Entering queen Lakshmi's chamber, King Carlos found Lakshmi sitting near the garden. its been three years since he last saw her now looking at her well, she had lost some weight and she looked pale, he felt his heart aching ;how could he be that cruel to his own woman?

Queen Lakshmi's mind seemed to be a bit far, she hadn't realized that some one was behind her, until when the eunuch announced the kings arrival did Lakshmi came back to her senses

Slowly turning back facing Carlos, greetings your highness; greeted Lakshmi while slightly bending to show some respect.

Every one move away, I want to speak to her highness; announced king Carlos to the maids and guards.

Its not that he had something very personal but today he had noticed something very different from Lakshmi, her eyes that were always filled with love, adoration and longing for him, now looked at him as a stranger. Like he was in front of her but at the same time felt like they where very far from each other. The fear he had before meeting her now increased.

Lakshmi how have you been?, Carlos broke the silence,

Very fine, thanks for asking your majesty.

Now Carlos realized even her tone seemed to be very distant, he knew he had done a great and unforgivable mistake of his life ,but he never thought even in his wildest dreams that things would take this direction, he had not thought things would be this worse. Honestly speaking even the speech he had prepared for hours now evaporated in the thin air. Not knowing what to say anymore the king then proposed

Now that you are out and proven not to be guilty, you will have to resume your duties as a queen, lets forget everything that happened in the past, lets start a new chapter.

Yes your majesty I will, but can I have few weeks to recover I only just came from the prison I'm still not feeling well,

okay you will have few weeks of rest;

Thank you your highness, answered Lakshmi

Then silence, no body spoke a word and things started to be a little awkward. Not being able to hold it anymore Carlos broke the silence.

Its been a while now since we last met, don't you have anything to say to me? asked Carlos emotionally.

Our relationship isn't that good your highness, I'm afraid whatever I will say will only make things worse. said Lakshmi rather distantly

Carlos moved forward, with one hand, he captured Lakshmi's slim waist and pulled her close to his chest.

Stop it Lakshmi, why are you doing this to me? Fine i admit that i made a huge mistake of my life, but ,..don't do this to me;

And what have I done your highness? asked Lakshmi clueless

Carlos call me by my name, I'm still your Carlos Lakshmi... please. I was a fool and blinded person, I don't know how I failed to distinguish between truth and a lie. I did disappoint you, but give me a last chance. I'm not forcing you to get back to me but I want you to know, I MISS YOU....; now Carlos was even more emotional, he pulled Lakshmi even closer to him and hugged her even tighter. without this woman he always feel incomplete now having this woman close to his arms again, he felt whole.

Lakshmi this time i promise that .....

STOP!!! before Carlos could even finish his sentence, he was stopped with Lakshmi

Just stop, said Lakshmi while trying to break from his embrace, ` I have had enough of your fake promises, you have broke every single promise you once gave to me. I don't think if there's even a need to add anymore of that..,'

Lakshmi i want to hear from you today, what do you feel about me.... said Carlos not sure if he is ready to hear the answers.

Lakshmi raised her head and looked Carlos in the eyes,` you were once my everything, whenever I sawed you in the past my heart flattered, when ever you were far from me my body, soul, heart longed for you. My world revolved around you... but

Carlos`s heart skipped a beat after hearing the word but, not sure if he could handle the after words , but he strengthen his heart,.. say it Lakshmi demanded Carlos not being able to wait anymore.

You know what Carlos, when I was still in prison I really wanted to see you, but now you are here with me I have nothing to say. looking at you today I feel nothing. Not pain, not anger, nor love. Tts just nothing , I now believe what my grandmother once told me.. `a flower blooms and wilts'

What did you just said? Carlos panicked, what he had feared the most had happen. He brought Lakshmi into his arms again with a strong embrace while looking at her eyes trying to confirm what he had just heard, but after looking at her for a long time, he let her go.

You will be sorry for this Lakshmi, I will make sure of that said Carlos

Eunuch Ron his majesty called for his right hand,

yes your highness, Rond was startled by the voice his highness had used. And when he reached there, no body had to tell him what was going on there, he knew things were even worse.

Go call concubine Swara, tell her that I summon her to my resting chambers now, ordered Carlos while looking at Lakshmi's face ,looking and hoping for any changes.

But your highness its too early for that, you still have state matters to attend to, the eunuch answered shyly, he knew the motive of the king and felt sorry for her highness.

what did you just said, Carlos turned around to look at eunuch, poor Ron if looks could kill , the look the king gave him now could have chopped him into pieces

Nothing your highness I'm going right away, answered Ron with his head bent low. And he left like a shooting arrow

Carlos turned to look at Lakshmi, he found her smiling not a slightest jealous could be detected on her.

Lets see how long you will still behave like this, i want to see the end of your arrogance Lakshmi . And just like that Carlos left in anger.

Lakshmi stood there looking at his husband back, he was once her child hood lover , with a small voice that could not be heard by any one but herself, Lakshmi said` so this is our last and final meeting, so this how everything ends. goodbye'

Not far from there Shunaya was witnessing everything that was going on between her parents, and honestly she didn't know what to feel. she was too young to understand. But slowly without even her noticing something was being built in her heart.


Carlos was pacing to and fro in his room, he felt restless. His heart was on fire, he was looking for ways to cool down his anger

your majesty, you called for me, Swara had already reached the kings chamber.....