tight, he couldn't help but senselessly lean on Mo Xunian's broad hard chest.

"You bastard!" The young man cried between sobs.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry." Mo Xunian whispered, kissing his head again and again.

Xiu Lin still punched weakly. "You beast! Idiot! Bastard! Do you dare try to shoot me?! If I die, how are you gonna apologize to my grave, huh?!"

"It's my fault. If that happened, I'll bury myself alive with you."

Xiu Lin just glared at him, big tears escaping from his eyes. Mo Xunian's eyes softened. Reaching his thumb to wipe the teardrops off of his red cheeks.

"Is she so important?" The young man shakily asked.

"She's an old friend. You're more important."

"Then why...?"

"She sent a distress signal. She said her opponent was armed. I wasn't thinking right... I'm sorry, I should've looked back to see what was going on. How could I have done such a thing? Especially to you." He stuck his forehead to Xiu Lin's looking very regretful. "I'll never forgive myself if I hurt you more than this. I'm sorry, baby."

The young man sniffed. Slowly wormed his arms around the older's back and made their face even closer. Although it wasn't coaxing enough, but hearing him say that hinted a little bit of relief. It's not enough, but time can heal it once they mend it together.

The tip of their nose stuck together as they met each other's sleepless eyes.

"Last time. Do it again and you'll never see me again. Even in our next life. I swear." He warned.

A smile escaped out of Mo Xunian's lips, gladly wrapping the boy's smaller body as their lips connected.

The passion slowly burned through the flavor of the kiss. With arms wrapped around one another, the two kept the moment with strange harmonious ambiguity. Tongues entwined and teeth grinded just to taste the sweetness that lingered through each other's lips. Xiu Lin closed his eyes sincerely, following Mo Xunian's guidance.

Sitting on the man's lap as the hand made its way inside the loose clothing and rubbed its calloused palm to the tender and curved waist, then up to the sensitive nipples that made the youth moan from surprise.

His soft voice rang into Mo Xunian's ears with great interest, rubbing those ripe cherries again while the other hand held one of his full butt cheeks. Rubbery, like a bouncy balloon, soft to the touch, beautiful, and round.

"Uhm..." Xiu Lin held his chest as he slowly parted. The extent of his shirt neckline already shows his jaded shoulder joints. His face was a mess of blush, hair was messy as if his being was ravaged by a beast. "Not now." The boy muttered tiredly.

"Whatever my baby wants." Mo Xunian retreated, kissed his forehead, and stared at the young man on his lap.

"I'm tired. You're tired. Let's sleep together, okay?" after mending a relationship, all the emotions that built up in his small body started to toll. His body relaxed and relieved.

"Yes." Mo Xunian fixed the two of them in the bedroom. He tucked his lover into the blankets and rubbed his head gently, staring at the dark circles that formed in his eyes. "Goodnight."

"Mmhmm... goodnight." After that heavy burden slipped out of his chest, Xiu Lin can finally feel at ease the same time, with his vigilance getting off, his sleepless nights finally came to take back debt.

Helplessly snuggled closer to the source of warmth, Xiu Lin finally had the taste of a peaceful and dreamless sleep once again.

Watching his eyes close and his breathing stagnated, Mo Xunian felt satisfied. A smile escaped his eyes and kissed the young man's forehead again, holding him closer to ensure that he won't be escaping again.

Because this was his last chance. He's not about to mess things up.

He did worry for his old friend but it didn't mean that today wouldn't be different. The only reason he was on guard was that she said that the enemy had a weapon and an immediate strike is needed to stop the target.

But why would she lie? Not only had Mo Xunian nearly killed his little lover, but his baby also cried so much, hurt, and was heartbroken because of it.

This is unforgivable.