Your highness...…. Sitara shouted hard so that her highness could at least hear out but nothing happened, the queen was no more'

Your highness please wake up. Now Sitara was crying. Shunaya was still seating on the same spot, she was shocked. Being that young but she could clearly understand what was going on. The blow she had received, her brain couldn't comprehend on what to do; she just sat there trying to digest everything that was happening.

The other maids heard noises coming from the queens chamber, they both rushed to see what was happening and just like that, the news spread as fast as a fire burning through the dry grasses, and the whole palace soon knew about it.


`Your majesty... your majesty' the kings eunuch entered the kings resting room in a rush.

What the hell are you doing here? didn't I order no one to disturb?! Roared his majesty, he wasn't very happy to be interrupted in the middle of his fun session with his new beloved concubine.

I'm sorry your majesty I have an urgent news to report ;

what news that couldn't wait... the king was still furious

I'm sorry your highness but...bu.... but queen Lakshmi has passed away, your majesty; answered Rond the kings eunuch while bowing his head to the ground, unable face his highness because he knew ,this is going to be a blow to the king.

Though the king had many wives and concubine like any other palace but Rond new that his majesty and queen Lakshmi had unforgettable past; A past that nothing could be able to break their bond, even though they had a lot of fights and quarrels here and there, but Lakshmi had always hold a special spot in the kings heart , even though the king never showed it. It was only queen Lakshmi who was married into the palace because of love, this wouldn't be a very good news after all., Eunuch Rond thought to himself.

wha... what do you mean? asked the king shocked

your highness queen Lakshmi died in her chamber this night, answered Rond still not rising his head

what do you mean she is dead? the queen wasn't ill, SO HOW DID SHE PASS AWAY? roared the king, now he was furious; how could she die?

we don't know your highness , we are waiting for the results from the royal physician. He is performing some check up right now your highness, Rond answered while trembling , he knew well about the kings temper ,and if they couldn't provide a good answer things wouldn't end up well on their side,

Summon the royal physician now; ordered king Carlos still furious and shocked. Even the concubine beside him didn't move an inch, she could sense the king was about to explode, but why? every body in the palace knew Lakshmi was the queen who had lost the kings interest!

After a while the royal physician entered the kings chamber, he found the king sitting on his bed, bare chest. his head bent low and a concubine beside him. The silence in the room told him that things wont go on his favor if he couldn't come up with the best answers.

Greetings your highness,

Speak; the king was in no mood to hit around the bush, he went straight to the point

Your majesty, her highness has been suffering from a critical heart disease for almost three years now, I first diagnosed it when she came back from the prison and I could clearly sense it had started earlier before her sentence, I notified her that, her condition would turn worse if she wouldn't take care of it soon but unfortunately her highness refused to get any treatment. Not only did she refuse to get treatment but also forbid the words about her being sick getting out of her chamber, she made as swore not to tell anyone about it. your highness please forgive this servant … said the royal physician while kneeling , begging for his life.

The king was still quite this whole time, with his head still bent downwards. No body knew what was going on through his mind.

Seeing the king being quite, Swara the concubine thought this was her chance to speak to some gain favor from the king.

`Was she crazy , what was she thinking,, she always find chances to do some stupid things. Even I....(before she could even finish her sentence, the awaited blaze arrived)

SHUT UP,,, how dare you , how dare you say that to my wife.... the king king roared furiously, he was like an angry lion ready to destroy every prey before him.

Silence no one dared to speak., GETT OUTTT!!! EVERY ONE GET OUT'

Without waiting even for a second everybody in the kings room disappeared, like they were not even there in the first place.

King Carlos was now left alone in his room. The pain he was feeling right now couldn't be explained, he wanted to cry but no tears came out. Holding his chest he laid back on the bed.

It was only the day before , he had gone to see his queen after three years of imprisonment, He had thought that the queen was a heartless murder and had ordered a decree for her to be imprisoned, but later found out that the ones he had thought to be victims where the true culprit and the queen did nothing but to defend herself. He had found out that the three sons he had with her , both did not die a natural death, but they were both killed and the queen was frauded into a murderer case of one of kings concubine. It was because of her royal mother and her beloved Lakshmi who didn't give up the fight, after a hard work of those two, the true culprit was brought into the light of justice.

He had gone to see Lakshmi to seek for a new beginning even though he knew it wasn't that simple. And once he saw her everything had changed.....