
"From the right, Kohta"

"I'm trying."

"Those from inside start to climb the fence. We must hurry."

"What is the plan?"

"We kill as much as possible and find a way to run."

"So where are we going now."

"I know there is a near school right here. We are going there to seek for sheltering." I said.

"Do you think they will receive us?" Takashi asked.

"Yes, they will. After all, the leader in that place is from government."

"I have been waiting for this moment to fire this gun" Kohta commented.

*Bang bang*

The gun that Kohta used is Luger P08 Pistol.

With his excellent aim, he headshot with each pull. Simultaneously, Kiriko and Saeko charged.

I'm behind to protect Shizuka sensei and Saya from those climbing the fences.

Not letting them climb over the fences, I drew the gun from the coat and aimed the muzzle at their head.

Having stabled the hand, I shot. My marksmanship is even incredible than Kohta. Kohta's marksmanship is good but he needs short period to aim another target while I shot without this period time. I just brought the guns in circle. When the gun aimed at head, I pulled the trigger. Sound's very easily but it's very hard for those who weren't mastery at gun.

Just in 2 seconds, I killed 10 zombies surrounding me behind the fences. Although I was amazing, they didn't have time to complement my performance.

Another wave of zombie is coming from afar.

"Okay guys, we shouldn't stay here too long. I will open the path and we rush." I said.

I reloaded 2 handguns and fired at zombies ahead. One bullet killed 2 zombies in row. Very soon, a new path appeared.

"Go now." I hurried all of them.

Under my shout, everyone dashed forwards. We bashed every zombies blocking our path while I supported them from behind.

"Go go go. Almost there." we ran to the place where I parked the bus.

"Zombies in this place seems very little." Saeko said.

"It isn't good to see that we don't need to engage any zombie on our path."

"Yes. It's just strange"

"Who care. Just run." I shouted while a new wave of zombie was chasing from behind.

Each one of us entered the bus safe and sound. I was the last one to enter.

The moment I entered, I looked outside window to look for a safe path. Seeing zombies coming near, I rode the bus, leaving the scene.

"That is close guys. What have you just met?" Hiro asked

"Nothing special. Just guns and zombies" I replied.

"Luckily, they don't shoot at us."

I could hear them chatting lively from behind.

"Okay, guys. I will part from here. Just going this way, you will meet a school that I said before."

"Jean, we don't part each other." Saya said.

"You know, guys. I have just received a new mission so I need to go now. See this bus as our parting present." that was a lie that I made up.

"What's kind of mission?" Asami asked.

"Some secret and dangerous mission. Don't worry. I won't die that easily."

"For now, you must decide who will be your leader."


"I know this is a heartbreaking new but I must go. For country." I reloaded my guns while driving.

"I'm happy to know all of you. If you are lucky, you will see me again." I said my goodbye to them.

"How long we will meet again?" Rei asked.

"The earth is small and round. Don't worry that we won't meet again." I looked at rear mirror. I could see their sadness in their eyes. Nonetheless, I must go.


After parting, I moved to a certain factory. Not like last time, this time is a famous factory. In this place, I hided my armor, guns and ammo. The armor have many place to improve. For example, the Ark reaction is very necessary. This part will provide energy for armor. Before, I only used a very small capability of armor because the energy wasn't many. The principle that I will use is atomic energy. This thing is very dangerous but if you know how to harness this enormous energy, the benefits will very big. This is the initial reason that I created this armor.

As why I parted them is because I have to complete my mission. The one is finding the original of disease. And also I will support their evacuation.

My armor was out of energy so I can't use it in future. Having been charging without stopping the moment I received the ark core, I used it only for 3 hours and it's out of energy. My operation will be hard now. I intended to kill as much as possible to create more better chance of survival for them.

And I also received a new from my app. A new wave of nuclear bomb is coming near. Then the evacuation is very hard for military. This is their last chance to evacuate.

I should have gone with them but I reconsidered it. If I go with them, my time will limit very much. Going at this race, I will never complete mission even if I got old.

So I have to leave them. I'm sure they will be fine. I witnessed their process. At least, they are better than those running from zombies.

Back to topic, I planed to lure them to a certain place. A isolated place far from the evacuation point so that I can lit the fire to burn all of them. After thinking for a long time, I chose the junk yard.

This place is isolated so if I lit the fire here. It won't spread to the other place. I have 2 days before the evacuation happened so I must hurry.







I shouted loudly while behind me is a big wave of zombies walking. Visibly, around 1000 thousands zombies behind me. A very large numbers is enough to freak any survivor's shelter at the moment.

My shout is very loud because I spoke through speaker.

This deed maybe I am the only person on earth do this. I grouped them into one group so that I can kill them easily.

I just optimistically walked through them while they stretched their arm to grab me. If outsider see me at this time, they will think that I am crazy.

On my road forwards, I see some zombie blocking my way. They came to bite me now. Of course, with this low number, I just dodged them. I don't want to waste my stamina on this small fly.

I have repeated this many time and It was effective.

If you ask me what do I do when there is a large number of zombie ahead of you blocking your way, making you besieging between 2 big waves.

"Oh, a big wave that I group before."

I saw a big number of zombie blocking ahead me. Visibly, 400 hundreds.

What I will do now. The answer is lying in my coat. I drew a certain object from my clothes.

The thing that I held is grappling gun. Yes this is your answer.

I aimed at rooftop of nearby house. After attaching the hook, I climbed that house.

"See you later"

Then I silently went to other area to continue what I do.