Celebrate His Birthday with a Coffin

At the Young family's villa, the members were extremely shocked after they saw Lily's transformation.

An ugly duckling for over twenty years had turned into a swan in just a blink of an eye.

The juxtaposition was too wide to be true.

"Father, look. Lily has regained her looks. She could easily marry a wealthy man instead of spending the rest of her life with this loser," Rebecca said.

As long as her daughter married a wealthy man, she could enjoy a better life as well.

She could stay in a villa and hired servants.

"Well, you're right."

Kenneth Young nodded. He then turned to Jack and said, "File for divorce now."

"I've no qualms about it. I'll go to the city hall as soon as my wife agrees to it," Jack spoke flatly.

"I disagree with it!" Lily quickly said.

All these years, the people around her, including her parents, had been very cold to her.

No one had ever treated her the way Jack did.

Her family wanted her to marry another man right after her illness had been cured and she had regained her looks.

"Lily, I've been cold to you. I know you hate me. But you have to consider things for our family. Think about Scarlet. Do you think you would have a bright future with this loser?"

Rebecca's eyes had turned red as if she could cry easily at any moment.

"Lily, you've no idea how much Mother has suffered over the years. Besides, I'm dating the young master of Zacfron family. I don't want my relationship with him to be affected because of this loser. He won't only affect me, but also the entire Young family," Scarlet played along with Rebecca.

Although the Zacfron family was not one of the four greatest families, they were almost as powerful as them.

If the Young family could connect with the Zafron family through marriage, they would naturally benefit from it.

"I…" Lily did not know how to respond to her.

She had always felt guilty about her family. She had always thought that the reason her grandfather despised her family was all because of her.

As a result, Rebecca and Scarlet's words were like knives that had poked her softest spot.

"Grandpa, there's an old saying that says it's best to judge a person by his actions rather than his words.

"I could prove myself to be worthy of Lily."

Jack spoke up.

He was aware that if he still refused to speak up at that moment, Lily's faith would be shaken by their words.

"Loser, you're in no position to speak to us. Get lost!"

As Andrew was speaking, he tried to kick Jack.


Andrew was sent flying out and banged against the wall.

"If not for the fact that you're still inside the Young family's villa, you would have been dead!"

Jack stared coldly at Andrew.

He did not take Rebecca and Scarlet's mockery to his heart. They were, after all, Lily's family.

Meanwhile, the rest were just nobody. Who were they to insult Marshal Azure?! They simply had death wishes!

"How dare you?!"

When Quintus Young saw his son get struck, he immediately shouted, "Break his limbs and toss him out!"

The Young family's bodyguards quickly rushed in.

"No! Grandpa, I beg you! Don't do this!" Lily stood in front of Jack and pleaded earnestly.

"Since Lily begged for you, that's all for it. But, if you want to prove yourself to us, I'll give you a chance, then. If you're able to get a contract worth two million dollars from Skyline Group within three days, I'll agree to let you stay with Lily. If you fail, get out of here!" Kenneth said.

"I don't need three days. One day would suffice," Jack said confidently.

"Fine, then one day it is," Kenneth snorted.

He had put in a lot of effort in order to cooperate with Skyline Group. 

It was not an easy feat to get contracts from the group.

With Lily's looks, she could easily marry one of the four greatest families. 

If Jack failed to get the contract from Skyline Group, he would ask him to get lost.

Lily did not have any more to say.

"If there's nothing else, we shall leave, then," After Jack finished speaking, he walked out of the villa with Lily.

"You were too reckless. It's not easy to get a contract from Skyline Group." Lily frowned. She was very concerned about him.

What would she do if he failed to get the contract?

"Don't worry. If others couldn't get it, it doesn't mean we couldn't do it as well." Jack smiled.

"God, you're so unreasonable! If you fail to get the orders tomorrow, get the hell out of here!"

Rebecca walked out and spoke coldly to him.

"Mother, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere," Jack smiled as he spoke.

"Hmph!" Rebecca sneered, "What are you standing there for? Haven't had enough shame, have you?"

After Rebecca finished speaking, she pulled Lily and left together.


Lily was aggrieved. She did not want to go with Rebecca.

"Go back with your parents first. I still need to handle certain things. Tomorrow, I'll come and pick you up, and we'll go to Skyline Group together," Jack comforted Lily. He did not want to put her in a difficult position.

"Okay. Take care."

Lily was helpless. But, she had no other options except to leave with her parents. 

After Lily returned to her house, she went into her room and tried to contact her friends.

She tried her best to help Jack.

Meanwhile, Jack returned to Hilton Villa.


Bosco had already come back.

"Skyline Group is run by the Woolf family, right?" Jack asked.

"Yes. Johnny Woolf is the person-in-charge of it."

"Call him and ask him to come over."


Bosco heeded Jack's instruction and called Johnny.

Soon, a middle-aged fat man with his forehead drenched in sweat entered Hilton Villa.

When he saw Jack sitting on the couch, his knees became weak, and he knelt on the floor.


Johnny was frightened to death. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine meeting the legend himself!

Even the head of the Woolf family from Joah City had to pay his respect to Marshal Azure, much less Johnny.

"Are you Johnny Woolf?" Jack sized Johnny up.

"Yes, I am. Marshal. Do you have any instructions for me?" Johnny tried his best to keep his cool.

"My wife will come to your company tomorrow. She'll be representing the Young family and will sign a contract worth five million dollars with Skyline Group. Do you know what to do?" 

Jack spoke calmly. If not for the fact that the Young family was looking for trouble, he did not bother to get involved with the Woolf family.

"Noted, noted. Don't worry. I'll personally receive your wife and she won't be kept waiting," Johnny quickly responded to him.

As long as Marshal wanted, he could even give him the entire Skyline Group, much less a contract that was worth five million dollars only.

"Remember, my wife is called Lily Young."

"I'll remember her name well!"

"Okay. You may leave now."


Johnny rose and took two steps back before leaving as quickly as he could.

Johnny heaved a sigh of relief after he walked out of Hilton Villa.

'He's too terrifying. I even find it difficult to breathe before Azure!'

"Jack, the Brown family from among the four greatest families is going to hold a banquet at the Brown family's manor tonight in order to celebrate their successful cooperation with Skyline Group, as well as in conjunction with the former master's 80th grand birthday," Bosco said. 

"The Brown family!"

Jack clenched his fists.

The four greatest families were the main culprits that led to the extermination of the Ferrell family!

Jack's return was to avenge his family!

"Since it's the former master's grand birthday. We must not go there empty-handed. Prepare a coffin for him, then."