
I was absent-mindedly watching the ceiling with ceiling fan spinning around.

I flashed back what I have agreed with Saya's father that happened 3 days ago. I remembered that I agreed to craft 5 guns for him and his subordinate.

And I did. I was looking at 4 hand-made gun on table plus with one that I handed to him last time. They were different not the same type with Rounder-97 which have modern structure. To be more simple, 4 guns were primitive gun. Well, I did as I promised.

I agreed to craft 5 guns that doesn't mean it will be the same gun that I demonstrated. Of course, he won't be angry with this.

And for bullets, I taught his engineer named Matsudo how to do so now I have mostly done all what I have promised.

I also proposed to provide a lot of metal to me but he seemed to be suspicious me despite my sincerity.

Well, from the beginning, I showed no sincerity though. Nevertheless, I did indeed trying to build the strongest shelter for now. Because the situation was unknown but one thing I knew is there will be only chaos in future. And I also want to secure me a good position in this. Just seeing this as investment.

Here is the problem that I had headache.

The amount of metal transported to me were limited so the spare metal to build my suit wasn't enough.

To solve this problem, I looted …

No I meant … borrow their resource. A lot of high quality metal bar. One day in future, I will repay what I have borrowed. For my dream, to build a combatant suit. The dream that was once dead in past was now resurfaced. Even I dare to rob to achieve my dream.

The security here wasn't tight so I had a lot of opportunity to do this.

They only protected important store like food store or weapon store and refugee camp. They also protected warehouse that store materials but on low level. I had observed their role time so I knew the hole in their security.

Of course life wasn't that's easy. Since this happened, the security became more tighter than before.

And I also had someone tailing me. Properly the owner's subordinate in this estate. Although they only passed by me, I already notice their unusual behaviour. Their eyes and how they walking already told me this.

This proved that Saya's father did not entirely trust me.

Does this make me angry?

The answer is no.

If I were in his position. I also reacted like this.

Just imagining that stranger said to you that he is a secret agent of government and handed you a thing that I have never seen before. To a sharp people, they believe this person will be a spy or something like that. In my case, I just transmigrated here but this possibility was eliminated in a second. I don't know what he is thinking but I knew situation like this can't take lightly.

This situation happened and I can't escape that I was number one suspect. It's indeed me doing this but I don't want to live outside with zombies and I will surely repay in future.

If you ask me why I can't take this slowly, then I will tell why.

The original of this was come from refugee camp. Since I was living here, I can't ignore this. The refugee camp started to become crazy with each day. They are all adults but their way of thinking makes me disappointed.

They always shouted like:

"Why I have to follow this killer"

"We can't depend on killer. We can solve this in peace"

"We need to volunteer and together create vaccinate"

"We need to create perfect social"

All this made my ear go to dear. Although I am not a pharmacist or alchemist, I know this disease like this can't be cured just in one day or one month.

But the problem wasn't laid in this, there was a crazy opinion that they will start the coup. I don't know who started this.

This is the only matter that I really concerned.

It obviously that Souichiro Takagi and his people will win but the problem is when this is going to happen.

Maybe it was a small fire for now but It will be big in future. The history told me this.

Without doubt, there will be a massacre and I don't want to see this.

Pressure and stress forced me to do this. Although they are all stupid, that doesn't mean I will be gladly watching they kill each other. I'd rather using people than wasting them.

And beside, coup in time like this is a stupid thing. Anyone with right mind know this but they are not on their right mind now.

I'm not happy with this process. Without doubt, my time went shorter.

I don't know what future held.

I was contemplating this seriously. Suddenly there was a knock on door behind me.

"Come in" I said with gentle voice.

"Sorry for interrupt you. Here is the material for today." the man in white suit put the box down.

I knew him. He is Yoshioka. One of the loyal to Takagi. He is calm and reasonable. I knew his purpose for coming personally here today.

"Just you know. There is a theft in here" his eyes were staring straight into me. Expected to see anything suspicious from my behaviour.

"I have no idea about this." I replied with stoic face. Unfortunately for him, my skin was thick.

It seemed like my remark make him frown a little bit.

"Since I say this, take care your stuff carefully" his eyes were wandering around my space.

His action proved to be useless. There is no way I use this place to store stolen thing.

I transported it to outside already.

"Yes, sir. Just for knowing. Can you tell me what was stolen"

He seemed to think something hard in his mind but decide to answer.

"some high metal bar, food, drink, weapon…"


I knew I stole metal bar but food, drink and weapon I didn't steal it. Now, I understood why security became more serve. Another problem occurred.

It felt great. As if this place was destinated to collapse like manga I read in past.

"Thank for report. If I find any suspicious people, I will tell you"

"Thank for your care"

With that, he went out.

"Great, now I have to play detective" I pinched the bridge of nose.