Turn Against From Him

"Is this really me?" Lily was very shocked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her features were exquisite, and her skin was very fair and smooth.

The large patch of red birthmark that had been on her face for over two decades had vanished.

She felt like it was only a distant dream from a passing night.

"Of course it's you. You have always had that beauty," Jack smiled as he said.

"Jack, thank you!" Lily thanked him earnestly.

She thought she would have to wear a veil all the time and be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

She had never thought that the man before her had changed everything.

"Don't mention it. You're my wife, and I'm your husband."

Jack smiled. Everything he did was worthwhile as long as Lily was happy.

"Jack, I don't know your true identity or the reason you married me by giving up your last name. No matter what, I'll remember everything that you've done for me. If you…"

"Wait. Are you regretting marrying me after you become pretty? Well, your grandfather has selected me as his son-in-law. Are you saying you want to back out now?" Jack interrupted Lily.

"Of course not. I'm not… backing out…"

"It's good that you're not backing out. I'm a war veteran. This manor's owner is a friend of mine. I've just returned from the army and don't have a place to stay. So, I'm staying here."

Jack did not reveal his true identity.

He had no intention to conceal his identity from her. He only hoped that Lily could take her time to adapt to it.

"With your medical skills, I don't think you have to go so far as to marry me by giving up your last name, do you?"

Lily was not an idiot. Despite the fact that she was not well treated in the Young family, her family had once spared no effort in finding doctors to cure her.

After all, her family always found her presence to be a laughing stock to them. Therefore, the Young family wanted to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

They had looked for many well-known doctors. Unfortunately, none of them had a solution to cure her.

Jack, on the other hand, had spent merely around two weeks to cure her legs, as well as her face.

Why would such a highly-skilled doctor be willing to marry her and take her last name?

"I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness. And it's very serious," Jack said solemnly.

"Oh, dear! Can't you… cure your own sickness?"

Lily was shocked. She had never expected Jack to be terminally ill.

"I can, but it takes time," Jack said helplessly.

"How are you going to cure it? How long does it take? What type of medicine is needed?"

Lily was very anxious and concerned about him.

"I have a stomach disease. I don't really need any medicine for it. All I need is for my wife to cook for me. Perhaps it's going to be for life." 

As Jack was speaking, he could no longer hold himself back from smiling.

"Me cooking for you..? You liar…"

Initially, Lily still could not get his words. It took her some time before she reacted to it.

She repeatedly thumped Jack's chest with her small fists.

Jack held Lily in his arms and said softly, "Let's get registered for marriage at the city hall."

At the main entrance of the city hall, Lily was a bit dazed as she stared at the marriage certificate in her hand. 'Didn't we just get married?'

"Dear, we've simply collected our marriage certificates. Let's go home. We've been away from home for half of the month. I believe your parents are worried about us."

Jack smiled as he put the marriage certificate into a folder.


Lily's face flushed as she nodded.

They called a cab and left the city hall.

Lily had never treated fairly in the Young family. Her father, Sean Young, was a timid man. He did not have a voice within the family. He did not even own a single share of stock.

Meanwhile, Lily's mother, Rebecca Snow, put all the blame on Lily. She often put on a sour face at her, and she frequently struck or scolded Lily. Rebecca hated Lily intensely.

Lily's family did not bother to look for her even after she left the house for half a month.

Jack knew the ins and outs of her family's situation. If he was given such a family, he would rather not return to them. 

But, he knew that Lily would not do this to her family.



The door was opened.

"Who are you looking for?"

Rebecca looked at Jack and Lily in a puzzle.

She did not recognize her own daughter at all.

"Mother, it's me! I'm Lily!"

Lily instantly burst out in tears.

"Lily? You're Lily?"

Rebecca widened her eyes and stared at her incredulously.

She looked like an ugly duckling who had turned into a swan!

"It's me! I've been cured!" Lily cried out excitedly.

"Wonderful! That's wonderful! Come in!"

Rebecca was very excited. Her daughter had transformed from an ugly duckling into a swan.

No one would call her daughter the ugliest woman in Yvnola anymore!


Jack, who had been standing by the side, called Rebecca.

"Who are you?"

Rebecca turned her head around and frowned while looking at Jack.

"Mother, he's my husband," Lily said.

"It's you? I've not yet acknowledged you as my son-in-law!" Rebecca creased her eyebrows.

If this were the past, she would have had no qualms about a son-in-law who gave up his last name to care for her daughter.

After all, this could even save costs from hiring a nanny.

But, everything has changed. Her daughter was beautiful now, and she could easily marry a wealthy man. 

So, what was this useless man for?

"Mother, don't be like this. Let's go in and chat," Lily said by the side.

Rebecca glanced at her daughter before turning her head around and entering the house, a consent given in silence.

Lily's house was not too small. It had three bedrooms with two halls.

Despite not being treated fairly, they were part of the Young family. Therefore, they lived pretty decently. 

Lily's father and younger sister, Scarlet Young, were very shocked to see her.

It was truly remarkable that Lily had undergone such a drastic transformation in just two weeks.

"We have twenty thousand dollars over here. Take it and get lost now!"

Rebecca took out twenty thousand dollars cash and placed it before Jack.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Lily asked puzzledly.

"With your current condition, you could attract various types of men. Why do you still need to cling to this trash?

"If not for him curing you, I would not even give the twenty thousand dollars to him," Rebecca spoke harshly.

But, Jack was not angry. He did not care about others' opinions about him. 

He only cared about Lily.

"Mother, Lily and I have already registered for marriage. Besides, Grandpa is the one who determined our marriage. Don't you think it's against the rule to drive me out just like this?"

Jack sounded indifferent. 'Want to separate me from Lily, huh? Over my dead body!'

"You loser! You'd better get lost now. Or else, I'll ask my boyfriend to manhandle you! Let me tell you, my boyfriend is the young master of the Zafron family!"

Scarlet stared at Jack with disgust.

To them, Jack was only a doctor with mediocre medical skills. He could not possibly earn a lot.

In the eyes of the great families, he was nothing!


Lily looked at her younger sister with dissatisfaction.

"Fine. If you want to follow the rules, I'll take you to the former master and have him personally nullify the marriage!

"Let me remind you, you might not even get a cent by then!"

Rebecca smirked. She knew the former master too well.

With Lily's current looks, she could easily marry a wealthy man, including candidates from the four greatest families.

Therefore, the former master could not possibly agree to let Lily stay with this useless man.


"Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I believe your grandfather would agree to let us be together."

Jack gave Lily a reassuring look.