Not a really peaceful night

"Fu what's a wonderful view."

I stood on the crane bridge looking down at the ground. I saw a massive zombies besieging me in this junk yard.

The number of them is incredible. I estimated around 200 000 zombies down there. Almost equaling to the big city in this world. I assumed. Because internet shut down, I don't know the real number in this world. Anyway, this is still an impressive number.

If military see this, they will bombard this area for sure.

"It's a pity that I must end soon" I drank the bottle of water.

Having run around for 14 hours straight, I felt like the dead inside.

"Tonight the city will become the brightest place. "

After resting for a while, I looked at zombies and lit the matches. Observing the fire on matches, I dropped the matches. The matches fell slowly to the ground. I was scared that the wind will extinguish the fire but fortunately, there was no wind now.

Passing through the gap of zombies, it touched the black substance. It was a oil that I poured before. As I had expected, the fire quickly spread on the surface. Bathing the junk part with red color. It's pity that no survivors witnessed this excepting one faction.

"So what I will do now?" I looked at the grappling gun and strange suit that I brought to this place.

The moment I parted them, I decided that I will act anonymously.

Considering for a long time, I decided to wear this suit and sleep for a while. It's still afternoon so it will be morning the moment I wake up.

"Let sleep first. I was hard-working this day." I used grappling to bind me the pillar so that I won't fall while sleeping.


4:23 AM, somewhere at ocean.

The submarine was camping.

"Sergeant. There is an important thing that we discover" a woman's voice rang out.

"What. A nuclear wave coming faster than calculation." a sergeant replied.

"No sir. It's just our UAV saw something."

"And what is that thing so important that you interrupt me." Sergeant grunted at her.

"This is a video from UAV. Please watch this. This is very important." newcomer offered a record.

The sergeant accepted the tablet.

The moment he received, shock and confusion was expressed clearly on his face.

"This is" he stammered.

"Yes sir."

"Some kind of new cult of apocalypse."

What the sergeant looking at was the figure dancing in the fire.

"Those idiots from above have already caused many troubles for us and now those citizen out there become more crazy with each day."

"How is the progress of evacuation?" He asked with stern face.

"Very positive sir."


"So do you know why this guy dance." he asked.

"According to our therapy, this is the consequence of desperation. When human becomes too desperate, they will deceive themselves by doing many thing like heretic in 19th." his subordinate answered.

"Describe it more details."

"Action such as gouging the pure maiden's heart out and offering it to the so called deity and after that they dance."

"They dance"

"Yes sir."

"Why they dance"

"To show gratitude. That is what our doctor said."

"Will we face them in future?" Sergeant asked in worried voice.

"According to information department. We likely have to face them. Approximately 74%."

"74%. That is a lot. At this rate, I will open the emergency meeting. Announcing it to everyone that the evacuation must be done quickly than planned."

"Yes sir." a woman replied in military's manner.

"What are you murmuring at?" she asked

"It's just this dance." The sergeant took a sip of water.

"What's wrong with this dance?"

"i remembered this" the sergeant recalled his memory.

"This is Chicago dance."

"What's the purpose of this Chicago dance, sir?"

"Whatever he do. He is calling others to join with him."

"Join with him" she titled her head in confusion.

"Yes, join with him. The cult"

The silence prevailed the atmosphere. They looked each other intensely.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

"Boy, girl. There is something attracting you so much that you forget to do your work."

"No general." both of them replied.

"What's this?" The general picked the tablet up.

"This is." both of them silently looked at general.

"A opening invitation from heretic. The human's sanity is degenerated at this rate. Sergeant. How is the evacuation's progress."

"Very good, sir."

"Good. It's right for me to trust you"

"Now I want you to do this quickly. I don't want to fight heretic like those from Dollywood movie."

"Affirmative" Both replied.

"Gentle and lady. For country."

"For country"

With that, the general left the scene.

"It's stressful" the cold sweat ran down from her head.

"Welcome to military, rookie"

"So what we do now."

"We do what we must." the sergeant raised and clenched his hand.

"Save human from desperation".


Back to the true scene. Jean was sleeping lightly on the crane.

After wearing the suit, she fell to sleep like the dead.

She thought that sleeping at this height won't danger her life. Because she had already confirmed 2 things.

Zombies can't pile up into the mountain to reach to her.

Zombies can't use the ladder.

But she forgot something, the fire.

In the dark night, the wind suddenly surged violently. Carrying the spark of fire, it lit to the crane where Jean slept.

And this is how the true happened.


"Oh my god. Fire." I said while trying to extinguish the fire.

The suit I carried is easily to catch fire.

"Next time. I won't pick this material." I jumped as the fire burned inside me.

Although it's small, it still burned me to some degree.