An Eye for an Eye

As the most powerful of the four greatest families, the Brown family undoubtedly had significant influence over Ipudo City.

Their cooperation with Skyline Group had further enhanced the Brown family's status in Ipudo City.

After all, Skyline Group was run by the Woolf family from Joah City.

While the four greatest families were influential in Ipudo City, they were barely considered as upper-class families in Joah City.

As such, if the Brown family managed to ride on the Woolf family's coattail, they might stand a chance to gain a position in Joah City.

Hence, well-known individuals from the business and political arenas of Ipudo City took the opportunity to go to the Brown manor to rub shoulders with individuals from wealthy and powerful backgrounds to expand their network during the Brown family's former master, Xavier Brown's grand birthday.

This was especially true for the Young family, which was considered to be an average family in their circle. Naturally, having been given the chance to attend a banquet of this scale, they would use this opportunity to expand their network.

The former master of the Brown family smiled happily when he saw so many people coming to celebrate his grand birthday.

Despite the fact that he was already 80 years old, he looked energetic and had a radiant complexion. He did not look at all old.

He was especially happy upon receiving gifts that were worth more than twenty thousand dollars.

If this was in the past, he would never have thought of this happening to him. 

Just then, a large object was seen flying over to them at breakneck speed.


"Move away!"


The crowd panicked.


A black coffin landed inside the manor.


The crowd gulped after they saw the coffin.

"That was too scary!"

The coffin itself was not the scary part of the ordeal.

When the occasion was taken into context, things changed.

It was the 80th birthday of the Brown family's former master.

How dare someone send a coffin over to him!

The sender either had a death wish, or must be a lunatic.

How dare he offend the four greatest families, especially the Brown family? He definitely had a death wish!

Xavier's good mood instantly disappeared, and he was filled with anger.

"What are you standing there for?! Go and see what's going on! Figure out who did such a horrible thing to us!"

After they heard the former master's angry shout, the Brown family finally reacted to the situation.

"Mr. Brown, it looks like you don't fancy my gift for you!"

An icy voice rose.

Those who heard his voice shivered. 

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

And they saw a black-clad man with the mask of a ghost approaching them.

The newcomer was none other than Jack.

He had not intended to wear a mask. But if he did not wear one, Lily would be in grave danger if his identity was exposed.


Therefore, for the sake of Lily's safety, he decided to wear a mask, making himself the God of War!

"Who are you?!"

Xavier stared at Jack anxiously as he approached him. At the same time, Xavier slowly placed his hand behind him.

"Someone who wants your life!"

Jack's icy cold voice rang.

"Enough with the mysterious act! Let's see who is hiding like a coward behind that mask!"

Neil Brown stood in Jack's way with an aggressive expression. He stretched out his hand and tried to remove the mask from Jack.

As the Brown family's bodyguard, Neil was quite strong.

He reacted rapidly and was close to touching Jack's mask.

But at that moment, Jack moved!

He grabbed Neil's wrist at the speed of light.

Neil was shocked. He wanted to attack Jack again, but it was already too late.

Jack kicked him at lightning speed. 


Neil was sent flying more than ten yards away from him, and his blood arched across the night sky.

After that, Jack tossed Neil's severed arm away like throwing out the trash.

Everyone became dumbfounded after being greeted by such a brutal, bloody scene.

Jack had ripped Neil's arm off!

Just how much strength was needed to rip one's limb from one's body?

Was he even a human?

Jack's expression was as cold as ice. He literally looked like the God of War.

Xavier was so scared that he kept retreating, and his body was shivering.

None of the Brown family members around him dared to go up to him.

Even Neil, who was a martial art expert, could not withstand Jack's attack.

Jack had even ripped his arm off with his bare hands. This was something that humans could not possibly do.

"You… Don't come closer!"

Xavier took out a pistol and aimed it at Jack with his trembling hands.

Jack was not afraid at all. He continued walking toward him.

There were five regional commanders in Yvnola. Four commanders had basically climbed up their career ladder based on their political achievements.

Jack, on the other hand, was the only one who rose to the top by slaughtering his enemies.

He literally gained his position as a marshal by killing people!

Under Jack's imposing aura and murderous intent, Xavier's entire body trembled, and his head was drenched in sweat.


Xavier could no longer withstand Jack's aura. His legs had become weak, and he knelt on the ground.

The former master of the Brown family, as well as the head of the four greatest families, knelt on the ground.

"Xavier Brown, do you know what you've done wrong?"

Jack stared down at Xavier, as if he was on trial. 

"Who exactly are you?!"

Xavier gritted his teeth and glared at Jack.

"It's time for you to pay back the lives of the 36 Ferrell family members from ten years ago!"

Jack's icy voice was heard.

The next moment, he moved his hand to his waist and drew a sword.


He swung the sword forward, and it shone briefly in the air!

And the next thing they knew, Jack had already returned his sword to its original position on his waist.

"You… are…"

Xavier's head fell to the ground after blurting out the two words.

Blood gushed out from his headless body.


The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs. 

The timid ones wet themselves.


The rest of the Brown family members were dumbstruck. They were still reeling from the fact that the former master had been slaughtered!

Jack ignored the rest. He took out a black plastic bag and put the blood-soaked head inside.

After that, he turned and left. Even so, no one dared to stop him.

The 36 members of the Ferrell family were buried in the Ferrell family's mausoleum.

However, Jack was not the one who had restored the mausoleum.

Instead, he was in the middle of investigating the identity of the individuals who had collected the Ferrell family's bodies and built the mausoleum back then.

However, at that moment, he was not thinking about such matters.


Jack knelt on the ground.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Father, Mother, Uncle Robert, Aunt Sarah, and my younger siblings, I'm home. I've brought Xavier Brown's head to visit you.

"I'm sorry that I haven't paid you all a visit for ten years…"

As the commander of the Eastern Region, Marshal Azure had never once felt intimidated even in the face of thousands of troops.

But at that moment, he was crying like a baby.

Bosco stood by the side, clenching his fists.

He felt equally sad.

If not for Jack's prohibiting him from acting by himself, he would have killed each and every member of the four greatest families!


"You don't have to worry about me. I'll make those people who had harmed you regret their actions and pay for their crimes!

"But enough of the sad news. Let me share with you some happy news, I got married…

"Although I took my wife's last name, it's only for the time being, and I hope you won't blame me for it.

"She's the girl who had saved my life back then. She is a kind-hearted lady. I'll bring her over to pay you a visit next time.

"Alright. That's all for now. I'll come to visit you again."

Jack stood up and wiped away his tears before he left.

Xavier was just the beginning. He still had a lot more to do.

None of the four greatest families could escape from him.

They must not go unpunished. He would make them all pay!