Secret eavesdropping

The sun is illuminating Takagi's estate. The ground, building was coated with red marble. Although the light of the sun is warm, this warm can't sooth the tense atmosphere in here. Just a few day ago, there is a fire in refugee camp. This caused everyone panic. Although the fire was extinguished and no people was harm in this, the discontent between Saya's father people and refugee became more tense. The refugees didn't say anything but their disgusting could be felt through their eyes.

Since the fire accident started, the guard was doubled to prevent this from happening again but this action also caused the refugees unhappy. Whatever happened, the true culprit of this still didn't get caught.

That is the reason why I was here. In the bush. Watching people with binocular. I disguised myself as a bush to investigate smoothly. With my excellent skill in camouflage, I believe that no one will know me in here until the bush starts talking.

I waked up soon to choose a suitable place to observe. The place I chose is very deserted and have wide view.

I have been camping this place for 4 hours to adjust my devices. Of course, to prepare for today, I also prepared a lot, only for today. Before my eyes is eavesdropping device, earplugs, instant noodle, water and binocular.

I started doing since I hear the steal happened in this place on the same day that I stole their metal bar. Whew I promised I will give them back with appropriate price so my action didn't call steal but rather borrow. Anyway, this is a good thing to me. I also ceased all my action and future plan to do this. Because this is a golden chance for me, this time need a conciliation. Of course doing this also gained for me many benefits. For example like gaining Saya's father trust, going to a high position and crisis in this shelter was lifted.

Without doubt, this is opportunity disguised as unfortunate.

The process of building armor was stopped but I didn't get angry from this. Someone dared to open harm this place so as a educated civilian, I have duty to find the mastermind behind this and bring him to the light. How noble me.

So I named this operation is 'Save Takagi's estate'.

To accomplish this hard mission, I have to do something that sounds very bad. That is installing microphone everywhere in this estate. I installed this everywhere like Saya's father room, refugee camp, guard's suit, bush, under table and even in toilet. Now I became the person can hear anything in this domain. No secret can't hide from me for now.

"hmm" I coughed lightly.

"All this for investigating"

Since I have been already installing all microphone, the next thing I do is adjusting frequency. This thing I called eavesdropping device but it was modified by me from old radio. I found it in storage but since no one used it so I took it. Now It can connect the bluetooth.

Better use it than leave with dust on it.

"Let's get started" With that, I started adjusting the device.


I was patient to adjust it.

"!@#@#$?" I heard something, it was very close now.

"Mother. You have to believe me"

"Hmm" I rubbed my cheek slightly.

"You bitch, what you want me to understand. It's you the person caused trouble to my son" The anger could be felt through this earplugs. The sounds like from old lady.

"It was me that I searched medicine for Shido"

"No, you didn't do this. You abandoned my son." Although I can't see it, I can imagine that this person try to strangle this girl with eyes alone.

"Mother" Now there is a male's voice.

"You …"

"Boring drama" With that, I changed frequency to another microphone.

*Music theme*

"Music. There is still a person listen to music."

I was listening to it for 10 seconds and suddenly realized that this tone somewhat familiar.

"If you kn…"

"Not today Rick Astley"

This world have a lot of unexpected thing but never thought there will be Rick roll troll here.

I changed the channel.

"This is boring" I could hear the long yawn from the male.

"Stay focus, junior. We must complete the task given by leader"

"I knew. It's just … it's boring"

"Look those people, they look at us with disgusting expression even though we are not the culprit"

"That's why we need to focus. The recent incident have widened the gap between us and them"

"Beside, they organized a special team to investigate this"

"Shesh, I don't know who do this. What damage storage can make benefits for them. The food source was already limited and now someone started a fire. Why our leader admit them in here."


"I don't know but since it's a command from leader. We should do this"

"Alright alright. Are you have any other wish in this apocalypse"

"If I can, I wish that our master can build a stable shelter not like this"

"How noble are y…"

And I changed the channel

"Those people are liar. We need to stand up and take our freedom back. Those killer can't brought the peace but we are. We are the messenger from GOD and here we say that we need a revolution. Who follow me to the future where no killer and produce vaccine for everyone" I now heard someone give a preach about Saya's father reputation.

A very bad imagination.

I took binocular to locate this group of people. I discovered that they discussed this in big tent.

"What a ungrateful people" I sighed helplessly. I took people in that tent down in the note.

It seemed like they forgot one thing. This is Takagi's estate not refugee camp so from the beginning, they shouldn't stay here.

Saya's parents gave them a shelter but now, they repaid with this. They think they can take control this.

"How disappointment"

If I were leader, I will choose to kick all of them when hearing this. There is no benefits to keep those ungrateful people.

Having taken note all people down, I changed the channel.

"Rei, are there another important thing"

"I'm neither Takashi. When there is a danger, you don't think twice to go out and risk your life. You don't need a reason because you know it's just something you have to do"

"You even risk your life to save us"


"You're in pain. Get some rest"

"I'm gonna go see sensei about this"

This is a conversation between Rei and Takashi. If I have a word for Takashi then it will be 'stupid' and Rei have some improves which means good. But in the end, those are still better than those in survivor's camp. If Takashi get zombies, he will be dead but for some reason, he always come out alive. Like those main protagonist in manga that I usually read.

At least they accepted the reality not like those outside.

"Anyway let's get back what I am going to do"

I have been listening for 10 hours and the harness wasn't great. Beside, those talked bad behind the owner. I don't have more clues. I thought they will be careless.

It's afternoon now.

I sighed heavily

"Maybe I expected to much"

While I rubbed my head to think another way to approach, a couple man and woman come towards me. I'm in the bush so no need to panic.

"Is this place okay"

"It's deserted people so it okay"

Without waiting they continue, I know what they are going to do.

Luckily I prepared this.

"Activated unnecessary repulsive couple machine"

Immediately, they heard the talking sound and footsteps behind the wall. They thought that was guard's voice so they immediately left.

"Want to occupy my spot, in your dream"

The thing that they heard is just my recorder.

With that, I continued my eavesdropping.